Monday, April 9, 2012

Let the fun and games begin!!!!!!

Hello all

Well well well……WrestleMania. Need I say more? There were a lot of things that have happened in the last week. Today I will be doing a Mania review and some predictions about the aftermath. I must say I will not be doing a review of every match (because I don’t think you really care about who won the Kelly Kelly tag team match), but I will review the important ones.

The Nontitle Matches: Kane def. Randy Orton. I picked wrong on this match. I figured since Orton was the #1 face on SmackDown, they would have Orton win the match. But for some reason they had Kane win at Mania, but they had Orton win on SmackDown. Doesn’t make any sense to me, but hey, I am not making the decisions in Connecticut. In the other nontitle match, Team Johnny defeated Team Teddy. This was the match to determine the GM of both Raw and SmackDown. Like I thought going in, they had to have the bad guy win the match. We need a GM that seems like he has an agenda, so we can have someone to root against.

The Title Matches: The Big Show defeated Cody Rhodes. I knew this would be the outcome of this match. Rhodes has been pushing Show for about a month now. Always bringing up the fact that Show has not had many Mania moments. He even made a few videos with Show’s Mania failures. So I could tell that this would not be another failure. Show was going to come out on top, and that is exactly what happened. In World Heavyweight Championship Match: Sheamus def. Daniel Bryan. I knew Sheamus would win, I did not know it would take all of 18 seconds. I thought this would be a match where we got to see 2 men who could wrestle. But no, we saw a big guy pretty much have a squash match with the world heavyweight champion. Shouldn’t the champ get more respect than that? Was he injured? Is there something we don’t know about Bryan? I guess we have to stay tuned to find out. In the WWE Championship Match: CM Punk def. Chris Jericho. Now this was a match between 2 of the best wrestlers in the world. This match was everything a Mania title match should be. And although Punk won, I could see this feud continuing for at least another 2 months, so mission accomplished.

Grudge Matches: The Undertaker def. Triple H: 20-0. That is pretty much all that needs to be said. They called this match an end of an era. I guess when they say that, they mean that it is ushering out the last 2 active members of the old WWE. Guys who were there pre attitude era. Guys who have seen them all come and go. And guys who have never left the company (Taker more so than Triple H, since Taker has been there since the 80s). When they say “They don’t make them like this anymore”, these 2 are exactly what they are talking about. This was a little more than just a Mania match; this was a tribute to 2 guys who deserve all of the respect that they have. The Rock def. John Cena: I must say, I do not understand this outcome. Like I said in my blog last week, Rock is going back to Hollywood to do more movies, and Cena is still in WWE. Why would you have one of your main guys for the past almost decade lose to a man that for the past decade has shown up on WWE broadcast in person, what 20 times? I just don’t get it. But with that said, The Rock is the man, and he defeated Cena fair and square in the middle of the ring.

The aftermath: The next night on Raw the Rock came out, and seemed to be (for the 1st time, I might add) genuine. It seemed like he was very excited about the opportunity to perform at Mania again. And in his speech he seemed to appreciate the WWE, the WWE fans, and even John Cena, for allowing him to step back in the ring, and electrify the crowd, like only he can do. Cena on the other hand, wanted to congratulate the Rock face to face on his victory. But instead of the Rock, another former WWE champion made a comeback. Brock Lesner made his long awaited return to the WWE. He said nothing, all he did was come out to the ring, and give an F5 to Cena, and that was it.

It seems that there are a lot of new things happening in WWE lately. This is why I love Mania. There is always something new and exciting for us to talk about. I cannot wait till next Raw to see what happens next.

And THAT'S THE BOTTOM LLLLIIINNNNEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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