Monday, January 7, 2013

Welcome Back!!!!!!!!!

Hello all

I know it has been a long time since I have done this. I have had a lot on my plate lately, and had to take care of all of that, so I have not had much free time to write. But guess what everyone, I am back, and I have a lot to say. And I will keep this one somewhat simple.

I was speaking to someone this past week and he was asking some of my opinions on wrestling. He is not a fan, so he asked a few questions that I had answers to, and one that I did not have any idea about. So I figured I would sit down, think about it, and write a blog on it. As you all know The Rock will challenge the WWE Champion for the title at Royal Rumble. I was thinking about who would win in that match, and so I will write about that tonight.

Let’s start by saying I did not think when it was 1st announced on Raw 1000, that the Rock would challenge for the title, that he would win the title. You all know how I feel about the Rock coming back and winning at Mania last year. I did not think that is it was the way you reward the man who has been your workhorse for the last 7 years(since his 1st WWE title win). Though I know it made big money, I just think you should have had your guy who was there for the entire run, no days off, win it. So you would think that I would be all about the Rock losing, but the more I think about it, I may be on the other side.

There is something else that I think is in play, CM Punk has been champ for entirely too long! You guys all know how I feel about Punk. I will not rehash that, but really, it is time for someone else to have a shot. I get why some of you like him, but I believe we can all agree that his time as champion should be up. Besides we have had some great contenders this year, I think it is time we had someone more worthy.

Now on to this match at Rumble. Again I am of the school of thought that says you cannot give the belt to someone who is not a full time wrestler. But I am also of the school that says someone holding the WWE title for more than a year, makes the title and every match where the title does not change hands very insignificant. So……..who do I think will win it all? I really think that Rock will bring home the gold, and create huge buy rates for this year’s WrestleMania. Maybe a rematch with John Cena(we have seen a lot of rematches in mania lately), or we could see a rematch of SummerSlam 2002, Rock and Brock Lesnar(don’t forget, Lesnar is on the mania poster).


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