Sunday, September 19, 2010

A sign of things to come.......? I hope not.

So the next WWE pay per view is here. The name of it is Night of Champions. For all of my non WWE close followers, this is a pay per view where all of the championships in WWE will be defended. Now, 10 years ago this would have been a quick show. But now you have six major titles. Some people say there are too many titles. I don't necessarily agree with that. Before I say that, I think I should be honest with all of my followers. I love title belts! I love title belts so much, I have bought a few online (and I plan to buy a few more).  You can see how my love of belts could make me a little biased toward keeping all of the titles. The titles are a way to let a wrestler know that they are good enough to carry the company; either as the main champion, the 2nd tier champion, or as a tag team champion. This was always a way for young wrestlers to come up and make a name for themselves. It was also a way for the company's to show faith in the wrestler they put the belt on. Recently the WWE has decided to consolidate their titles. They unified the tag team titles, and they are going to unify the Woman's and Diva's titles at the pay per view. I hope this is not going to become the trend. Since acquiring WCW in 2001, the WWE is pretty much 2 Wrestling companies. That is why you must keep either separate championships for both brands, or you have to unify all championships, and make the champion work on both shows like they did back when they had an undisputed WWE champion. I think it’s possible to have champions that can travel to both brands and make the new guys coming up look good. But WWE won't do that. If they unify the titles they will forget about the 2nd tier title just like they have forgotten about the tag titles. I have told you guys in a past blog about how important those titles are. You need them for the guys who are not quite popular or in good with the fans to get respect and gain a following as an up and coming superstar. If they unified the titles, how would we respect Dolgh Ziggler on Smackdown as the IC champ!? What about the Miz on Raw? With only one 2nd tier champ would he get his chance to be a top heel? Unify the woman and divas, and let them and the tag champs battle it out. But keep the other titles separate and give the new comers a shot at fame.


1 comment:

  1. Watching RAW right now and the Miz and Alex Riley are double teaming Daniel Bryant. SUCH A PUNK MOVE> Ughhhhhhhh!!! HE TAPPPPPPED OUT! He lost his belt. YAY!
    Back to business... I don't follow the divas... at all. Roderick does, big surprise.
    I din't realize the championship belts were broken up into categories and sub-categories! Answer me this then.. If the belts are so important why are they always on the line, so easy to loose? Orten just won the WWE Championship belt back lastnight (which is the highest honor right)yet he has to wrestle Shaemus to keep it in a Hell In A Cell match in only TWO WEEKS..... That's so soon?????
