Sunday, July 15, 2012

Money in the Bank Predictions

Hello all

I know I am late writing this blog, but I had an emergency, and could not get to it, until now. So I will get right into it, and do a prediction blog for the rest of the Money in the Bank PPV. By the time I sat down and wrote this the PPV already started and I know some of the results, so I will comment on what I know.

The Money in the Bank Ladder match for the World Heavyweight Title Shot: Dolph Ziggler your winner. I have been telling you guys for years, that Ziggler was the best wrestler in the company (and maybe the world) for at least a year and a half now, and finally WWE sees it too. I believe very soon he will cash in the contract and will be World Champion. And we will see more of the best wrestling WWE has to offer. You can hate him all you want, but he is going to be our champion, and it is about time.

World Heavyweight Title match; Sheamus vs. Alberto Del Rio: Sheamus won to retain his title. I am not at all surprised. I would have picked that outcome, had I been able to get this in before it started. I did not see Del Rio winning the title tonight. I think Sheamus’ time as champion is almost up, but I don’t think Del Rio is ready to be the face of SmackDown. I don’t think Ziggler will cash in the contract later tonight, but I am sure at the right time he will be the next champion.

The Money in the Bank Ladder match for the WWE Title Shot: A wonderful surprise happened tonight, the Miz returned, and will be in the MIB ladder match. Now this match seems like it is being set up for John Cena to win his 1st MIB, but I don’t see it that way. I am sticking to my guns from the last PPV, I think the Big Show wins this match, and I would not be surprised if he cashed it in tonight after the WWE title match.

WWE Championship Match; CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan: This will be very an intriguing match. And with AJ as the special guest referee, it is made even more interesting. AJ has been playing both guys between each other, and it will all come to a head tonight. This is going to be very hard for me to figure out. On the one hand, I (like I’m sure most people also) can see AJ helping Punk keep the title, and he becoming his girlfriend, and making a cute TV couple. But on the other hand, I could see AJ really being crazy, and helping Bryan win the title. I know what you are saying, make a decision……… here it is. AJ helps Bryan win the title, and then Big show comes out with the contract, and defeats Bryan for the title. Exacting some revenge for Bryan doing the same thing to Big Show, after he won the title back in November.

Again I apologize for posting this blog so late, but I am glad I got it out there this week. Let me know what you think about my predictions, and about what you think might happen in the future.


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