Sunday, April 29, 2012

Hello all

As you all know, I normally don’t write this blog to kill guys. I don’t want to make it seem like I can do everything they do. I have no delusions on grander. I know that these guys are very special athletes. There are only a few people who can do what they do, and I by no means, believe that I can go on the road 300 nights a year, and become a superstar. But with that being said, I know that everyone who reads my blog is looking for my honest opinion about something I see happening in the business. So with that said, in tonight’s blog I am going to take TNA to task for promoting the referee turned wrestler, Garrett Bischoff. Now some of you are probably wondering, is he related to Eric….well guess what, he is Eric’s son.

Back in late 2010, Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff formed the heel faction, Immortal. During the run of Immortal they had their own ref, Garrett Bischoff. Everything was going smoothly for Immortal back then, they had the World Champion, The Tag Team champions, and The X division Champions. They also had Dixie Carter, TNA President, sign over control of the company to Hogan (this of course was before he became a bad guy). So with them all being on top, there was only one place for them to go….and that was down.

Their final straw was a match between Hogan and Sting. This match would be for total control of TNA, if Hogan won, he would keep control, if Sting won, he would give control back to Carter. To stack the deck in Hogan’s favor, they assigned Garrett to be the ref. Even with the deck stacked against him, Sting pulled off a victory. But how did he do it? Garrett actually turned his back on his father, and his father’s best friend, by calling the match down the middle, and calling for the bell, after Hogan tapped out.

After costing his team, Eric wanted to punish his son. So he put him in the ring in a few matches. Now here is where I start to have a problem. Garrett Bischoff has not lost a match yet. He is not a professional wrestler, but he has beaten one in every single one of his matches. Now don’t get me wrong, he continues to beat the same wrestler, but he is not beating some jobber, he keeps beating a pretty good wrestler in TNA. Gunner, a guy who is super huge and was once their TV Champion. So why on earth would they have their former TV champ, an actual wrestler, loses to a former ref? I just don’t get it. Again, I am not doing this blog to kill Garrett, or TNA, but I just do not understand.

I know everyone has to start somewhere but I don’t get where this is coming from. I am hoping that it is not (or at least not entirely) because he is the son of Eric. Didn’t we see this before? Does anyone remember when David Flair, Ric’s son, tried to wrestle in WCW? He was terrible. And I am sorry to say this, but so is Garrett. It would be different if he was any good what so ever, but he is not. He is a below average athlete, terrible on the mic, he is just not a wrestler. I hope that this is not in TNA’s long term goals, because if it is, I will not be watching. I will stream every episode of Ring of Honor, so I can watch some competitive wrestling.


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