Hello all
So this week in wrestling I noticed something that I hope is not going to happen. My wife and I were watching RAW on Monday, and as it came to the end of the night, she said something that I am going to disagree with. What happened was CM Punk was in the ring beating up on WWE chairman Vince McMahon, and was going to do some real damage to him, when out to his rescue comes Ryback. As the show is going off the air, Vince says Punk can either face John Cena, or Ryback at the “Hell in the Cell” Pay per View. After that announcement, my wife said if Punk beats Ryback, she will not watch wrestling anymore. I am on the other side, if Ryback wins the WWE title (that is if Punk chooses him, which I am sure he will not), then I will stop watching WWE.
The 1st reason I am not on board with Ryback winning the title is because there is no build up to this match. That would mean that the main event at the Cell ppv would have 1 week of buildup. That’s it? For a WWE title match. And again if they have Ryback win he will be ending Punk’s near yearlong title reign. This would be historic. And quite frankly, Ryback does not deserve to be the person to have honor bestowed upon him. I know the only other person who is a contender is Cena, and most of you all don’t want to see him with the title again, but at least you know he can defeat Punk for that title, and you would not wonder who he was.
The 2nd reason I am not on board with this move is because Ryback has not been the smoothest wrestler. I know at first we saw him destroy a few wrestlers, I consider to be tomato cans, but when he has had to step up to major competition, he has not done well. I don’t know if anyone has seen his match from RAW vs. Tensai, but he tried twice to lift the big man above his head to perform his finishing move, but he could not get him up, and had to settle for a clothesline, and a pin. I just don’t feel that a guy who is not exactly what we think he should be as far as being a big man who can squash people, should even be considered for the title, at least not yet.
3rd reason why is because we have seen this before. This guy is somewhat of a clone of the Ultimate Warrior, and Goldberg. As a matter of fact during his match, the crowd does the GOLD-BERG, GOLD-BERG chants. As we have seen from both of these guys, it is a good novelty, but you can’t have these guys as the leaders of your company. They are great for beating up little guys who weigh maybe 2 or 3 times less than them, but who really wants to have this guy leading the charge for the WWE?
All and all I like Ryback for what he is. He is a big man that beats the crap out of little guys. There is a place for him. But it is not as the WWE champion. Punk has been the champ for 11 months, one of the longest reigns in the last 20 years. Again, for something so major, we can’t have some guy who just got to the company, who can only have a good match with local jobbers, win the title. Now in the next year or so if Ryback continues to destroy guys, and maybe win a US or InterContinental title, then maybe it will be time, but as of today, it is not the right move.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Sunday, October 7, 2012
I don't normally do this, but.......
Hello all
It has been a long time since I have written anything about Impact (TNA) wrestling. I do not want to kill them too bad, so I figured if I did not have anything nice to say about them, I would not say anything at all. Well tonight I am going to go back on that.
I want to talk about what has been going on in TNA if you have missed it. About 4 months ago a group of masked men started to appear at TNA events, and attack the talent. They attacked everyone, it did not matter who you were. Face or heel, they beat people up. The group identified themselves as the “Aces and Eights”, a motorcycle group who is out for destruction.
Okay, so there are a few things that I don’t understand about the group, and the way TNA is handling them. One thing is why have they been around so long, and not really been a part of the show? Why are they the group that is “somewhere” in the building, but not on the active roster? Who are you fooling? We all know that they are a part of the team, so let’s just cut the charade.
Next thing I don’t understand is what do they want? Do they just want anarchy? What are they doing there? What makes them tick? I know that they are going to have a match at the “Bound for Glory” pay per view, which will give them access to the Impact Zone (which I totally think they are going to win by the way) but after that, then what? What is the end game? Will they take their masks off and become TNA superstars, or will they stay in the back of the arena and continue to play poker, and have their voices distorted?
The last thing I do not understand about them is why aren’t they trying to get more involved in the world championship? If that is not the reason why they came there, to shake up the title scene in TNA, then what are they doing there? Are they there to beat up Sting, and Hogan? Really? How many times can these two old timers get theirs brains beat in? I don’t care to see that, what about you, do you want to see that?
As you all know if you have read the old blog I wrote on this topic, I love factions. The four horsemen, DX, the Dangerous Alliance, Right to Censor, The Nexus, The NWO, I love them all. So to not be able to like this group is so against my nature. But I don’t really think that this has much direction. They are just there. They want to beat some people up, but no one that makes a difference. They don’t want to beat up the champ and get the title from him, hell they don’t want any titles. At least when the NWO came through and wreaked havoc on WCW, they did so with the intention of taking all of the belts, and they did. So what are they doing there? I guess only time will tell.
P.S. I think that at the ppv Bound for Glory, it will come out that Bully Ray, is a member of the Aces and Eights, and I also think that this group is led by Eric Bischoff. Just one man’s opinion
It has been a long time since I have written anything about Impact (TNA) wrestling. I do not want to kill them too bad, so I figured if I did not have anything nice to say about them, I would not say anything at all. Well tonight I am going to go back on that.
I want to talk about what has been going on in TNA if you have missed it. About 4 months ago a group of masked men started to appear at TNA events, and attack the talent. They attacked everyone, it did not matter who you were. Face or heel, they beat people up. The group identified themselves as the “Aces and Eights”, a motorcycle group who is out for destruction.
Okay, so there are a few things that I don’t understand about the group, and the way TNA is handling them. One thing is why have they been around so long, and not really been a part of the show? Why are they the group that is “somewhere” in the building, but not on the active roster? Who are you fooling? We all know that they are a part of the team, so let’s just cut the charade.
Next thing I don’t understand is what do they want? Do they just want anarchy? What are they doing there? What makes them tick? I know that they are going to have a match at the “Bound for Glory” pay per view, which will give them access to the Impact Zone (which I totally think they are going to win by the way) but after that, then what? What is the end game? Will they take their masks off and become TNA superstars, or will they stay in the back of the arena and continue to play poker, and have their voices distorted?
The last thing I do not understand about them is why aren’t they trying to get more involved in the world championship? If that is not the reason why they came there, to shake up the title scene in TNA, then what are they doing there? Are they there to beat up Sting, and Hogan? Really? How many times can these two old timers get theirs brains beat in? I don’t care to see that, what about you, do you want to see that?
As you all know if you have read the old blog I wrote on this topic, I love factions. The four horsemen, DX, the Dangerous Alliance, Right to Censor, The Nexus, The NWO, I love them all. So to not be able to like this group is so against my nature. But I don’t really think that this has much direction. They are just there. They want to beat some people up, but no one that makes a difference. They don’t want to beat up the champ and get the title from him, hell they don’t want any titles. At least when the NWO came through and wreaked havoc on WCW, they did so with the intention of taking all of the belts, and they did. So what are they doing there? I guess only time will tell.
P.S. I think that at the ppv Bound for Glory, it will come out that Bully Ray, is a member of the Aces and Eights, and I also think that this group is led by Eric Bischoff. Just one man’s opinion
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Night of Champions Predictions
Hello all
Tonight is the “Night of Champions” Pay per View, and as you all know, I will be doing predictions tonight.
The United States Championship Match: Antonio Cesaro vs.?: The opponent in this match will be determined by a battle royal before the ppv. This guy may be the most boring champion in WWE history. I cannot tell you anything about him. With that said, I have no idea who he will face, and I honestly don’t care, so I will move on.
Diva’s Championship Match, Layla vs. Kaitlyn: As you all know, I don’t watch much of the women wrestlers (divas), so there is not much I can say about this match either. I will assume that because Layla hasn’t had the title that long, and Kaitlyn is not much of a star, I can go with Layla on this one.
WWE Tag Team Championship Match, Kofi Kingston, and R-Truth vs. Kane and Daniel Bryan: Now I think this will be an entertaining match. After reading last week’s blog, you all know that I am enjoying the work that Kane and Bryan are doing. I think that the audience is really responding to them. Honestly before they got on this roll that they have been on, with the “hug it out segment” and their tag team match this past week, I thought the “Prime Time Players”, would be the new tag team champs, but since this has happened, I think that Kane and Bryan will win the titles tonight.
Randy Orton vs. Dolph Ziggler: Outside of the WWE title match (which I think will be the best match of the night), I think this will be the match of the night. You have two guys who can really go. I think Dolph is one of the best young wrestlers in the business. I have always thought Orton was a guy who could wrestler with anybody, and he has proven it over the past few years, so this will be a great one. I think that it is Ziggler’s time to shine. I am not sure when he will cash in his contract, but I think he wins the match tonight.
Intercontinental Championship Match, The Miz, vs. Rey Mysterio, vs. Sin Cara, vs. Cody Rhodes: I feel like the Miz will retain his title. I think that none of the other challengers have stepped up and staked their claim as being ready to be the IC champ. So I will say the Miz retains in a semi entertaining match.
World Heavyweight Champion Match, Sheamus vs. Alberto Del Rio: I feel like this is the 3rd blog in a row that I talked about a World title match between these two. I will give it a few more sentences, but that’s it. If they fight at the next ppv, I will not put it in my blog. I think Sheamus will win this one, but I am not 100% sure. They may finally let Alberto fulfill his destiny and win the title. All and all, I don’t care; I just don’t want to see them fight again.
WWE Championship Match, CM Punk vs. John Cena: This one will be difficult to call. I think this will be the match of the night. I am thinking that they will not put the belt back on Cena for an 11th time, but I am really tired of Punk holding the title. The ppv is in Cena’s hometown of Boston. He had a title match there, when he came back from injured, and won the world title. And of course last year Punk won the title in his hometown of Chicago. So as you can see I am a little stumped by this one. I will say that tonight Punk will retain the title, and everyone will have to admit that punk is the best in the world (which I don’t think he is).
