Sunday, August 5, 2012

So after a whole year, I like the rest of you, agree with Punk.

Hello all

So I was watching wrestling this week. I must say I have enjoyed watching wrestling for the past few weeks, at least in the WWE. I know you think I am a sellout, but they are offering the best value as of now. When Ring of Honor comes to TV, or when TNA actually gets better then I will keep my eyes open for them, but until that time, I will continue to talk about WWE. Any who, I saw something this past week that I thought I would never see. I saw something that made me agree with CM Punk. As you all well know, I am nowhere near a fan of this “outspoken” CM Punk, who everyone else fell in love with, but he said something that made so much sense, and is what I have been saying for a long time.

At the end of RAW’s 1000th episode Punk hit the Rock with a clothesline, his finishing move, and the “Go to Sleep”. On this Monday’s episode, he explained that RAW 1000 ended the way every episode of RAW should end, with the spotlight on the WWE Champion. And I totally agree.

Back in its heyday, the late 90’s and early 2000’s, every episode of RAW revolved around the Championship. I remember when I started watching RAW on a weekly basis that was always the case. It was normal at the beginning for the champion to come out, and basically set the show up.

The champ would come out, and if he was a face, he would tell his next opponent that he was ready to fight him and defend his title at any time. It was up to his opponent to try to get the champ to lose the title somehow. If the champ is a heel, maybe the #1 contender would come to the ring and call out the champ. Then the heel would either come up with excuses on why he can’t fight the face contender, or if he is a big bad heel champ, like Brock Lesnar or Mark Henry, he would dominate some smaller guys until he was matched up against someone his same size, or someone not afraid of him.

But the entire time, it was all about the title. This gave the title so much more meaning. Even after the brand extension, where they made 2 different world champs, on either show they made the title the most important thing on the show by making them the headliners of the night. Kind of like a concert, they put the main guy on last. That is the same way they used to do the titles. For some reason they have moved way from doing that, sometimes even making the champ come on as the opening match of the night. So having Punk come out and restore the prestige to the WWE title, is something I have hoped for for a very long time.

I know that a lot of you all have been in love with Punk for over a year, since he had his pipe bomb where he “spoke his mind” about everything in WWE from the word wrestler to the chairman of the board himself. Me, I have not been one of those. I remember when he was a mid-card guy. I remember when he was the world champ, and no one cared. So it was shocking to me that the same boring wrestler, who none of you cared about, all of a sudden became the new darling. But now I think we are all on the same page. As long as Punk is the WWE Champion, I have no problem with him being the main attraction.


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