Sunday, March 13, 2011

Where are the new stars?

Hello All

The 2 biggest promotions in the country (maybe even the world), are WWE and TNA. I know that most of the wrestling fans in America are WWE fans. The numbers say it all. They are the biggest promotion in the country. But that doesn’t mean that I can’t talk about the other companies.

When I started this blog I decided it would not be one of those blogs that goes around and kills guys. I do not want to talk bad about anyone. I love this business. The reason for me doing this blog is to show people a different side of things. Things that I think about from time to time, that maybe others don’t. So with all of that being said, today’s blog is going to be about taking TNA to task.

I have been watching TNA consistently for maybe the last 3 years. I have been paying very close attention to the guys there. Those that are young rookies just starting their careers, those who have made a name there, or those who went from WWE over there. But lately I have been noticing a trend that I am not very happy about. I don’t think TNA is doing enough to get their guys over. What I mean by that is I don’t think that they are doing a good enough job of making their guys the main draw.

TNA has been around since 2002, but they were associated with the National Wrestling Alliance. In 2007, TNA broke away from the NWA and stood on their own. Since the split, there have been 14 TNA World Championship reigns by 8 different men. Only 3 of those men have never worked at WWE.

I don’t have a problem with guys moving from company to company. It’s called business. I get that. I also do not have a problem if a company decides they want to get guys from the competition and make them their champion. Maybe you see something that they did not, or maybe you can make a star out of what they have already started.

What I do have a problem with is the fact that more “TNA guys”, have not held the belt. If you keep grabbing guys from WWE, who are already stars, and you put your world title on them, how does that help TNA? If every time I read that a guy is leaving WWE to go to TNA will I think they are going to win the title?

Where are the guys who have come up with TNA? Where are the guys who were there when TNA was doing a weekly pay per view show, because when they first started out they were not on TV. Where are the guys who were making the X division that made TNA very unique? Besides AJ Styles, and Samoa Joe, where are the young stud athlete wrestlers, who I keep hearing about every week I watch TNA, and they keep telling me why they are great and the WWE is the devil?

It is time for TNA to stop relying on made superstars, and main eventers, and start to make their own.



  1. Finally, the Rock HAS COME promote his latest movie!

  2. The Rock has been nothing short of AWESOME!