Alright guys, these are my predictions, let me know what you think.
Tonight is the “Night of Champions” Pay per View, and as you all know, I will be doing predictions tonight.
The United States Championship Match: Antonio Cesaro vs.?: The opponent in this match will be determined by a battle royal before the ppv. This guy may be the most boring champion in WWE history. I cannot tell you anything about him. With that said, I have no idea who he will face, and I honestly don’t care, so I will move on.
Diva’s Championship Match, Layla vs. Kaitlyn: As you all know, I don’t watch much of the women wrestlers (divas), so there is not much I can say about this match either. I will assume that because Layla hasn’t had the title that long, and Kaitlyn is not much of a star, I can go with Layla on this one.
WWE Tag Team Championship Match, Kofi Kingston, and R-Truth vs. Kane and Daniel Bryan: Now I think this will be an entertaining match. After reading last week’s blog, you all know that I am enjoying the work that Kane and Bryan are doing. I think that the audience is really responding to them. Honestly before they got on this roll that they have been on, with the “hug it out segment” and their tag team match this past week, I thought the “Prime Time Players”, would be the new tag team champs, but since this has happened, I think that Kane and Bryan will win the titles tonight.
Randy Orton vs. Dolph Ziggler: Outside of the WWE title match (which I think will be the best match of the night), I think this will be the match of the night. You have two guys who can really go. I think Dolph is one of the best young wrestlers in the business. I have always thought Orton was a guy who could wrestler with anybody, and he has proven it over the past few years, so this will be a great one. I think that it is Ziggler’s time to shine. I am not sure when he will cash in his contract, but I think he wins the match tonight.
Intercontinental Championship Match, The Miz, vs. Rey Mysterio, vs. Sin Cara, vs. Cody Rhodes: I feel like the Miz will retain his title. I think that none of the other challengers have stepped up and staked their claim as being ready to be the IC champ. So I will say the Miz retains in a semi entertaining match.
World Heavyweight Champion Match, Sheamus vs. Alberto Del Rio: I feel like this is the 3rd blog in a row that I talked about a World title match between these two. I will give it a few more sentences, but that’s it. If they fight at the next ppv, I will not put it in my blog. I think Sheamus will win this one, but I am not 100% sure. They may finally let Alberto fulfill his destiny and win the title. All and all, I don’t care; I just don’t want to see them fight again.
WWE Championship Match, CM Punk vs. John Cena: This one will be difficult to call. I think this will be the match of the night. I am thinking that they will not put the belt back on Cena for an 11th time, but I am really tired of Punk holding the title. The ppv is in Cena’s hometown of Boston. He had a title match there, when he came back from injured, and won the world title. And of course last year Punk won the title in his hometown of Chicago. So as you can see I am a little stumped by this one. I will say that tonight Punk will retain the title, and everyone will have to admit that punk is the best in the world (which I don’t think he is).
Alright guys, these are my predictions, let me know what you think.
Monday, September 10, 2012
Never thought I would say this, but YES
Hello all
So as I was watching wrestling for the past few weeks something was brought to my attention. When WWE announced that RAW would become a 3 hour program I was hoping that it would mean that there would be more wrestling and a little less entertainment. Don’t get me wrong, I totally understand why they do it, but I would just like to see more wrestling. This is a wrestling show by the way.
So far this has not been the case. There have been endless replays of what happened last week on RAW, or SmackDown, what happened at the last ppv, what someone has put on one of the many social sites that they are a part of, and many other things. I know you think that what has been happening would not be good for me to watch, but I have to admit, with what they have been doing lately, I have been entertained.
Let’s look at what they have done lately. Kane and Daniel Bryan have been going to “anger management.” Now as I heard they were going to have these segments, I thought “oh no, not another one of these”, but I watched anyway. When I started watching, I was intrigued, for some reason. I am not really sure why.
Anyway, after the anger management segment, they came out to the ring, and had to hug. Now I was thinking to myself, “How in the world could they make this work, on TV no less”. Now, I have to admit, in this 5-10 minute segment, I was glued to the TV. They had these two grown men, both former world champions, and instead of me wanting to turn the channel, I could not stop watching. They both were trying to hug, and it was amazing. I don’t think they could have sold the fact that they didn’t want to hug more than they did. 1st they chest bumped, then as one person came in for a hug, the other did not hug, and he would complain to the ref. So then the other one would go in for a hug, and the other one would not hug back. Then they did hug, and they looked like they were going to become good friends, but they hit each other, and went on to beat the crap out of each other.
I never thought I would be the one who was happy about this because truthfully, I wish they would have more wrestling, more up and comers, more replays of actual matches and not just segments from other shows, but this was fantastic. They could not have done better. If WWE keeps this up, then I think that the 3 hour time slot may work for them.
PS: Coming up this week, my “Night of Champions” PPV picks.
So as I was watching wrestling for the past few weeks something was brought to my attention. When WWE announced that RAW would become a 3 hour program I was hoping that it would mean that there would be more wrestling and a little less entertainment. Don’t get me wrong, I totally understand why they do it, but I would just like to see more wrestling. This is a wrestling show by the way.
So far this has not been the case. There have been endless replays of what happened last week on RAW, or SmackDown, what happened at the last ppv, what someone has put on one of the many social sites that they are a part of, and many other things. I know you think that what has been happening would not be good for me to watch, but I have to admit, with what they have been doing lately, I have been entertained.
Let’s look at what they have done lately. Kane and Daniel Bryan have been going to “anger management.” Now as I heard they were going to have these segments, I thought “oh no, not another one of these”, but I watched anyway. When I started watching, I was intrigued, for some reason. I am not really sure why.
Anyway, after the anger management segment, they came out to the ring, and had to hug. Now I was thinking to myself, “How in the world could they make this work, on TV no less”. Now, I have to admit, in this 5-10 minute segment, I was glued to the TV. They had these two grown men, both former world champions, and instead of me wanting to turn the channel, I could not stop watching. They both were trying to hug, and it was amazing. I don’t think they could have sold the fact that they didn’t want to hug more than they did. 1st they chest bumped, then as one person came in for a hug, the other did not hug, and he would complain to the ref. So then the other one would go in for a hug, and the other one would not hug back. Then they did hug, and they looked like they were going to become good friends, but they hit each other, and went on to beat the crap out of each other.
I never thought I would be the one who was happy about this because truthfully, I wish they would have more wrestling, more up and comers, more replays of actual matches and not just segments from other shows, but this was fantastic. They could not have done better. If WWE keeps this up, then I think that the 3 hour time slot may work for them.
PS: Coming up this week, my “Night of Champions” PPV picks.
Sunday, August 19, 2012
SummerSlam Prediction
Hello all
So tonight is SummerSlam. And as you all know, it is prediction time. So here we go.
United States Championship Match, Santino Marella vs. Antonio Cesaro: Yes, exactly, I have no idea who these people are also. I will try to give this match some of the respect it deserves; I mean it is for the US title. Since this Antonio Cesaro has beaten Santino a few times, and Santino has been the champion for a while now, I think Cesaro will win the title (much to the chagrin of my wife).
WWE Tag Team Championship Match, Kofi Kingston & R-Truth vs. The Prime Time Players: This has been a pretty entertaining rivalry lately. Prime Time has been getting the best of Kofi and R-Truth, and it looks like the Players are going to win the titles. Not so fast my friends…….naw just kidding, the players will win the belts. They are actually a good team, and they will have a pretty good run with the titles.
Intercontinental Championship Match, The Miz vs. Rey Mysterio: The Miz just won the belt at RAW 1000. He has been gone for a long time doing a movie, and I think this will be his time to be a major player on RAW. With that said, I don’t see him losing the belt tonight. I know Rey just came back from a long layoff (injury) also, but I still think Miz will retain the title.
Kane vs. Daniel Bryan:Chris Jericho vs. Dolph Ziggler: I don’t know about you guys, but this match is one that I am really looking forward to. You guys know I think Dolph is the future of WWE. I think he can do almost everything (he is not great on the mic, but that is what Vickie is there for). And I loved the Chris Jericho who was dressed in suits, and came out and insulted the fans. I have never been much of a fan of Y2J. That being said I think this match is going to steal the show. I think Dolph will take this match.
World Heavyweight Championship, Sheamus vs. Alberto Del Rio: I feel like this was a fall back match. I don’t know what they were doing with suspending the match, saying Sheamus would not wrestle, then him coming out, and now he is wrestling. I don’t get any of this, but hey maybe there is a reason for it. So my prediction for this match is that Sheamus will get beat up throughout most of it, but will work his way back, and he will retain the title.
WWE Championship, CM Punk vs. John Cena vs. The Big Show: I really want to see this match. There has been great build up to this match. Punk beat up the Rock at RAW 1000, and on the next episode, he told everyone exactly why he did it; because the WWE champion should be in the spotlight on RAW. I could not agree more with him on that. So now he is a heel and he is making sure that the WWE Championship is getting its spotlight. With that said, on to the match. As much as I would love to see a brand new WWE Champion, I don’t see either of these guys beating Punk. I guess if it were going to be one of the challengers, I think it would be the Big Show. I can’t see why Cena would win tonight, and not at RAW 1000. So I think Punk wins tonight.
Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar: This match has gotten very personal. I am sure Brock has been gone so long to get back into the mentality of wrestling, and Triple H has gotten back into shape. This is going to be a phenomenal match. There is one part of me that thinks that Triple H has to win this match because Brock is the bully, and bullies have to be put in their place. But there is another part of me that thinks Brock may be in beast mode, and he may destroy Triple H. So what am I going to go with as my prediction? I am going to say Triple H will pull off the victory, but he will get beat up real bad.
