Sunday, February 20, 2011

And the Winner is....................................

Tonight is the final major stop on the Road to Wrestlemania (unless something happens within the next month that I’m not considering major), the Elimination Chamber Pay per view.

And if you heard me on the “Score Atlanta Sports Sunday” show, on 790am the zone, in Atlanta, then you know what tonight’s blog is going to be about: Predictions.

In the past few weeks I have been giving my opinions about what I thought would happen to get us to this event. I have not been right a lot (as a matter of fact, it was brought to my attention, that I was 6-6 at the Royal Rumble), but I do think being this close to Wrestlemania, it will be a little easier to give a more accurate prediction about what will happen tonight, and how it will lead us in to Mania.

First I will get all of the other matches out of the way, then we will get to the matches that this event is named after. The WWE tag team championship is on the line when Santino Marella and Vladamir Kozlov defend their titles against the men they beat for the titles, former Nexus members, and current members of the new Smackdown faction ,“Core”, Heath Slater, and Justin Gabriel. Santino is SOOOOOO over with the fans right now, not for his wrestling, but he is so entertaining on the mic that we all love him. With that being said, I don’t think they drop the titles tonight. Not yet, soon, but not yet. I’m going with Santino and Kozlov.

Next we have the Intercontinental Championship Match: Kofi Kingston, the Champion, versus Alberto Del Rio: the Royal Rumble winner. I think both of these young lions are getting ready for superstardom for many years to come. Del Rio is going to headline Mania. With that being said I don’t see him winning this title. Not just yet. If he loses at Mania, then I could see them grooming him with the IC title. But that being said I will take Kofi.

The WWE Championship: The Miz, the Champ, versus Jerry “The King” Lawler. If you guys read my earlier blog (which I hope you did), you know what I think the outcome of this match will be. But you may be wrong. Let me make something clear. I don’t think it would be a bad thing if Lawler wins the title. I think it would be a great compliment to him, for all of his years as a wrestler, not just his years as an announcer. I think it would be a great testament to him to have him in the main event at Wrestlemania. I just don’t see it happening. So with that said the Miz advances to the Mania Main Event.

Now who will the Miz face? The Raw Elimination Chamber Match is next. John Cena, John Morrison, Randy Orton, Sheamus, R-Truth, and C. M. Punk, will all be locked in a cage like structure. The only person I can’t see headlining Mania is Truth. I think Orton and Punk could have an epic battle at Mania, so they are out. I think Triple H will make an appearance tonight to get back at Sheamus, and they will have their Mania rematch. And maybe Cena will take on the Rock (maybe), so that just leaves Morrison to take on his old tag team partner, the Miz, at Wrestlemania, for the WWE Championship.

Finally, the Smackdown Chamber Match. This match is for the World Heavyweight Championship: Edge, the champ, Kane, Rey Mysterio, Wade Barrett, Drew McIntyre, and a mystery opponent. Not knowing who the mystery opponent could be, I will not bring them in to this. The Undertaker will be coming back soon, and I think he will take on Kane, at Mania, so he will not win. Barrett and McIntyre are young, and they are close to being ready, but their time is not now. So that leaves Edge and Rey. They have built up both of these guys against Del Rio, and I honestly could see both of those guys headlining Mania. But I will take Edge to go to Mania, and Face Del Rio.

I know my last predictions were very questionable. Maybe these will be too, but that is why we watch and love pro wrestling.



  1. Not just that. Miz won, snore! Edge won, SNORE. It is just as I thought. Not as I hoped, but as I thought.
