Monday, September 6, 2010

Wait.............. That was it!?

So I was watching the big huge 900th episode of Raw last week. I thought I would see some of the guys who made Raw the show to watch on Monday night, if not in all of pro wrestling. But last week, what I got was just a big dud. Again, you had 17 years and 900 episodes of Raw, where were all the stars that made Raw. Where was Stone Cold(I know I know, he is my boy, so I had to start with him), the Rock, Shawn Michaels, Vince, Stephine, and Shane McMahon( I know you are wondering about Linda, but she is in politics, so I am sure she will not be on TV for a while, if ever again). I know these guys are pretty much retired, but I thought this was a big deal. It was made out to be a huge event. So where were all of the people. And not just that, it was a regular episode of Raw. Why go through all of the dramatics, if you are gonna have a normal episode of Raw. You didn't even see Triple H, who is not retired, where was he. We all know he is the heir to the WWE throne, and he has been out since right after Wrestlemaina, but come on, no Triple H. No son-in-law, future hall of famer, no 13 time champion? You mean to tell me, he couldn't show up, and say something. He could have even brought the kids. I just don't understand why have such an underwhelming show for such a monument event. Kane, Undertaker, John Cena, Randy Orton, Edge, Jericho, and even Nexus, were all there. And they did there best to make the show ok. But WWE, could you have brought back all of the HOFers for this big show. Where was J. R.? Ross is Monday Night Raw! Could you not find him to at least call the "main event". All I'm saying is I think the WWE should have come up with a lot better effort than this. Truth be told, this sucked!!!!!!! Maybe next week!

AND THAT'S THE BOTTOM LINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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