Sunday, March 6, 2011

Has the title lost it's shine?

Hello All

Usually when I just write my blog I give you guys a look into my thought process about what is going in wrestling over the past week or two, but today I have a valid question for you all and I would like a real answer.

It's about the world championship. Over the past 5-10 years we have seen the 2 titles of the major promotions, WWE and WCW, go through a lot of changes. In WCW we saw the title won, and given back in the same night. We saw an actor win the title, and we saw the company go out of business all together. Then the title would go to the WWE. In WWE the title would be defended as the WCW championship, even though there was no WCW. Later the title would be unified with the WWE championship for 8 months. WWE decided to make different world championships for both of their brands. All of that being said I wonder has the Championship lost its value?

Let's look back a few years ago. In the past few decades we had guys going after the World championship all of the time. Hogan and Flair defined the WWE and WCW titles for the entire 90s. If you think about it, they both held the WWE titles from 90-93, and then the WCW titles from 93-00. Besides those 2 guys you had many of wrestling legends winning the championships. Shawn Michaels, the Undertaker, Kevin Nash, Brett Hart, Randy Savage, Lex Luger, Sting. These men are staples in wrestling

Even in the early part of the 2000s, you had the Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, Mick Foley, and Triple H. These guys are or will be in the WWE Hall of Fame. Then they separated the Championships and put one on Raw and one on Smackdown. For awhile the belts had a lot of prestige. So what has changed it from then to now?

I believe they have not done a great job getting their best wrestlers going after the titles. Think about the main events at Wrestlemania, Edge vs. Alberto Del Rio. What do we know about Del Rio.....? Your guess is as good as mine. I know nothing about him. I am not sure if he can carry the company as the champion, but he is the Royal Rumble winner. And just because the rumble winner has not won at Mania in the past 3 years, they have won the Championship before the year was over. So that means Del Rio will be the Man on Smackdown very soon.

And now for the other main event. The Miz vs. John Cena. I know Miz has been champion for a few months, and has had a decent title reign. But let's think about this. 1st, besides beating Randy Orton twice (with help from the New Nexus, not once but both times), who has the Miz beaten? Jerry Lawler? John Morrison? Don't get me wrong, I think Morrison is very close to being a big star for this company, and if he and the Miz would have met in the main event at a pay per view, then I believe Morrison could have won the title. But there was no way he was going to win the title in the 1st match on Monday Night Raw. And now you have him fighting Cena at Mania. Does anyone believe Cena is going to lose, because I don’t? We all know he is going to win. But that isn’t even the most important feud Cena has going, leading into Mania. Cena and the Rock have a great feud brewing, and guess has nothing to do with the WWE Championship.

I hope in this next year, with the return of both Triple H and Undertaker, we will have more of an appreciation for the World Championship.


  1. Dude, I am so over Cena. Get over him WWE! But the WWE invested WAY too much money in him during their lean years that you cannot just throw him out. You'll have wasted all of that money. The NBNA didn't just toss T-Mac over the side when LeBron and Melo and DWade got big. Oh, yeah, nevermind. they did.

  2. i have to agree i'm getting tired of seeing cena with the belt,sure he's the one that changed it originally but it dosen't mean he has to be the one who always has it. Miz has worked hard to get where he is but i'm not so sure he's champion material.....then again alot of people felt the same way about triple H and edge and both in my opinion held the titles very well and put on a good show when defending them
