Sunday, February 13, 2011

This is not a dream!

Hello All

Today I am going to write a blog about a performer who I would like all of you to pay attention to.

I told you all how good the Miz was, and not too long after that, Miz won the WWE championship. I say that to let you know, I have an eye for talent. Today we will be talking about “Dashing” Cody Rhodes.

Now I know what some of you may say, “Why are you talking about Cody? He is the son of former World Champion, and Hall of Famer, Dusty Rhodes. He doesn’t need you to highlight him in your blog”. That may be true, but I like to bring light to wrestlers I feel are either ready for superstardom, or I feel are being over looked.

Though Cody is the son of the “American Dream”, he has not used that as a stepping stone to get a big push in the business. He was a wrestler in high school. His junior and senior years, he won the state wrestling championship. Not long after his graduation, he turned pro.

He started off in Ohio Valley, the WWE’s minor leagues. There he worked very hard, and became a tag team champion within months of joining. Shortly after that, he won the OVW TV championship, then the OVW championship.

One year after starting in OVW, Cody went to WWE. There he started out as a decent mid-card wrestler. Not good, but not so bad that you didn’t think he would be good one day. He started out working as a singles wrestler, but he was not making any impact. So in the summer of ’07 he began to feud with Hardcore Holly. Though he never beat Holly, he earned his respect by fighting him tooth and nail, and the two formed a tag team.

As a tag team, they went on and won the tag team titles. And in a great move for his career, Cody turned on his own partner, and partnered up with Ted Dibiase. They were champs for a few months, and caught the eye of a star that was headed for superstar status. They latched on and formed Legacy.

In legacy he and Dibiase had some very big tag team matches, but you really didn’t pay attention to him because you only thought of him as a tag team. Then it was time for legacy to break away from each other.

In 2010 legacy turned on the leader (Randy Orton), and Cody was drafted to Smackdown. On Smackdown, Cody developed this new gimmick that I wasn’t cool with originally, but I have noticed that it is growing on me. “Dashing” Cody Rhodes was born. The gimmick is that he is so good looking he is Dashing. And because he is so dashing, he will do whatever it takes not to mess up his face.

Rhodes has been paying his dues since he came into to WWE and I think he looks like he could be the next young headliner. And he’s not trying to do it by being another American Dream, but by being Dashing.


  1. PS Variable, I watched The Wrestler last night. Wow, that was sad.

  2. Why. I didn't think it was a bad show at all.
