Sunday, March 27, 2011

It's the Final Countdown!!!!!!!

Hello All

So we are one week away from the biggest event of the year, Wrestlemania. In case you did not know, this year’s mania will take place in Atlanta Ga. I will be there; I hope to see you there.

This week’s blog will be a nice and easy one. The last few weeks, I have been really hard on the two main promotions in the business (WWE and TNA). The reason is that I feel like the two companies have taken a few steps back since, I guess about the beginning of the year. But today we will have a nice blog. Today I will talk about the lead up to Mania.

This year’s Wrestlemania is shaping up to be a great card. I would not put it up against some of the greatest Manias of all time (4, 6, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 17, 22, and 24, in no particular order), but I think that it is coming along very well. These are the matches I am looking most forward to in order.

Let’s start with Jerry Lawler vs. Michael Cole. Normally I would not be looking forward to this match. Let’s think about this. On one side you have a man who has not wrestled a regular schedule in almost 15 years, against a pencil neck announcer. This is not supposed to be a compelling match up. But guess what, I am looking very forward to it. This all started when Jerry Lawler had a WWE championship match on Raw, back in November. Cole cost Lawler the match and it has been building ever since. Cole has been getting the best of Lawler a lot lately, which is making this more exciting. I want to see Cole get destroyed by Lawler.

The next match I am going to talk about is Randy Orton vs. C. M. Punk. This feud actually goes back almost 3 years. In 2008 Orton beat up Punk back stage before the Unforgiven pay per view. Because of the assault, Punk had to forfeit his World Heavyweight Championship. Punk has been waiting to get back at Orton ever since. Punk became the leader of the group, The Nexus, and has used them to get back at Orton, interfering in two of Orton’s WWE championship matches. The Nexus has been taken out one by one, at the hands of Orton, and now it will be Orton and Punk one on one.

Another match I am looking forward to is the World Heavyweight Championship match. Edge vs. Alberto Del Rio. These 2 have the least amount of history relative to the other matches, but this one is very intriguing. Del Rio, as you know by now, is the Royal Rumble winner. That means he gets a shot at a championship at mania. Since winning that match, Del Rio has been relentless. He has been fighting Edge every chance he gets. The two of these guys have been battling back and forth. I wasn’t very excited about Del Rio winning the Rumble, because I thought maybe some of the other guys should have gotten a shot at the title, but Del Rio is making me a believer.

Now we get to what I consider the double main event. The reason I think they are double main events is because, in my opinion, one will be the best match and the other has had the most entertaining build up, and could be a great match. I am talking about the Miz vs. John Cena for the WWE championship. This rivalry goes back a few years. When the Miz separated from John Morrison as a tag team and became his own wrestler, the first big rivalry he had was vs. Cena. When Cena was out for a few weeks, Miz would come out to the ring, challenge him to a match, and force the ref to declare Miz the winner when Cena did not come out. That was just classic. And now that Miz is the champion, he has been getting the best of John Cena. Jumping him after matches, hitting him with the belt during Cena’s interviews, pretty much having his way with him. It will be great to see what will happen when Cena can finally get his hands on him. And if that wasn’t enough the Rock, has made it a point to call out the Miz, and Cena. So I cannot wait to see what will happen when they all get together.

And lastly, this next match will blow the roof off of the dome. The Undertaker vs. Triple H. The Undertaker has an undefeated streak at Wrestlemania that goes back more than 2 decades. He has never lost. And in doing so he has defeated some of the best in the business and has won championships. So, yearly guys line up to see if they can end the streak. Triple H is the latest to step up to the plate. They even have a bit of a feud. 10 years ago, back at mania 17, these two had a great match. Obviously Taker won the match, but it was a lot closer than most would have thought. And with 10 years under their belts, these two have become the most respected (at least by the fans) men in the business. This match will be well worth the price of admission.

Mania is a week away. These are the matches I will be looking the most forward to. Next week I will have some predictions, but now just think about these 5 matches!


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