Sunday, June 3, 2012

Where is all of the new blood?

Hello all

I know I have not written a blog in a while. Since WrestleMania, I have been writing a lot about WWE, and have wanted to do more than just them. But to be honest with you all, I have been watching TNA, and have not found anything good to write about. And since Ring of Honor is not on TV, I have not had anything to write about besides WWE. But as I watched TNA this past week, I did see something.

So last week I was watching TNA and the World Heavyweight Champion, Bobby Roode was defending the title on TV. They have started having title matches every week on TV, which is one thing they do that I actually like. Anyway, Roode successfully defended his title. After the match he chose to celebrate, not just the win, but the fact that he is the longest reigning world champion in TNA, since they broke away from the NWA and became their own company, since 2007.

After the celebration, Hulk Hogan told Roode he had a new challenger, and at that time the lights went out. So I was wondering, did someone jump from WWE, or is someone finally going to step up and become a new challenger to the title? But no, who was it when the lights came back up…….it was Sting, again, for like the 100th time. And Sting beat up the champ, and was given a shot at the title at their next Pay per View. The bad thing, to me, about that is their next ppv is Slammiversary. Slammiversary is TNA’s biggest ppv, like WrestleMania is to WWE. And this is their 10th, so this is a big deal for them. So I do not understand why they are putting in their main event, their longest reigning champion, the future of the company, and a man who is 53 years old and has been their champion 4 times already. So I am wondering, are they out of new stars?

From the beginning of TNA, it has always been as an alternative to WWE. They had these young gun wrestlers who could do anything. But where are all of those guys? Where is this X division that was supposed to be revolutionizing pro wrestling? Where are the young guys who are supposed to be challenging for the title? Why do we keep having the same guys challenging for the title? In the last 2 years, they have had Sting, Kurt Angle, AJ Styles, Mr. Anderson, Jeff Hardy, and Samoa Joe all challenge for it. The only 2 new guys to even challenge for (and subsequently win) the title are Roode, and his former tag team partner, and the man he defeated for the title, James Storm.

I hope that after Roode wins at the ppv we can get some new blood in the title mix at TNA. Say what you want about WWE, but Alberto Del Rio, Mark Henry, The Miz, Christian, have all held world titles for the year. All of those men were new to the title scene. Like I always say, I don’t write this blog to kill anyone, but I am giving my opinion. I hope that they have new wrestlers challenging for the title, because I cannot take any more of what looks like the old, and I do mean old, wrestlers.


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