Okay people, there are my predictions. What do you think? Leave a message on here and let me know what you think, and/or what your predictions are. Thanks for reading.
Oh wait wait wait……..one more thing. I bet that after the hard fought World title match, I am 90% certain Dolph Ziggler will cash in his “Money in the Bank” contract, and win the title.
Sunday, August 5, 2012
So after a whole year, I like the rest of you, agree with Punk.
Hello all
So I was watching wrestling this week. I must say I have enjoyed watching wrestling for the past few weeks, at least in the WWE. I know you think I am a sellout, but they are offering the best value as of now. When Ring of Honor comes to TV, or when TNA actually gets better then I will keep my eyes open for them, but until that time, I will continue to talk about WWE. Any who, I saw something this past week that I thought I would never see. I saw something that made me agree with CM Punk. As you all well know, I am nowhere near a fan of this “outspoken” CM Punk, who everyone else fell in love with, but he said something that made so much sense, and is what I have been saying for a long time.
At the end of RAW’s 1000th episode Punk hit the Rock with a clothesline, his finishing move, and the “Go to Sleep”. On this Monday’s episode, he explained that RAW 1000 ended the way every episode of RAW should end, with the spotlight on the WWE Champion. And I totally agree.
Back in its heyday, the late 90’s and early 2000’s, every episode of RAW revolved around the Championship. I remember when I started watching RAW on a weekly basis that was always the case. It was normal at the beginning for the champion to come out, and basically set the show up.
The champ would come out, and if he was a face, he would tell his next opponent that he was ready to fight him and defend his title at any time. It was up to his opponent to try to get the champ to lose the title somehow. If the champ is a heel, maybe the #1 contender would come to the ring and call out the champ. Then the heel would either come up with excuses on why he can’t fight the face contender, or if he is a big bad heel champ, like Brock Lesnar or Mark Henry, he would dominate some smaller guys until he was matched up against someone his same size, or someone not afraid of him.
But the entire time, it was all about the title. This gave the title so much more meaning. Even after the brand extension, where they made 2 different world champs, on either show they made the title the most important thing on the show by making them the headliners of the night. Kind of like a concert, they put the main guy on last. That is the same way they used to do the titles. For some reason they have moved way from doing that, sometimes even making the champ come on as the opening match of the night. So having Punk come out and restore the prestige to the WWE title, is something I have hoped for for a very long time.
I know that a lot of you all have been in love with Punk for over a year, since he had his pipe bomb where he “spoke his mind” about everything in WWE from the word wrestler to the chairman of the board himself. Me, I have not been one of those. I remember when he was a mid-card guy. I remember when he was the world champ, and no one cared. So it was shocking to me that the same boring wrestler, who none of you cared about, all of a sudden became the new darling. But now I think we are all on the same page. As long as Punk is the WWE Champion, I have no problem with him being the main attraction.
So I was watching wrestling this week. I must say I have enjoyed watching wrestling for the past few weeks, at least in the WWE. I know you think I am a sellout, but they are offering the best value as of now. When Ring of Honor comes to TV, or when TNA actually gets better then I will keep my eyes open for them, but until that time, I will continue to talk about WWE. Any who, I saw something this past week that I thought I would never see. I saw something that made me agree with CM Punk. As you all well know, I am nowhere near a fan of this “outspoken” CM Punk, who everyone else fell in love with, but he said something that made so much sense, and is what I have been saying for a long time.
At the end of RAW’s 1000th episode Punk hit the Rock with a clothesline, his finishing move, and the “Go to Sleep”. On this Monday’s episode, he explained that RAW 1000 ended the way every episode of RAW should end, with the spotlight on the WWE Champion. And I totally agree.
Back in its heyday, the late 90’s and early 2000’s, every episode of RAW revolved around the Championship. I remember when I started watching RAW on a weekly basis that was always the case. It was normal at the beginning for the champion to come out, and basically set the show up.
The champ would come out, and if he was a face, he would tell his next opponent that he was ready to fight him and defend his title at any time. It was up to his opponent to try to get the champ to lose the title somehow. If the champ is a heel, maybe the #1 contender would come to the ring and call out the champ. Then the heel would either come up with excuses on why he can’t fight the face contender, or if he is a big bad heel champ, like Brock Lesnar or Mark Henry, he would dominate some smaller guys until he was matched up against someone his same size, or someone not afraid of him.
But the entire time, it was all about the title. This gave the title so much more meaning. Even after the brand extension, where they made 2 different world champs, on either show they made the title the most important thing on the show by making them the headliners of the night. Kind of like a concert, they put the main guy on last. That is the same way they used to do the titles. For some reason they have moved way from doing that, sometimes even making the champ come on as the opening match of the night. So having Punk come out and restore the prestige to the WWE title, is something I have hoped for for a very long time.
I know that a lot of you all have been in love with Punk for over a year, since he had his pipe bomb where he “spoke his mind” about everything in WWE from the word wrestler to the chairman of the board himself. Me, I have not been one of those. I remember when he was a mid-card guy. I remember when he was the world champ, and no one cared. So it was shocking to me that the same boring wrestler, who none of you cared about, all of a sudden became the new darling. But now I think we are all on the same page. As long as Punk is the WWE Champion, I have no problem with him being the main attraction.
Monday, July 23, 2012
RAW 1000
Hello all
Tonight is the 1000th episode of RAW. I cannot believe it either. In case you didn’t not know, tonight’s main event is between John Cena, and CM Punk, for the WWE Championship. With that said, tonight seems like a Pay per View. And because of that, I am going to write a preview blog to go along with it. Since I don’t know everything that is going to happen tonight, I will only talk about the things that have been advertised which are also what is on the website, the title match, Brock Lesnar’s response to Triple H about Summer Slam, and the wedding between Daniel Bryan, and AJ.
The Wedding: There have been a few weddings in the WWE, and I can’t remember one that has gone off without a hitch, so I am going to say that tonight there will be something that interrupts this “wedding”. Kane has interrupted a wedding before (between Edge and Lita), so I doubt it will be him. So I am thinking that maybe CM Punk, will stop the wedding and have AJ run off with him. But I could also see AJ realizing Bryan was using her, and her walking away leaving him at the altar. So my prediction is that this wedding will not happen.
The Challenge: Triple H has asked Brock Lesnar for a match at Summer Slam. We have not seen Brock since he “broke” his arm. Since then Brock has sued Triple H and WWE for breach of contract, and because of that, Triple H has asked for them to settle it in the ring, instead of in the court room. I see Brock Lesnar coming out (hopefully looking in better shape than he did a few months ago), and F5ing Triple H, and then saying he accepts his challenge. There is no way that this will not happen, and if both men have been training for it, which I think they have, then I think this will be a great match at Summer Slam.
WWE Championship: John Cena is cashing in his “Money in the Bank” guaranteed title contract, tonight. He is only the 2nd person to challenge a champion, and give him notice. It was a big surprise to me when Cena won the Money in the Bank, so of course you (as well as I) were thinking that this meant Cena will once again be the champion. Well I am not sure. Think about it. Eventually the Royal Rumble winner was not a lock to win the Title at Mania. In the 1st 15 years after the Rumble winner became the #1 contender, that wrestler (or wrestlers in some cases) was 12-3. That is a great number. Makes me want to win the Rumble. But in the last 5 years, the Rumble winner is only 1-4. That is terrible. You don’t know if the rumble winner will win the title. I say all of that to say that the MIB winner is 10-0 when cashing it in, but most times (all except one before tonight) that is normally after the champ has had a grueling match. So I predict, that we will see a 1st, John Cena will cash in the Money in the Bank contract, but will not win the title.
Ok guys, so these are my picks. I know that they seem a little off, but I am thinking outside the box on this one. I will be watching, as will you, so if you have a questions or comments hit me back. Oh yeah Congratulations WWE on 1000 episodes, and good luck on 1000 more.
Tonight is the 1000th episode of RAW. I cannot believe it either. In case you didn’t not know, tonight’s main event is between John Cena, and CM Punk, for the WWE Championship. With that said, tonight seems like a Pay per View. And because of that, I am going to write a preview blog to go along with it. Since I don’t know everything that is going to happen tonight, I will only talk about the things that have been advertised which are also what is on the website, the title match, Brock Lesnar’s response to Triple H about Summer Slam, and the wedding between Daniel Bryan, and AJ.
The Wedding: There have been a few weddings in the WWE, and I can’t remember one that has gone off without a hitch, so I am going to say that tonight there will be something that interrupts this “wedding”. Kane has interrupted a wedding before (between Edge and Lita), so I doubt it will be him. So I am thinking that maybe CM Punk, will stop the wedding and have AJ run off with him. But I could also see AJ realizing Bryan was using her, and her walking away leaving him at the altar. So my prediction is that this wedding will not happen.
The Challenge: Triple H has asked Brock Lesnar for a match at Summer Slam. We have not seen Brock since he “broke” his arm. Since then Brock has sued Triple H and WWE for breach of contract, and because of that, Triple H has asked for them to settle it in the ring, instead of in the court room. I see Brock Lesnar coming out (hopefully looking in better shape than he did a few months ago), and F5ing Triple H, and then saying he accepts his challenge. There is no way that this will not happen, and if both men have been training for it, which I think they have, then I think this will be a great match at Summer Slam.
