Sunday, October 7, 2012

I don't normally do this, but.......

Hello all

It has been a long time since I have written anything about Impact (TNA) wrestling. I do not want to kill them too bad, so I figured if I did not have anything nice to say about them, I would not say anything at all. Well tonight I am going to go back on that.

I want to talk about what has been going on in TNA if you have missed it. About 4 months ago a group of masked men started to appear at TNA events, and attack the talent. They attacked everyone, it did not matter who you were. Face or heel, they beat people up. The group identified themselves as the “Aces and Eights”, a motorcycle group who is out for destruction.

Okay, so there are a few things that I don’t understand about the group, and the way TNA is handling them. One thing is why have they been around so long, and not really been a part of the show? Why are they the group that is “somewhere” in the building, but not on the active roster? Who are you fooling? We all know that they are a part of the team, so let’s just cut the charade.

Next thing I don’t understand is what do they want? Do they just want anarchy? What are they doing there? What makes them tick? I know that they are going to have a match at the “Bound for Glory” pay per view, which will give them access to the Impact Zone (which I totally think they are going to win by the way) but after that, then what? What is the end game? Will they take their masks off and become TNA superstars, or will they stay in the back of the arena and continue to play poker, and have their voices distorted?

The last thing I do not understand about them is why aren’t they trying to get more involved in the world championship? If that is not the reason why they came there, to shake up the title scene in TNA, then what are they doing there? Are they there to beat up Sting, and Hogan? Really? How many times can these two old timers get theirs brains beat in? I don’t care to see that, what about you, do you want to see that?

As you all know if you have read the old blog I wrote on this topic, I love factions. The four horsemen, DX, the Dangerous Alliance, Right to Censor, The Nexus, The NWO, I love them all. So to not be able to like this group is so against my nature. But I don’t really think that this has much direction. They are just there. They want to beat some people up, but no one that makes a difference. They don’t want to beat up the champ and get the title from him, hell they don’t want any titles. At least when the NWO came through and wreaked havoc on WCW, they did so with the intention of taking all of the belts, and they did. So what are they doing there? I guess only time will tell.


P.S. I think that at the ppv Bound for Glory, it will come out that Bully Ray, is a member of the Aces and Eights, and I also think that this group is led by Eric Bischoff. Just one man’s opinion

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