Friday, August 27, 2010

Welcome back! Where have you been?

I was going to write this weeks blog on an individual. Someone I feel has really deserved the praise of a die hard fan of this business. Before I did it, I figured I would watch "Smack Down!", this week. Just in case I came across something that I felt I should add. What I found was a blast from the past. What I found was something I have not seen in what seems like years. What I found was maybe the match of the year in WWE. And it was on free TV, and Smack Down, no less. I am talking about the Intercontinental Championship match tonight, between Kofi Kingston, and Dolgh Ziggler. I was riveted. This was one of the greatest matches I have seen in a long time. This was not a Hell in a Cell, Elimination Chamber, TLC, Ladder, or even a Hardcore match. This was just two young guys going one on one in the ring, and for the IC Title. In the old days the IC title was the working mans title. All of the wrestlers wanted it, because it meant you were a great worker, and it meant the company knew one day down the line, you would be champion. Lately the IC title has been ignored because all of the great workers were going after the main championships. I believe this start back in 2002, during the Brand Extension(later on in my blog, I will get into all the ways that was done wrong, but you guys are smart, so I know you know, but any who). When Brock Lesner won the Undisputed WWE Championship, and he was going to become a Smack Down wrestler. Rumor has it, that Triple H did not want to wear the IC belt. Thus the World Heavyweight Title(WWE verison) was created. Triple H not wearing the belt made it insignificant. If Triple H, one of the greatest performers, and workers, and a former IC Champ himself, would not wear the belt on RAW, it must not be an important title. Not long after that, the WWE retired it(another DUMB move by WWE). Luckily they brought it back. But for the longest time it has been on the back burner. Honestly for awhile I could even tell you who held it. But on tonight's Smack Down, I was very impressed. I will not give you a blow by blow of the match. But I will say, please watch this match. These young guys gave it everything they had. They true winner tonight was the IC Title. I will be watching Smack Down, to see who the next new challenger is, or how the Champion was dazzle us again with an other worldly performance. The IC title is back on the working man, and I for one could not be happier!


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