Sunday, July 1, 2012

Excuse me!!!!!!!!

Hello all

This week as I was watching wrestling I noticed something I really liked. I thought I would never do a blog on this, but I have to say this one is well deserved and I think it is a good time to write about this. Tonight I am going to write about the women in wrestling.

Lately in WWE AJ, has been a subject of conversation. She has been a part of a “love triangle” with Daniel Bryan, Kane, and the WWE Champion CM Punk. She has been going between all 3 of them, and has been heavily involved in their matches. During those matches, when Kane seems to have the edge, her music plays and she starts to skip out to the ring. While this happens, Kane become memorized with her, and totally forgets about the match. I think this whole character is brilliant. I was not at all interested in AJ when she was just with Bryan as his girlfriend, but now that she is playing them against each other, I think it adds a lot depth to her character, and to the characters of the other men involved in this angle.

Now that we are talking about women in wrestling, I cannot go on without talking about the woman who has entertained me ever since she becomes a major player in the WWE. That woman is Vicki Guerrero. I have enjoyed Vicki’s work for a long time. I feel like she is one of the few people in the business that does exactly what they are expected to do. She comes out, she annoys everyone and they boo her. In the business there is a lot of gray area, a lot of not knowing who and what people are, It is nice to have a character that you know what you are getting from them. Vicki is just what she is supposed to be. She is a heal manager. She talks for her clients, and they go out and fight. All the while the fans hate her.

Lastly I will not talk about one specific woman, but I will talk about a group of women. The Knockouts division of TNA are clearly the best women in wrestling. They have a few women that you know very well from WWE. Gail Kim, Mickie James, and Tara (who wrestled in WWE as Victoria), and some others that you would have to watch TNA to find out about them. If you know anything about me, then you know that I don’t find woman wrestling entertaining at all, but I admit, I have watched their wrestlers, and they are by far, the best that there is out there. TNA even had a steel cage Knockouts match that was the main event on one episode of Impact Wrestling.

Again I know this is a first for this blog, but I felt these ladies deserved the spotlight. The business has been dominated by men, but these women are the new trail blazers. They will be the ones that are looked at for years and years to come.


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