WWE Championship: John Cena is cashing in his “Money in the Bank” guaranteed title contract, tonight. He is only the 2nd person to challenge a champion, and give him notice. It was a big surprise to me when Cena won the Money in the Bank, so of course you (as well as I) were thinking that this meant Cena will once again be the champion. Well I am not sure. Think about it. Eventually the Royal Rumble winner was not a lock to win the Title at Mania. In the 1st 15 years after the Rumble winner became the #1 contender, that wrestler (or wrestlers in some cases) was 12-3. That is a great number. Makes me want to win the Rumble. But in the last 5 years, the Rumble winner is only 1-4. That is terrible. You don’t know if the rumble winner will win the title. I say all of that to say that the MIB winner is 10-0 when cashing it in, but most times (all except one before tonight) that is normally after the champ has had a grueling match. So I predict, that we will see a 1st, John Cena will cash in the Money in the Bank contract, but will not win the title.
Ok guys, so these are my picks. I know that they seem a little off, but I am thinking outside the box on this one. I will be watching, as will you, so if you have a questions or comments hit me back. Oh yeah Congratulations WWE on 1000 episodes, and good luck on 1000 more.
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Money in the Bank Predictions
Hello all
I know I am late writing this blog, but I had an emergency, and could not get to it, until now. So I will get right into it, and do a prediction blog for the rest of the Money in the Bank PPV. By the time I sat down and wrote this the PPV already started and I know some of the results, so I will comment on what I know.
The Money in the Bank Ladder match for the World Heavyweight Title Shot: Dolph Ziggler your winner. I have been telling you guys for years, that Ziggler was the best wrestler in the company (and maybe the world) for at least a year and a half now, and finally WWE sees it too. I believe very soon he will cash in the contract and will be World Champion. And we will see more of the best wrestling WWE has to offer. You can hate him all you want, but he is going to be our champion, and it is about time.
World Heavyweight Title match; Sheamus vs. Alberto Del Rio: Sheamus won to retain his title. I am not at all surprised. I would have picked that outcome, had I been able to get this in before it started. I did not see Del Rio winning the title tonight. I think Sheamus’ time as champion is almost up, but I don’t think Del Rio is ready to be the face of SmackDown. I don’t think Ziggler will cash in the contract later tonight, but I am sure at the right time he will be the next champion.
The Money in the Bank Ladder match for the WWE Title Shot: A wonderful surprise happened tonight, the Miz returned, and will be in the MIB ladder match. Now this match seems like it is being set up for John Cena to win his 1st MIB, but I don’t see it that way. I am sticking to my guns from the last PPV, I think the Big Show wins this match, and I would not be surprised if he cashed it in tonight after the WWE title match.
WWE Championship Match; CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan: This will be very an intriguing match. And with AJ as the special guest referee, it is made even more interesting. AJ has been playing both guys between each other, and it will all come to a head tonight. This is going to be very hard for me to figure out. On the one hand, I (like I’m sure most people also) can see AJ helping Punk keep the title, and he becoming his girlfriend, and making a cute TV couple. But on the other hand, I could see AJ really being crazy, and helping Bryan win the title. I know what you are saying, make a decision………..so here it is. AJ helps Bryan win the title, and then Big show comes out with the contract, and defeats Bryan for the title. Exacting some revenge for Bryan doing the same thing to Big Show, after he won the title back in November.
Again I apologize for posting this blog so late, but I am glad I got it out there this week. Let me know what you think about my predictions, and about what you think might happen in the future.
I know I am late writing this blog, but I had an emergency, and could not get to it, until now. So I will get right into it, and do a prediction blog for the rest of the Money in the Bank PPV. By the time I sat down and wrote this the PPV already started and I know some of the results, so I will comment on what I know.
The Money in the Bank Ladder match for the World Heavyweight Title Shot: Dolph Ziggler your winner. I have been telling you guys for years, that Ziggler was the best wrestler in the company (and maybe the world) for at least a year and a half now, and finally WWE sees it too. I believe very soon he will cash in the contract and will be World Champion. And we will see more of the best wrestling WWE has to offer. You can hate him all you want, but he is going to be our champion, and it is about time.
World Heavyweight Title match; Sheamus vs. Alberto Del Rio: Sheamus won to retain his title. I am not at all surprised. I would have picked that outcome, had I been able to get this in before it started. I did not see Del Rio winning the title tonight. I think Sheamus’ time as champion is almost up, but I don’t think Del Rio is ready to be the face of SmackDown. I don’t think Ziggler will cash in the contract later tonight, but I am sure at the right time he will be the next champion.
The Money in the Bank Ladder match for the WWE Title Shot: A wonderful surprise happened tonight, the Miz returned, and will be in the MIB ladder match. Now this match seems like it is being set up for John Cena to win his 1st MIB, but I don’t see it that way. I am sticking to my guns from the last PPV, I think the Big Show wins this match, and I would not be surprised if he cashed it in tonight after the WWE title match.
WWE Championship Match; CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan: This will be very an intriguing match. And with AJ as the special guest referee, it is made even more interesting. AJ has been playing both guys between each other, and it will all come to a head tonight. This is going to be very hard for me to figure out. On the one hand, I (like I’m sure most people also) can see AJ helping Punk keep the title, and he becoming his girlfriend, and making a cute TV couple. But on the other hand, I could see AJ really being crazy, and helping Bryan win the title. I know what you are saying, make a decision………..so here it is. AJ helps Bryan win the title, and then Big show comes out with the contract, and defeats Bryan for the title. Exacting some revenge for Bryan doing the same thing to Big Show, after he won the title back in November.
Again I apologize for posting this blog so late, but I am glad I got it out there this week. Let me know what you think about my predictions, and about what you think might happen in the future.
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Excuse me!!!!!!!!
Hello all
This week as I was watching wrestling I noticed something I really liked. I thought I would never do a blog on this, but I have to say this one is well deserved and I think it is a good time to write about this. Tonight I am going to write about the women in wrestling.
Lately in WWE AJ, has been a subject of conversation. She has been a part of a “love triangle” with Daniel Bryan, Kane, and the WWE Champion CM Punk. She has been going between all 3 of them, and has been heavily involved in their matches. During those matches, when Kane seems to have the edge, her music plays and she starts to skip out to the ring. While this happens, Kane become memorized with her, and totally forgets about the match. I think this whole character is brilliant. I was not at all interested in AJ when she was just with Bryan as his girlfriend, but now that she is playing them against each other, I think it adds a lot depth to her character, and to the characters of the other men involved in this angle.
Now that we are talking about women in wrestling, I cannot go on without talking about the woman who has entertained me ever since she becomes a major player in the WWE. That woman is Vicki Guerrero. I have enjoyed Vicki’s work for a long time. I feel like she is one of the few people in the business that does exactly what they are expected to do. She comes out, she annoys everyone and they boo her. In the business there is a lot of gray area, a lot of not knowing who and what people are, It is nice to have a character that you know what you are getting from them. Vicki is just what she is supposed to be. She is a heal manager. She talks for her clients, and they go out and fight. All the while the fans hate her.
Lastly I will not talk about one specific woman, but I will talk about a group of women. The Knockouts division of TNA are clearly the best women in wrestling. They have a few women that you know very well from WWE. Gail Kim, Mickie James, and Tara (who wrestled in WWE as Victoria), and some others that you would have to watch TNA to find out about them. If you know anything about me, then you know that I don’t find woman wrestling entertaining at all, but I admit, I have watched their wrestlers, and they are by far, the best that there is out there. TNA even had a steel cage Knockouts match that was the main event on one episode of Impact Wrestling.
Again I know this is a first for this blog, but I felt these ladies deserved the spotlight. The business has been dominated by men, but these women are the new trail blazers. They will be the ones that are looked at for years and years to come.
This week as I was watching wrestling I noticed something I really liked. I thought I would never do a blog on this, but I have to say this one is well deserved and I think it is a good time to write about this. Tonight I am going to write about the women in wrestling.
Lately in WWE AJ, has been a subject of conversation. She has been a part of a “love triangle” with Daniel Bryan, Kane, and the WWE Champion CM Punk. She has been going between all 3 of them, and has been heavily involved in their matches. During those matches, when Kane seems to have the edge, her music plays and she starts to skip out to the ring. While this happens, Kane become memorized with her, and totally forgets about the match. I think this whole character is brilliant. I was not at all interested in AJ when she was just with Bryan as his girlfriend, but now that she is playing them against each other, I think it adds a lot depth to her character, and to the characters of the other men involved in this angle.
Now that we are talking about women in wrestling, I cannot go on without talking about the woman who has entertained me ever since she becomes a major player in the WWE. That woman is Vicki Guerrero. I have enjoyed Vicki’s work for a long time. I feel like she is one of the few people in the business that does exactly what they are expected to do. She comes out, she annoys everyone and they boo her. In the business there is a lot of gray area, a lot of not knowing who and what people are, It is nice to have a character that you know what you are getting from them. Vicki is just what she is supposed to be. She is a heal manager. She talks for her clients, and they go out and fight. All the while the fans hate her.
Lastly I will not talk about one specific woman, but I will talk about a group of women. The Knockouts division of TNA are clearly the best women in wrestling. They have a few women that you know very well from WWE. Gail Kim, Mickie James, and Tara (who wrestled in WWE as Victoria), and some others that you would have to watch TNA to find out about them. If you know anything about me, then you know that I don’t find woman wrestling entertaining at all, but I admit, I have watched their wrestlers, and they are by far, the best that there is out there. TNA even had a steel cage Knockouts match that was the main event on one episode of Impact Wrestling.
Again I know this is a first for this blog, but I felt these ladies deserved the spotlight. The business has been dominated by men, but these women are the new trail blazers. They will be the ones that are looked at for years and years to come.
