Hello all
I know it has been a long time since I have written a blog, sorry about that. I know some of you have been waiting for it, and I will not let you down. If I cannot find anything to write about beside WWE, then I will just write about WWE
Any who, normally, I don’t write prediction blogs because I feel like they are cheap, and too easy. But I really missed the boat on the last PPV. I knew the Big Show would come out and help John Laurinaitis win the match. When I heard the wording that if any WWE Superstar helped Laurinaitis, they would be fired, I knew it would be Show helping him. I figured he would be apologetic the next night on RAW, saying he had to do it, because he had a family, and Laurinatis would hire him back only if Show helped him. I didn’t think Show would get upset with everyone else and make it about himself, but I knew he would be fighting John Cena at this PPV.
So with all of that said, tonight’s blog will be a prediction blog about tonight’s PPV.
Brodus Clay vs. David Otunga: I am not trying to be funny, but does anyone really care about this match? I assume Clay will win this match, but if he does not, then nothing will change.
Santino Marella vs. Ricardo Rodriguez for the US Title: I didn’t even know this match was happening. Oh yeah it is contested in a Tuxedo Match no less. I don’t see Santino losing the title to a ring announcer, so I say Santino wins this one.
Layla vs. Beth Phoenix for the Diva’s Title: I feel that Layla will win this one. Beth has been the Diva’s Champ and Women’s champ on multiple occasions (4 times total), and I think they will let Layla hold the title a little longer.
Christian vs. Cody Rhodes for the Intercontinental Title: I feel like the company wants to let Cody be the man. Remember I wrote a blog about Cody (which means he will be world champion soon)? I think he is well on his way to becoming the main man in the company. With that said, I think he wins his 3rd IC title, just like all of the greats before him, who have held it at least that many times, like Michaels, Edge, and Jericho. This will be his last title before he becomes world champion.
CM Punk vs. Kane vs. Daniel Bryan for the WWE Title: I don’t see Punk losing the title even in this triple threat match, although I could see AJ (the girl that is involved in somewhat of a love triangle) turning on CM Punk, and helping Bryan win the title, but I could also see Punk somehow pulling this out, and keeping the belt.
Sheamus vs. Dolph Ziggler for the World Heavyweight Title: Because Alberto Del Rio(the original #1 contender) got hurt, and Ziggler was a late replacement, I doubt he will win. I think he will give him a decent match, but Sheamus, pulls away.
John Cena vs. Big Show in a Steel Cage: This one is hard to call. I think that since Show has become a big angry giant, I could see him beating the crap out of Cena for most of the match, and Cena coming back and winning. But the only thing that I think stops that from happening is the fact that if Cena wins then Laurinaitis gets fired. I think they still have a lot of work they can do with the crooked boss/GM angle, so I think Show pulls out the win.
Oh and there is some announcement by Triple H, about his arm, Brock Lesnar, and the lawsuit. I think he will come out, and say how the suit is going, and that his arm is healing, then Brock will come out, and they will fight, and set up for the next PPV, where the will fight.
Now the aftermath is what I think will be very interesting. If CM Punk wins, I see him defending against….the Big Show. I think they have set him up to be the big bad man. And what does the big bad man need in wrestling……the Title. After Sheamus wins, I think they will try to get Del Rio his title shot, but he stays injured so, I don’t think he will be getting the belt, but since Cody Rhodes is on SmackDown, I think he will be challenging for the belt very soon. And what about Cena, you ask? I think Cena will continue to try to get rid of Laurinatis, by any means necessary.
All right folks, I am putting it out there. Tell me what you think.
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