Sunday, February 27, 2011

No New Era

Hello All

This week we continue the count down to the Grand Daddy of all wrestling events, Wrestlemania. As you know, this year Wrestlemania will take place in the Georgia Dome in Atlanta Ga. This will be the very first time that the biggest event in sports entertainment will be in Atlanta. And since I live in Atlanta, I will be attending my very 1st Wrestlemania.

We normally look at Wrestlemania to see who will be the next main guy. Back in Mania 20 John Cena was the opening match, but he got a hugh pop (cheers from the crowd), won the match, and a year later, won the WWE Championship. In Mania 13, the previously mentioned Stone Cold Steve Austin was in the match of that year, and a year later he went on to win the WWE Championship. Even going all the way back to Mania 10, where Shawn Michaels participated in the 1st ladder match at Mania, and later on became Mr. Wrestlemania. So we see that Wrestlemania is supposed to be the start of careers. It is supposed to be when we see the new stars shine. But from the way this year’s Wrestlemania is shaping up, I don’t really see anything new.

Let’s start with the smallest problem……..the Smackdown Main Event. Edge vs. Alberto Del Rio, for the World Heavyweight Championship. Now don’t get me wrong, I am happy to see some new blood in the main event. Del Rio is the Royal Rumble winner, and has an automatic title shot. He chooses to go after the World Title. But my problem is his opponent. Edge is in the Main Event for the 4th year in a row. He is a 10 time world champion, a rumble winner, and a King of the Ring winner. I would have liked to see someone else in this position since we have seen Edge in this spot already. Good for Del Rio, bad for Edge.

Next we will go to the Raw Main event, for the WWE Championship. You have the Champion, Miz vs. ……….wait for it………….wait for it……..John Cena. “Again”? You ask, yes again. I don’t get it, but for some odd reason Cena is in the main event again, for the (get this) 7th straight year. Besting Hulk Hogan, and Triple H’s Record of 5 straight years in the main event. Cena is a 9 time champion and a rumble winner also. I know Cena is a big draw, both in WWE and outside of it. He is a movie star, TV star, and has made a cd, but why can’t we come up with a new person for Wrestlemania. The Miz is a new champion for main event, but can’t we find a new person to put with him. Is WWE afraid the Miz can’t carry a mania main event by himself? If that is the case, then why does he have the Championship?

And last but not least, Triple H and the Undertaker both made their returns on Monday Night RAW. And they both made it seem that they were going to have a match at Wrestlemania. I don’t know if anyone remembers, but they have already fought at mania. Though it was a good match I don’t care to see them fight again. Is there no one else that the Undertaker can put his streak up against at Wrestlemania? We know that he will win; he has a win streak at mania that goes up to 18 manias. So we know Triple H won’t beat him. And if he does, then shame on Triple H. Triple H is the executive senior advisor with the WWE. He has an office at WWE headquarters. I think it would be shameful for him to put himself in a match with the Undertaker, for the sole purpose of ending his streak. Not that I think the streak is that big of a deal, but I think it is in bad form for someone who has an office in Connecticut.

I am looking very forward to Wrestlemania, but I wish there was a little variety in the main event matches.



  1. i Cannot WAIT for Taker's steak to end!
    GO HHH!

  2. I hope it won't. And if it does, shame on the WWE and Triple H.