Sunday, June 24, 2012
The things I noticed this week in wrestling.

Hello all
Tonight’s blog is not going to a specific topic, but it will be more so random thoughts about some things that have gone on in the wrestling world. Most will be what I have seen this past week, but there will be some that are from a long time ago that I am just now seeing.
Okay, let me start off with my predictions from last week’s Pay per View. I was correct in the World Heavyweight, and WWE Title matches, but I was not exactly correct about all of the details. Do you know who was……my wife. She said as she was reading the blog last week that she thought in the WWE title match, that AJ, would leave the match with Kane, and that is exactly what happened. When asked how she knew that, her response was “you know wrestling, I know drama”. I guess she was right. I was wrong about Cody Rhodes. I thought he would win the IC belt back and start to make his win into the discussion for the World title, but it looks like they are going to keep him fighting for the IC title just a little bit longer.
I was wrong about John Laurinaitis. I thought they would keep the angle of the bad boss going, but they decided to stop it. I thought they could get a lot more run out of it, with CM Punk, and John Cena, but they did not. Along with that, I was correct about the Big Show. I knew they would have him target the WWE title. But I was thinking they would put him in a program involving the title right away, but I guess they want to make him earn it? Oh well, I am sure I will be right in a few months (barring injury of course).
So I was trying to watch TNA this week, and you all know how much it pains me to say this, but I was very confused. Their main thing of the night was the fact that Dixie Carter, and AJ Styles had something going on, and they wanted to make it seem like they were having an affair. Christopher Daniels (another TNA wrestler) had pictures of the 2 of them together, and had been going around convincing everyone (including Dixie’s husband) they were together. But as it turns out, they were helping some random person with a substance abuse problem (or something). I am not really sure exactly what was happening at the end of the show, but somehow, they were vindicated for their actions, and they were not cheating. Well, I don’t understand what is going on with this. Who was this random person? And if they were not having an affair, why would they keep that from everyone? If you have nothing to hide, why do you hide? Just another thing in the long line of things about TNA that I just don’t get. And as much as I try, I just don’t know how much more of TNA I can take.
Lastly I want to tell you all why I love this business. I was watching an old episode of Ring of Honor. It is not on TV here in Atlanta, and I had to download it to my phone. As I was watching this show, they were introducing a new tag team to ROH. They were the tag team of Shelton Benjamin, and Charlie Haas, formerly in WWE known as Team Angle, or the World’s Greatest Tag Team. So as they came out to the ring, the crowd stood up and cheered for them. They were very excited to see this team come to ROH. They had the utmost respect for these guys. Respect. I absolutely love it when the fans have enough sense and enough class to show respect to guys who have earned it. Not everyone in wrestling is a douche, and needs to be put in their place. Sometimes there are some good guys in the business. When they come around; we need to show our respect for them. For once, I actually appreciate the fans for being knowledgeable about the business. Keep up the good work.
Maybe next week I will come up with an entire blog to write about. If not, I will tell you guys more about what I have seen in the past week in wrestling. Also if I have any Chris Jericho fans out there, I might do a review of his latest book (I say latest because he has written two, but I have only read the last one). It is awesome, and any fans out there should be really excited about it.
Sunday, June 17, 2012
No Way Out: Preview

Hello all
I know it has been a long time since I have written a blog, sorry about that. I know some of you have been waiting for it, and I will not let you down. If I cannot find anything to write about beside WWE, then I will just write about WWE
Any who, normally, I don’t write prediction blogs because I feel like they are cheap, and too easy. But I really missed the boat on the last PPV. I knew the Big Show would come out and help John Laurinaitis win the match. When I heard the wording that if any WWE Superstar helped Laurinaitis, they would be fired, I knew it would be Show helping him. I figured he would be apologetic the next night on RAW, saying he had to do it, because he had a family, and Laurinatis would hire him back only if Show helped him. I didn’t think Show would get upset with everyone else and make it about himself, but I knew he would be fighting John Cena at this PPV.
So with all of that said, tonight’s blog will be a prediction blog about tonight’s PPV.
Brodus Clay vs. David Otunga: I am not trying to be funny, but does anyone really care about this match? I assume Clay will win this match, but if he does not, then nothing will change.
Santino Marella vs. Ricardo Rodriguez for the US Title: I didn’t even know this match was happening. Oh yeah it is contested in a Tuxedo Match no less. I don’t see Santino losing the title to a ring announcer, so I say Santino wins this one.
Layla vs. Beth Phoenix for the Diva’s Title: I feel that Layla will win this one. Beth has been the Diva’s Champ and Women’s champ on multiple occasions (4 times total), and I think they will let Layla hold the title a little longer.
Christian vs. Cody Rhodes for the Intercontinental Title: I feel like the company wants to let Cody be the man. Remember I wrote a blog about Cody (which means he will be world champion soon)? I think he is well on his way to becoming the main man in the company. With that said, I think he wins his 3rd IC title, just like all of the greats before him, who have held it at least that many times, like Michaels, Edge, and Jericho. This will be his last title before he becomes world champion.
CM Punk vs. Kane vs. Daniel Bryan for the WWE Title: I don’t see Punk losing the title even in this triple threat match, although I could see AJ (the girl that is involved in somewhat of a love triangle) turning on CM Punk, and helping Bryan win the title, but I could also see Punk somehow pulling this out, and keeping the belt.
Sheamus vs. Dolph Ziggler for the World Heavyweight Title: Because Alberto Del Rio(the original #1 contender) got hurt, and Ziggler was a late replacement, I doubt he will win. I think he will give him a decent match, but Sheamus, pulls away.
John Cena vs. Big Show in a Steel Cage: This one is hard to call. I think that since Show has become a big angry giant, I could see him beating the crap out of Cena for most of the match, and Cena coming back and winning. But the only thing that I think stops that from happening is the fact that if Cena wins then Laurinaitis gets fired. I think they still have a lot of work they can do with the crooked boss/GM angle, so I think Show pulls out the win.
Oh and there is some announcement by Triple H, about his arm, Brock Lesnar, and the lawsuit. I think he will come out, and say how the suit is going, and that his arm is healing, then Brock will come out, and they will fight, and set up for the next PPV, where the will fight.
Now the aftermath is what I think will be very interesting. If CM Punk wins, I see him defending against….the Big Show. I think they have set him up to be the big bad man. And what does the big bad man need in wrestling……the Title. After Sheamus wins, I think they will try to get Del Rio his title shot, but he stays injured so, I don’t think he will be getting the belt, but since Cody Rhodes is on SmackDown, I think he will be challenging for the belt very soon. And what about Cena, you ask? I think Cena will continue to try to get rid of Laurinatis, by any means necessary.
All right folks, I am putting it out there. Tell me what you think.
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Where is all of the new blood?
Hello all
I know I have not written a blog in a while. Since WrestleMania, I have been writing a lot about WWE, and have wanted to do more than just them. But to be honest with you all, I have been watching TNA, and have not found anything good to write about. And since Ring of Honor is not on TV, I have not had anything to write about besides WWE. But as I watched TNA this past week, I did see something.
So last week I was watching TNA and the World Heavyweight Champion, Bobby Roode was defending the title on TV. They have started having title matches every week on TV, which is one thing they do that I actually like. Anyway, Roode successfully defended his title. After the match he chose to celebrate, not just the win, but the fact that he is the longest reigning world champion in TNA, since they broke away from the NWA and became their own company, since 2007.
After the celebration, Hulk Hogan told Roode he had a new challenger, and at that time the lights went out. So I was wondering, did someone jump from WWE, or is someone finally going to step up and become a new challenger to the title? But no, who was it when the lights came back up…….it was Sting, again, for like the 100th time. And Sting beat up the champ, and was given a shot at the title at their next Pay per View. The bad thing, to me, about that is their next ppv is Slammiversary. Slammiversary is TNA’s biggest ppv, like WrestleMania is to WWE. And this is their 10th, so this is a big deal for them. So I do not understand why they are putting in their main event, their longest reigning champion, the future of the company, and a man who is 53 years old and has been their champion 4 times already. So I am wondering, are they out of new stars?
From the beginning of TNA, it has always been as an alternative to WWE. They had these young gun wrestlers who could do anything. But where are all of those guys? Where is this X division that was supposed to be revolutionizing pro wrestling? Where are the young guys who are supposed to be challenging for the title? Why do we keep having the same guys challenging for the title? In the last 2 years, they have had Sting, Kurt Angle, AJ Styles, Mr. Anderson, Jeff Hardy, and Samoa Joe all challenge for it. The only 2 new guys to even challenge for (and subsequently win) the title are Roode, and his former tag team partner, and the man he defeated for the title, James Storm.
I hope that after Roode wins at the ppv we can get some new blood in the title mix at TNA. Say what you want about WWE, but Alberto Del Rio, Mark Henry, The Miz, Christian, have all held world titles for the year. All of those men were new to the title scene. Like I always say, I don’t write this blog to kill anyone, but I am giving my opinion. I hope that they have new wrestlers challenging for the title, because I cannot take any more of what looks like the old, and I do mean old, wrestlers.
I know I have not written a blog in a while. Since WrestleMania, I have been writing a lot about WWE, and have wanted to do more than just them. But to be honest with you all, I have been watching TNA, and have not found anything good to write about. And since Ring of Honor is not on TV, I have not had anything to write about besides WWE. But as I watched TNA this past week, I did see something.
So last week I was watching TNA and the World Heavyweight Champion, Bobby Roode was defending the title on TV. They have started having title matches every week on TV, which is one thing they do that I actually like. Anyway, Roode successfully defended his title. After the match he chose to celebrate, not just the win, but the fact that he is the longest reigning world champion in TNA, since they broke away from the NWA and became their own company, since 2007.
