Sunday, October 14, 2012

Not So fast!

Hello all

So this week in wrestling I noticed something that I hope is not going to happen. My wife and I were watching RAW on Monday, and as it came to the end of the night, she said something that I am going to disagree with. What happened was CM Punk was in the ring beating up on WWE chairman Vince McMahon, and was going to do some real damage to him, when out to his rescue comes Ryback. As the show is going off the air, Vince says Punk can either face John Cena, or Ryback at the “Hell in the Cell” Pay per View. After that announcement, my wife said if Punk beats Ryback, she will not watch wrestling anymore. I am on the other side, if Ryback wins the WWE title (that is if Punk chooses him, which I am sure he will not), then I will stop watching WWE.

The 1st reason I am not on board with Ryback winning the title is because there is no build up to this match. That would mean that the main event at the Cell ppv would have 1 week of buildup. That’s it? For a WWE title match. And again if they have Ryback win he will be ending Punk’s near yearlong title reign. This would be historic. And quite frankly, Ryback does not deserve to be the person to have honor bestowed upon him. I know the only other person who is a contender is Cena, and most of you all don’t want to see him with the title again, but at least you know he can defeat Punk for that title, and you would not wonder who he was.

The 2nd reason I am not on board with this move is because Ryback has not been the smoothest wrestler. I know at first we saw him destroy a few wrestlers, I consider to be tomato cans, but when he has had to step up to major competition, he has not done well. I don’t know if anyone has seen his match from RAW vs. Tensai, but he tried twice to lift the big man above his head to perform his finishing move, but he could not get him up, and had to settle for a clothesline, and a pin. I just don’t feel that a guy who is not exactly what we think he should be as far as being a big man who can squash people, should even be considered for the title, at least not yet.

3rd reason why is because we have seen this before. This guy is somewhat of a clone of the Ultimate Warrior, and Goldberg. As a matter of fact during his match, the crowd does the GOLD-BERG, GOLD-BERG chants. As we have seen from both of these guys, it is a good novelty, but you can’t have these guys as the leaders of your company. They are great for beating up little guys who weigh maybe 2 or 3 times less than them, but who really wants to have this guy leading the charge for the WWE?

All and all I like Ryback for what he is. He is a big man that beats the crap out of little guys. There is a place for him. But it is not as the WWE champion. Punk has been the champ for 11 months, one of the longest reigns in the last 20 years. Again, for something so major, we can’t have some guy who just got to the company, who can only have a good match with local jobbers, win the title. Now in the next year or so if Ryback continues to destroy guys, and maybe win a US or InterContinental title, then maybe it will be time, but as of today, it is not the right move.


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