Monday, July 23, 2012

RAW 1000

Hello all

Tonight is the 1000th episode of RAW. I cannot believe it either. In case you didn’t not know, tonight’s main event is between John Cena, and CM Punk, for the WWE Championship. With that said, tonight seems like a Pay per View. And because of that, I am going to write a preview blog to go along with it. Since I don’t know everything that is going to happen tonight, I will only talk about the things that have been advertised which are also what is on the website, the title match, Brock Lesnar’s response to Triple H about Summer Slam, and the wedding between Daniel Bryan, and AJ.

The Wedding: There have been a few weddings in the WWE, and I can’t remember one that has gone off without a hitch, so I am going to say that tonight there will be something that interrupts this “wedding”. Kane has interrupted a wedding before (between Edge and Lita), so I doubt it will be him. So I am thinking that maybe CM Punk, will stop the wedding and have AJ run off with him. But I could also see AJ realizing Bryan was using her, and her walking away leaving him at the altar. So my prediction is that this wedding will not happen.

The Challenge: Triple H has asked Brock Lesnar for a match at Summer Slam. We have not seen Brock since he “broke” his arm. Since then Brock has sued Triple H and WWE for breach of contract, and because of that, Triple H has asked for them to settle it in the ring, instead of in the court room. I see Brock Lesnar coming out (hopefully looking in better shape than he did a few months ago), and F5ing Triple H, and then saying he accepts his challenge. There is no way that this will not happen, and if both men have been training for it, which I think they have, then I think this will be a great match at Summer Slam.

WWE Championship: John Cena is cashing in his “Money in the Bank” guaranteed title contract, tonight. He is only the 2nd person to challenge a champion, and give him notice. It was a big surprise to me when Cena won the Money in the Bank, so of course you (as well as I) were thinking that this meant Cena will once again be the champion. Well I am not sure. Think about it. Eventually the Royal Rumble winner was not a lock to win the Title at Mania. In the 1st 15 years after the Rumble winner became the #1 contender, that wrestler (or wrestlers in some cases) was 12-3. That is a great number. Makes me want to win the Rumble. But in the last 5 years, the Rumble winner is only 1-4. That is terrible. You don’t know if the rumble winner will win the title. I say all of that to say that the MIB winner is 10-0 when cashing it in, but most times (all except one before tonight) that is normally after the champ has had a grueling match. So I predict, that we will see a 1st, John Cena will cash in the Money in the Bank contract, but will not win the title.

Ok guys, so these are my picks. I know that they seem a little off, but I am thinking outside the box on this one. I will be watching, as will you, so if you have a questions or comments hit me back. Oh yeah Congratulations WWE on 1000 episodes, and good luck on 1000 more.


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