After the celebration, Hulk Hogan told Roode he had a new challenger, and at that time the lights went out. So I was wondering, did someone jump from WWE, or is someone finally going to step up and become a new challenger to the title? But no, who was it when the lights came back up…….it was Sting, again, for like the 100th time. And Sting beat up the champ, and was given a shot at the title at their next Pay per View. The bad thing, to me, about that is their next ppv is Slammiversary. Slammiversary is TNA’s biggest ppv, like WrestleMania is to WWE. And this is their 10th, so this is a big deal for them. So I do not understand why they are putting in their main event, their longest reigning champion, the future of the company, and a man who is 53 years old and has been their champion 4 times already. So I am wondering, are they out of new stars?
From the beginning of TNA, it has always been as an alternative to WWE. They had these young gun wrestlers who could do anything. But where are all of those guys? Where is this X division that was supposed to be revolutionizing pro wrestling? Where are the young guys who are supposed to be challenging for the title? Why do we keep having the same guys challenging for the title? In the last 2 years, they have had Sting, Kurt Angle, AJ Styles, Mr. Anderson, Jeff Hardy, and Samoa Joe all challenge for it. The only 2 new guys to even challenge for (and subsequently win) the title are Roode, and his former tag team partner, and the man he defeated for the title, James Storm.
I hope that after Roode wins at the ppv we can get some new blood in the title mix at TNA. Say what you want about WWE, but Alberto Del Rio, Mark Henry, The Miz, Christian, have all held world titles for the year. All of those men were new to the title scene. Like I always say, I don’t write this blog to kill anyone, but I am giving my opinion. I hope that they have new wrestlers challenging for the title, because I cannot take any more of what looks like the old, and I do mean old, wrestlers.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Pro Wrestling.......It's fantastic!!!!!!
Hello all
One of the loyal followers of this blog has been making a comparison for the last few years. He has been comparing wrestlers with NBA players. I would say he started doing this about 2 years ago when I was a guest on his radio show, but he also made mentions of it on this blog. Back then I did not have a chance (or maybe I just refused) to look into exactly what he was saying. Then maybe 2 weeks ago he sent me a newspaper/blog article with someone else making the same comparison. Now I cannot find the article, or I would give the gentleman credit, because it was very, very well done. I went through his article, there were some that I thought were accurate, and some that I thought were a reach. So to get conversation going, I would love to start this conversation tonight. Now some of these may be obscure for you all, so if you have any questions please let me know, and of course, if you don’t agree and want to say something different, please feel free to comment.
So let’s start with a man who has won almost every accolade in the business, except the big one. The brand new MVP of the league, LeBron James. Who do I think is the best guy in the business right now, who has won every title out there except for the world title? Shelton Benjamin. I know you may think it is a reach to go with Benjamin, but I can’t think of anyone else who is as good as him in the business right now. Now think about this, Benjamin has won every title in WWE except for the world title, and now he is in Ring of Honor, and again he has won a title, but not the big one. But if you have watched Benjamin, you know that he is probably the best guy in the business. Just like James, he has been dazzling us for about 10 years now. And just like James if he does not win the title, he will be looked at as a big disappointment. He will be a Barkley, a Ewing, and a Wilkins. If James does not win it, he will be here too.
Next I would like to compare factions with entire teams. The four horsemen stand for excellence and championships. In the NBA one team has personified this, and I hate to admit it, but the Boston Celtics, as an organization, are just that. The championships alone speak for themselves. But let’s dig deeper. Bill Russell has won more title as a player than anyone else, he is Ric Flair. And through the years the faces have changed but they are always there, and they have always stood for winning. Now on this next one, you are going to have to use your imagination for this. I say Phil Jackson is Triple H. And if Jackson is H, then the Chicago Bulls are D-generation X. Now take out the fact that DX was counter cultural, and just think about the championships they won their 1st time around, when it was just Triple H and Shawn Michaels; that would be like the 1st 3-peat. Then Michaels retires, so does Jordan. Afterwards they reform the team and have some success. Then Jackson leaves the Bulls and coaches the hated Lakers, and turned them into champions. And after that he started dating the owner’s daughter. Triple H left DX and dated the owner of the company’s daughter; he also formed a new team called Evolution. With Evolution, Triple H won 5 World titles, and with the Lakers, Jackson won 5 World titles. These teams have all become the flag bearers for this business when it comes to factions, and teams.
Lastly I am going to compare 2 men whom, at 1st I did not like; who I thought was given way too much, way too fast; who are very comparable to stars of yester year? But I will admit that in the last few years these men have become the face of their organization, and are the hardest workers in their sport. The 2 men I am talking about are Kobe Bryant, and John Cena. There was a time when both Kobe and John were looked upon as not deserving of all of their accolades. Kobe was an all-star starter during his 2nd year in the league, though he was not a starter on his own team. John Cena’s 1st title reign was for almost a whole year, and when he did finally lose it, he won it back in 3 weeks. This is something we have never seen and were not used to. And worse than that, during his 1st reign he beat everyone. Shawn Michaels, Kane, Kurt Angle, Christian, Chris Jericho, he beat everyone. So because of this, we all did not like both men. And through all of this I think a lot of us forgot a few things about these guys. #1 they are the hardest workers in the league. If left up to them, they would not miss anytime at all. #2 they are at their best when the bright lights are on, Kobe in the Playoffs, and I have gone on record saying the Cena is Mr. PPV. He has not been out performed in a PPV since he became a main eventer. And #3 I think that there was a time when both were the absolute best in the business. Cena has taken on every single wrestler out there, The Rock, Michaels, Triple H, Brock Lesnar, some he beat, some he lost to, but he has taken them all on, and has performed up their level, or even out performed them. Bryant has taken on the NBA has to offer, and he is still one of the best. After 16 years he was 2nd in the league in scoring. These 2 men may be on the down side of their careers, but they are still the men you want with the ball in their hands when the game on the line, or in the main event at WrestleMania.
I really enjoyed writing this blog. It is good to put these 2 sports in the other sport’s perspective. I am sure I could go on and on, with these comparisons, but I will leave it up to you all. If you think I am wrong in certain areas, let me know, I will think about it. And if you like what I put and you want to add to it, and then by all means let me know, and let’s see what we come up with.
One of the loyal followers of this blog has been making a comparison for the last few years. He has been comparing wrestlers with NBA players. I would say he started doing this about 2 years ago when I was a guest on his radio show, but he also made mentions of it on this blog. Back then I did not have a chance (or maybe I just refused) to look into exactly what he was saying. Then maybe 2 weeks ago he sent me a newspaper/blog article with someone else making the same comparison. Now I cannot find the article, or I would give the gentleman credit, because it was very, very well done. I went through his article, there were some that I thought were accurate, and some that I thought were a reach. So to get conversation going, I would love to start this conversation tonight. Now some of these may be obscure for you all, so if you have any questions please let me know, and of course, if you don’t agree and want to say something different, please feel free to comment.
So let’s start with a man who has won almost every accolade in the business, except the big one. The brand new MVP of the league, LeBron James. Who do I think is the best guy in the business right now, who has won every title out there except for the world title? Shelton Benjamin. I know you may think it is a reach to go with Benjamin, but I can’t think of anyone else who is as good as him in the business right now. Now think about this, Benjamin has won every title in WWE except for the world title, and now he is in Ring of Honor, and again he has won a title, but not the big one. But if you have watched Benjamin, you know that he is probably the best guy in the business. Just like James, he has been dazzling us for about 10 years now. And just like James if he does not win the title, he will be looked at as a big disappointment. He will be a Barkley, a Ewing, and a Wilkins. If James does not win it, he will be here too.
Next I would like to compare factions with entire teams. The four horsemen stand for excellence and championships. In the NBA one team has personified this, and I hate to admit it, but the Boston Celtics, as an organization, are just that. The championships alone speak for themselves. But let’s dig deeper. Bill Russell has won more title as a player than anyone else, he is Ric Flair. And through the years the faces have changed but they are always there, and they have always stood for winning. Now on this next one, you are going to have to use your imagination for this. I say Phil Jackson is Triple H. And if Jackson is H, then the Chicago Bulls are D-generation X. Now take out the fact that DX was counter cultural, and just think about the championships they won their 1st time around, when it was just Triple H and Shawn Michaels; that would be like the 1st 3-peat. Then Michaels retires, so does Jordan. Afterwards they reform the team and have some success. Then Jackson leaves the Bulls and coaches the hated Lakers, and turned them into champions. And after that he started dating the owner’s daughter. Triple H left DX and dated the owner of the company’s daughter; he also formed a new team called Evolution. With Evolution, Triple H won 5 World titles, and with the Lakers, Jackson won 5 World titles. These teams have all become the flag bearers for this business when it comes to factions, and teams.
