Sunday, September 16, 2012

Night of Champions Predictions

Hello all

Tonight is the “Night of Champions” Pay per View, and as you all know, I will be doing predictions tonight.

The United States Championship Match: Antonio Cesaro vs.?: The opponent in this match will be determined by a battle royal before the ppv. This guy may be the most boring champion in WWE history. I cannot tell you anything about him. With that said, I have no idea who he will face, and I honestly don’t care, so I will move on.

Diva’s Championship Match, Layla vs. Kaitlyn: As you all know, I don’t watch much of the women wrestlers (divas), so there is not much I can say about this match either. I will assume that because Layla hasn’t had the title that long, and Kaitlyn is not much of a star, I can go with Layla on this one.

WWE Tag Team Championship Match, Kofi Kingston, and R-Truth vs. Kane and Daniel Bryan: Now I think this will be an entertaining match. After reading last week’s blog, you all know that I am enjoying the work that Kane and Bryan are doing. I think that the audience is really responding to them. Honestly before they got on this roll that they have been on, with the “hug it out segment” and their tag team match this past week, I thought the “Prime Time Players”, would be the new tag team champs, but since this has happened, I think that Kane and Bryan will win the titles tonight.

Randy Orton vs. Dolph Ziggler: Outside of the WWE title match (which I think will be the best match of the night), I think this will be the match of the night. You have two guys who can really go. I think Dolph is one of the best young wrestlers in the business. I have always thought Orton was a guy who could wrestler with anybody, and he has proven it over the past few years, so this will be a great one. I think that it is Ziggler’s time to shine. I am not sure when he will cash in his contract, but I think he wins the match tonight.

Intercontinental Championship Match, The Miz, vs. Rey Mysterio, vs. Sin Cara, vs. Cody Rhodes: I feel like the Miz will retain his title. I think that none of the other challengers have stepped up and staked their claim as being ready to be the IC champ. So I will say the Miz retains in a semi entertaining match.

World Heavyweight Champion Match, Sheamus vs. Alberto Del Rio: I feel like this is the 3rd blog in a row that I talked about a World title match between these two. I will give it a few more sentences, but that’s it. If they fight at the next ppv, I will not put it in my blog. I think Sheamus will win this one, but I am not 100% sure. They may finally let Alberto fulfill his destiny and win the title. All and all, I don’t care; I just don’t want to see them fight again.

WWE Championship Match, CM Punk vs. John Cena: This one will be difficult to call. I think this will be the match of the night. I am thinking that they will not put the belt back on Cena for an 11th time, but I am really tired of Punk holding the title. The ppv is in Cena’s hometown of Boston. He had a title match there, when he came back from injured, and won the world title. And of course last year Punk won the title in his hometown of Chicago. So as you can see I am a little stumped by this one. I will say that tonight Punk will retain the title, and everyone will have to admit that punk is the best in the world (which I don’t think he is).

Alright guys, these are my predictions, let me know what you think.

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