Monday, September 10, 2012

Never thought I would say this, but YES

Hello all

So as I was watching wrestling for the past few weeks something was brought to my attention. When WWE announced that RAW would become a 3 hour program I was hoping that it would mean that there would be more wrestling and a little less entertainment. Don’t get me wrong, I totally understand why they do it, but I would just like to see more wrestling. This is a wrestling show by the way.

So far this has not been the case. There have been endless replays of what happened last week on RAW, or SmackDown, what happened at the last ppv, what someone has put on one of the many social sites that they are a part of, and many other things. I know you think that what has been happening would not be good for me to watch, but I have to admit, with what they have been doing lately, I have been entertained.

Let’s look at what they have done lately. Kane and Daniel Bryan have been going to “anger management.” Now as I heard they were going to have these segments, I thought “oh no, not another one of these”, but I watched anyway. When I started watching, I was intrigued, for some reason. I am not really sure why.

Anyway, after the anger management segment, they came out to the ring, and had to hug. Now I was thinking to myself, “How in the world could they make this work, on TV no less”. Now, I have to admit, in this 5-10 minute segment, I was glued to the TV. They had these two grown men, both former world champions, and instead of me wanting to turn the channel, I could not stop watching. They both were trying to hug, and it was amazing. I don’t think they could have sold the fact that they didn’t want to hug more than they did. 1st they chest bumped, then as one person came in for a hug, the other did not hug, and he would complain to the ref. So then the other one would go in for a hug, and the other one would not hug back. Then they did hug, and they looked like they were going to become good friends, but they hit each other, and went on to beat the crap out of each other.

I never thought I would be the one who was happy about this because truthfully, I wish they would have more wrestling, more up and comers, more replays of actual matches and not just segments from other shows, but this was fantastic. They could not have done better. If WWE keeps this up, then I think that the 3 hour time slot may work for them.

PS: Coming up this week, my “Night of Champions” PPV picks.


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