Lastly I am going to compare 2 men whom, at 1st I did not like; who I thought was given way too much, way too fast; who are very comparable to stars of yester year? But I will admit that in the last few years these men have become the face of their organization, and are the hardest workers in their sport. The 2 men I am talking about are Kobe Bryant, and John Cena. There was a time when both Kobe and John were looked upon as not deserving of all of their accolades. Kobe was an all-star starter during his 2nd year in the league, though he was not a starter on his own team. John Cena’s 1st title reign was for almost a whole year, and when he did finally lose it, he won it back in 3 weeks. This is something we have never seen and were not used to. And worse than that, during his 1st reign he beat everyone. Shawn Michaels, Kane, Kurt Angle, Christian, Chris Jericho, he beat everyone. So because of this, we all did not like both men. And through all of this I think a lot of us forgot a few things about these guys. #1 they are the hardest workers in the league. If left up to them, they would not miss anytime at all. #2 they are at their best when the bright lights are on, Kobe in the Playoffs, and I have gone on record saying the Cena is Mr. PPV. He has not been out performed in a PPV since he became a main eventer. And #3 I think that there was a time when both were the absolute best in the business. Cena has taken on every single wrestler out there, The Rock, Michaels, Triple H, Brock Lesnar, some he beat, some he lost to, but he has taken them all on, and has performed up their level, or even out performed them. Bryant has taken on the NBA has to offer, and he is still one of the best. After 16 years he was 2nd in the league in scoring. These 2 men may be on the down side of their careers, but they are still the men you want with the ball in their hands when the game on the line, or in the main event at WrestleMania.
I really enjoyed writing this blog. It is good to put these 2 sports in the other sport’s perspective. I am sure I could go on and on, with these comparisons, but I will leave it up to you all. If you think I am wrong in certain areas, let me know, I will think about it. And if you like what I put and you want to add to it, and then by all means let me know, and let’s see what we come up with.
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Hello all
As you all know, I normally don’t write this blog to kill guys. I don’t want to make it seem like I can do everything they do. I have no delusions on grander. I know that these guys are very special athletes. There are only a few people who can do what they do, and I by no means, believe that I can go on the road 300 nights a year, and become a superstar. But with that being said, I know that everyone who reads my blog is looking for my honest opinion about something I see happening in the business. So with that said, in tonight’s blog I am going to take TNA to task for promoting the referee turned wrestler, Garrett Bischoff. Now some of you are probably wondering, is he related to Eric….well guess what, he is Eric’s son.
Back in late 2010, Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff formed the heel faction, Immortal. During the run of Immortal they had their own ref, Garrett Bischoff. Everything was going smoothly for Immortal back then, they had the World Champion, The Tag Team champions, and The X division Champions. They also had Dixie Carter, TNA President, sign over control of the company to Hogan (this of course was before he became a bad guy). So with them all being on top, there was only one place for them to go….and that was down.
Their final straw was a match between Hogan and Sting. This match would be for total control of TNA, if Hogan won, he would keep control, if Sting won, he would give control back to Carter. To stack the deck in Hogan’s favor, they assigned Garrett to be the ref. Even with the deck stacked against him, Sting pulled off a victory. But how did he do it? Garrett actually turned his back on his father, and his father’s best friend, by calling the match down the middle, and calling for the bell, after Hogan tapped out.
After costing his team, Eric wanted to punish his son. So he put him in the ring in a few matches. Now here is where I start to have a problem. Garrett Bischoff has not lost a match yet. He is not a professional wrestler, but he has beaten one in every single one of his matches. Now don’t get me wrong, he continues to beat the same wrestler, but he is not beating some jobber, he keeps beating a pretty good wrestler in TNA. Gunner, a guy who is super huge and was once their TV Champion. So why on earth would they have their former TV champ, an actual wrestler, loses to a former ref? I just don’t get it. Again, I am not doing this blog to kill Garrett, or TNA, but I just do not understand.
I know everyone has to start somewhere but I don’t get where this is coming from. I am hoping that it is not (or at least not entirely) because he is the son of Eric. Didn’t we see this before? Does anyone remember when David Flair, Ric’s son, tried to wrestle in WCW? He was terrible. And I am sorry to say this, but so is Garrett. It would be different if he was any good what so ever, but he is not. He is a below average athlete, terrible on the mic, he is just not a wrestler. I hope that this is not in TNA’s long term goals, because if it is, I will not be watching. I will stream every episode of Ring of Honor, so I can watch some competitive wrestling.
As you all know, I normally don’t write this blog to kill guys. I don’t want to make it seem like I can do everything they do. I have no delusions on grander. I know that these guys are very special athletes. There are only a few people who can do what they do, and I by no means, believe that I can go on the road 300 nights a year, and become a superstar. But with that being said, I know that everyone who reads my blog is looking for my honest opinion about something I see happening in the business. So with that said, in tonight’s blog I am going to take TNA to task for promoting the referee turned wrestler, Garrett Bischoff. Now some of you are probably wondering, is he related to Eric….well guess what, he is Eric’s son.
Back in late 2010, Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff formed the heel faction, Immortal. During the run of Immortal they had their own ref, Garrett Bischoff. Everything was going smoothly for Immortal back then, they had the World Champion, The Tag Team champions, and The X division Champions. They also had Dixie Carter, TNA President, sign over control of the company to Hogan (this of course was before he became a bad guy). So with them all being on top, there was only one place for them to go….and that was down.
Their final straw was a match between Hogan and Sting. This match would be for total control of TNA, if Hogan won, he would keep control, if Sting won, he would give control back to Carter. To stack the deck in Hogan’s favor, they assigned Garrett to be the ref. Even with the deck stacked against him, Sting pulled off a victory. But how did he do it? Garrett actually turned his back on his father, and his father’s best friend, by calling the match down the middle, and calling for the bell, after Hogan tapped out.
After costing his team, Eric wanted to punish his son. So he put him in the ring in a few matches. Now here is where I start to have a problem. Garrett Bischoff has not lost a match yet. He is not a professional wrestler, but he has beaten one in every single one of his matches. Now don’t get me wrong, he continues to beat the same wrestler, but he is not beating some jobber, he keeps beating a pretty good wrestler in TNA. Gunner, a guy who is super huge and was once their TV Champion. So why on earth would they have their former TV champ, an actual wrestler, loses to a former ref? I just don’t get it. Again, I am not doing this blog to kill Garrett, or TNA, but I just do not understand.
I know everyone has to start somewhere but I don’t get where this is coming from. I am hoping that it is not (or at least not entirely) because he is the son of Eric. Didn’t we see this before? Does anyone remember when David Flair, Ric’s son, tried to wrestle in WCW? He was terrible. And I am sorry to say this, but so is Garrett. It would be different if he was any good what so ever, but he is not. He is a below average athlete, terrible on the mic, he is just not a wrestler. I hope that this is not in TNA’s long term goals, because if it is, I will not be watching. I will stream every episode of Ring of Honor, so I can watch some competitive wrestling.
Monday, April 23, 2012
Here comes the pain........Again!!!!
Hello all
As I was watching wrestling this past week, I saw that WWE is gearing up for their next Pay per View, “Extreme Rules”. One of the main events for that PPV is John Cena vs. Brock Lesnar. I was watching Brock do this interview, and I was telling my wife who Brock Lesnar was. Then I realized that people may not know exactly who Brock Lesnar is. So here we go, this will be a blog about “The Next Big Thing”, “Mr. Here Comes the Pain” Himself, Brock Lesnar.
Lesnar started wrestling early in his life. He wrestled in high school. During his senior year he went undefeated, 33-0. He later attended Bismarck State College, in South Dakota. In 1998 he became the National Junior Collegiate Athletics Association (NJCAA) Heavyweight Champion. He later transferred to the University of Minnesota. In 2000 he won the NCAA Heavyweight Championship. He was a 2-time NJCAA All-American, a 2-time NCAA All-American, and a 2-time Big Ten Conference Champion. After such an illustrious college career, Lesnar signed up with WWE.
In 2000, he started in Ohio Valley Wrestling. There he developed as a wrestler. He was in OVW with all of the stars of today, like John Cena, Randy Orton, Shelton Benjamin, and Batista. Over the next 2 years, he and Benjamin would win the OVW Tag Team Titles. After years of dominance in the OVW, it was time for Lesnar to make the jump up to the big time. WWE.
Lesnar started in 2002 in WWE right after WrestleMania. This was a very interesting time for the company, a time of transition. Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock were no longer the major players in the company that they once were. Shawn Michaels had not come back to the company yet, and the company was getting ready to do their brand extension, where they would have an exclusive roster for each show, meaning the people on Raw, were only wrestlers on Raw, and the people on SmackDown would only wrestle on SmackDown. Lesnar came along and shook up the whole roster. He came to Raw and basically destroyed everyone in his path. From the Hardys, to Rikishi, to Al Snow, even to the immortal Hulk Hogan, he destroyed them all.
In 2002, WWE was trying something new. At the (then annual) King of the Ring PPV, WWE announced that the winner of the tournament would be the #1 contender for the Undisputed WWE Title. Lesnar beat Bubba Ray Dudley and Booker T on Raw. Then at the PPV he defeated Test, and Rob Van Dam. Brock was set to face the WWE Undisputed Champion at Summer Slam. The Rock went on to win the title, and he and Brock were set to fight for the title at Summer Slam.
At Summer Slam “the Next Big Thing” became the Undisputed Champion. He also became the youngest person ever to win the WWE championship. As the Undisputed Champion Lesnar could go on both shows, to defend the title. But Stephanie McMahon signed him to an exclusive contract on SmackDown, making the title no longer Undisputed, and just the WWE Championship.
On SmackDown, Lesnar entered into an instant feud with the Undertaker. They fought for months over the WWE title. They fought at the PPV “Unforgiving”. This match ended in a double disqualification. The next time these two met there would have to be a winner, because this match would be contested in Hell in a Cell. At the “No Mercy” PPV, they had one of the greatest matches I have ever seen. This Hell in a Cell match is the stuff legends are made of. Brock beat Undertaker, and left him in a bloody heap. I don’t think any has ever done that to Taker, so this was the coming out moment for Lesnar.
Next up for Lesnar was the Big Show. They met at Survivor Series where Lesnar would lose the title, by being double crossed by his manager, Paul Heyman. Lesnar was trying to make his way back up to the top of the roster, so he had to win the Royal Rumble. At the Rumble Lesnar won, and was on his way to Mania to wrestle for the WWE title. Lesnar Wrestled Kurt Angle at Mania. They had a great match. Angle was very courageous, because he wrestled with a broken neck, and was going to have surgery after Mania. During their match Lesnar almost killed himself, by trying to do a backflip off of the top rope, but he jammed his neck, and gave himself a concussion. But somehow Lesnar was able to finish the match, and win the title.
For the next year Lesnar would feud with Angle over the WWE Title. Angle would come back from surgery and win the title at the “Vengeance” PPV. Lesnar and Angle would fight for the title again at Summer slam, with Angle winning again. Finally Lesnar regained the title in an Iron Man match on SmackDown. After winning back the title, Lesnar was very dominating beating everyone that came across his path.
Then in 2004 Lesnar started a feud with Goldberg, from Raw. Lesnar went so far as to cost Goldberg the Royal Rumble match, when he gave him an F5 (his signature move), which led to him being thrown out of the ring. This upset Goldberg so much, that he was going to do whatever he could to cost Lesnar his title. At the “No Way Out” PPV, Lesnar had a title against Eddie Guerrero. That night Goldberg speared Lesnar, which aided in Guerrero winning the WWE Title. This led to a match between Goldberg and Lesnar at WrestleMania 20. Lesnar lost this match, and was done with WWE.
His life after WWE has had a lot to do with wrestling and fighting. Lesnar wrestled in Japan, becoming the IWGP champion. He then went out and joined the Ultimate Fighting Champion (UFC) Company. It would not take him long to conquer there also. He joined UFC in 2008, later that year he won the UFC World Heavyweight title. Lesnar was the new champion, but he was not fighting a lot. On November 4th 2009, Lesnar confirmed he was suffering from mononucleosis, and had to take some time off from fighting. When he came back he defeated the interim champion Shane Carwin. In October 2010 Lesnar was defeated for the UFC World Title by Cain Velasquez, and though he had another fight or 2 after that, he never returned to the main spotlight in UFC.
Now Lesnar is back in WWE. He says he came back because wrestling needs him. I am waiting to see. I have not seen Lesnar in the ring for almost 8 years. A lot of his matches in UFC were very short. He was a big guy with a lot of agility, and that helped him in the cage. But in the ring we are looking for guys who can tell stories. We are going to have to have him in 20 or 30 minute matches, like the old Brock Lesnar. I am not saying he can’t do it, I am just saying I hope so. If he can be the guy he was 8 years ago, the next few years in wrestling will be AWESOME!
Monday, April 9, 2012
Let the fun and games begin!!!!!!
Hello all
Well well well……WrestleMania. Need I say more? There were a lot of things that have happened in the last week. Today I will be doing a Mania review and some predictions about the aftermath. I must say I will not be doing a review of every match (because I don’t think you really care about who won the Kelly Kelly tag team match), but I will review the important ones.
The Nontitle Matches: Kane def. Randy Orton. I picked wrong on this match. I figured since Orton was the #1 face on SmackDown, they would have Orton win the match. But for some reason they had Kane win at Mania, but they had Orton win on SmackDown. Doesn’t make any sense to me, but hey, I am not making the decisions in Connecticut. In the other nontitle match, Team Johnny defeated Team Teddy. This was the match to determine the GM of both Raw and SmackDown. Like I thought going in, they had to have the bad guy win the match. We need a GM that seems like he has an agenda, so we can have someone to root against.
The Title Matches: The Big Show defeated Cody Rhodes. I knew this would be the outcome of this match. Rhodes has been pushing Show for about a month now. Always bringing up the fact that Show has not had many Mania moments. He even made a few videos with Show’s Mania failures. So I could tell that this would not be another failure. Show was going to come out on top, and that is exactly what happened. In World Heavyweight Championship Match: Sheamus def. Daniel Bryan. I knew Sheamus would win, I did not know it would take all of 18 seconds. I thought this would be a match where we got to see 2 men who could wrestle. But no, we saw a big guy pretty much have a squash match with the world heavyweight champion. Shouldn’t the champ get more respect than that? Was he injured? Is there something we don’t know about Bryan? I guess we have to stay tuned to find out. In the WWE Championship Match: CM Punk def. Chris Jericho. Now this was a match between 2 of the best wrestlers in the world. This match was everything a Mania title match should be. And although Punk won, I could see this feud continuing for at least another 2 months, so mission accomplished.
Grudge Matches: The Undertaker def. Triple H: 20-0. That is pretty much all that needs to be said. They called this match an end of an era. I guess when they say that, they mean that it is ushering out the last 2 active members of the old WWE. Guys who were there pre attitude era. Guys who have seen them all come and go. And guys who have never left the company (Taker more so than Triple H, since Taker has been there since the 80s). When they say “They don’t make them like this anymore”, these 2 are exactly what they are talking about. This was a little more than just a Mania match; this was a tribute to 2 guys who deserve all of the respect that they have. The Rock def. John Cena: I must say, I do not understand this outcome. Like I said in my blog last week, Rock is going back to Hollywood to do more movies, and Cena is still in WWE. Why would you have one of your main guys for the past almost decade lose to a man that for the past decade has shown up on WWE broadcast in person, what 20 times? I just don’t get it. But with that said, The Rock is the man, and he defeated Cena fair and square in the middle of the ring.
The aftermath: The next night on Raw the Rock came out, and seemed to be (for the 1st time, I might add) genuine. It seemed like he was very excited about the opportunity to perform at Mania again. And in his speech he seemed to appreciate the WWE, the WWE fans, and even John Cena, for allowing him to step back in the ring, and electrify the crowd, like only he can do. Cena on the other hand, wanted to congratulate the Rock face to face on his victory. But instead of the Rock, another former WWE champion made a comeback. Brock Lesner made his long awaited return to the WWE. He said nothing, all he did was come out to the ring, and give an F5 to Cena, and that was it.
It seems that there are a lot of new things happening in WWE lately. This is why I love Mania. There is always something new and exciting for us to talk about. I cannot wait till next Raw to see what happens next.
And THAT'S THE BOTTOM LLLLIIINNNNEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well well well……WrestleMania. Need I say more? There were a lot of things that have happened in the last week. Today I will be doing a Mania review and some predictions about the aftermath. I must say I will not be doing a review of every match (because I don’t think you really care about who won the Kelly Kelly tag team match), but I will review the important ones.
The Nontitle Matches: Kane def. Randy Orton. I picked wrong on this match. I figured since Orton was the #1 face on SmackDown, they would have Orton win the match. But for some reason they had Kane win at Mania, but they had Orton win on SmackDown. Doesn’t make any sense to me, but hey, I am not making the decisions in Connecticut. In the other nontitle match, Team Johnny defeated Team Teddy. This was the match to determine the GM of both Raw and SmackDown. Like I thought going in, they had to have the bad guy win the match. We need a GM that seems like he has an agenda, so we can have someone to root against.
The Title Matches: The Big Show defeated Cody Rhodes. I knew this would be the outcome of this match. Rhodes has been pushing Show for about a month now. Always bringing up the fact that Show has not had many Mania moments. He even made a few videos with Show’s Mania failures. So I could tell that this would not be another failure. Show was going to come out on top, and that is exactly what happened. In World Heavyweight Championship Match: Sheamus def. Daniel Bryan. I knew Sheamus would win, I did not know it would take all of 18 seconds. I thought this would be a match where we got to see 2 men who could wrestle. But no, we saw a big guy pretty much have a squash match with the world heavyweight champion. Shouldn’t the champ get more respect than that? Was he injured? Is there something we don’t know about Bryan? I guess we have to stay tuned to find out. In the WWE Championship Match: CM Punk def. Chris Jericho. Now this was a match between 2 of the best wrestlers in the world. This match was everything a Mania title match should be. And although Punk won, I could see this feud continuing for at least another 2 months, so mission accomplished.
Grudge Matches: The Undertaker def. Triple H: 20-0. That is pretty much all that needs to be said. They called this match an end of an era. I guess when they say that, they mean that it is ushering out the last 2 active members of the old WWE. Guys who were there pre attitude era. Guys who have seen them all come and go. And guys who have never left the company (Taker more so than Triple H, since Taker has been there since the 80s). When they say “They don’t make them like this anymore”, these 2 are exactly what they are talking about. This was a little more than just a Mania match; this was a tribute to 2 guys who deserve all of the respect that they have. The Rock def. John Cena: I must say, I do not understand this outcome. Like I said in my blog last week, Rock is going back to Hollywood to do more movies, and Cena is still in WWE. Why would you have one of your main guys for the past almost decade lose to a man that for the past decade has shown up on WWE broadcast in person, what 20 times? I just don’t get it. But with that said, The Rock is the man, and he defeated Cena fair and square in the middle of the ring.
The aftermath: The next night on Raw the Rock came out, and seemed to be (for the 1st time, I might add) genuine. It seemed like he was very excited about the opportunity to perform at Mania again. And in his speech he seemed to appreciate the WWE, the WWE fans, and even John Cena, for allowing him to step back in the ring, and electrify the crowd, like only he can do. Cena on the other hand, wanted to congratulate the Rock face to face on his victory. But instead of the Rock, another former WWE champion made a comeback. Brock Lesner made his long awaited return to the WWE. He said nothing, all he did was come out to the ring, and give an F5 to Cena, and that was it.
It seems that there are a lot of new things happening in WWE lately. This is why I love Mania. There is always something new and exciting for us to talk about. I cannot wait till next Raw to see what happens next.
And THAT'S THE BOTTOM LLLLIIINNNNEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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