Sunday, April 1, 2012

It's the most wonderful time of the year!!!!!

Hello all

I am sure at this point we all know that this is WrestleMania time. Tonight is the greatest night in pro wrestling. This is the biggest show of the year. And now it is time for me to make predictions for the show tonight. Last year of the real important matches I picked, I went 2-4. Not good at all. So hopefully this year, I will get it together.

Kelly Kelly & Maria Menounos vs. Divas Champion Beth Phoenix & Eve: I really am not excited about this match at all. But I guess they had to do something in the entertainment portion of the night. I believe Kelly Kelly’s team will win. Normally when a nice person from the world of entertainment steps in to the ring, they win; I don’t see tonight being any different. Besides this is not a Diva’s Championship match, so I believe the Maria Menounos, Kelly Kelly team will win.

Randy Orton vs. Kane: This is an interesting match. I have to believe that if Wade Barrett did not hurt himself on Raw a few weeks ago, this would be Barrett and Orton, and not Kane. But injuries are a part of the business. If this were a no holds barred match, I think this could be very entertaining. Even without that I think it will be a good match. Orton is very hot right now, he is the #1 guy on Smackdown, and so I think he will pull it out.

Team Teddy vs. Team Johnny: I am a big fan of Teddy Long. I remember him way back when he was the manager for the NWA World Tag Team champions, Doom. I remember him as a referee, and as a manager in WWE, where he managed Mark Henry. So with that said, it hurts me to say this, but I think team Johnny wins. 1st they have the better all-around team. Henry, Miz, Christian, these are 3 guys who have been champion within the last 12 months. The only person on team Teddy that has been champion was Booker T, and he is semi-retired, and was champ almost 6 years ago. 2nd I think we have to have someone running both shows who people hate. That way we always watch to see if that GM is going to lose his job. And Johnny is hated way more than Teddy.

Intercontinental Champion Cody Rhodes vs. Big Show: This may be an interesting match. As you all know, I have been ringing the bell for Cody Rhodes for a long time. But I have to admit, I am getting sick of him and his gimmick. I enjoyed it when he was “dashing”, and I think he is a good I-C champ, but since he changed the belt design back to the old school design, he has not done anything to bring any prestige to the belt like he said he would. Beside a lot has been made about the Big Show not having a Mania moment. I think tonight will be that moment. Show wins the I-C title tonight.

World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus: Rumble winner Sheamus, is challenging the World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan. I think this is a pretty open and shut match. This might be the most open and shut title match since John Cena won his 1st title in 2005. Bryan has been a slimy champ, he hasn’t moved the meter as the champ, and Sheamus has the crowd behind him. So I pick Sheamus in a pretty short match.

WWE Champion CM Punk vs. Chris Jericho: As I was telling one of the followers not too long ago, Punk is still pretty hot right now. I don’t see him losing his title at Mania. Even to Chris Jericho. Again I think this will be a short match with Punk retaining the title.

The Undertaker vs. Triple H (Hell in a Cell Match with special referee Shawn Michaels): Now for everyone who was there or saw the match, you all know that this was the match of Mania (if not the year). So as the time for this year’s Taker match was coming around, and we were all wondering if they have a rematch, how are they going to top last years? Hell in a Cell. With 2 titans of Hell in a Cell. These men have practically popularized this match. They say it will be the end of an era. All of this to me sounds like they are going to end the streak. I just don’t know why they would end it now. Taker’s record at Mania is 19-0, why wouldn’t they make it a nice round number like 20-0 before they end it? And there has been a lot made about the fact that Shawn Michaels will be the special referee. To me all of this is being set up to have Shawn turn on Triple H, and help Taker win and continue the streak. 20-0. Maybe next year it ends.

John Cena vs. The Rock: Even though at this point we will have had 2 world title matches, an IC title match, and Hell in a Cell, this is the Main Event. This is the match we have talked about for an entire year. This is a very important match. For the Rock this will be his chance to come back and show that he is the very best to ever perform at Mania. And for Cena this is the chance for him to get revenge on the Rock for costing him a win at last year’s Mania. Who wins? To me Cena has to win. I know everybody loves the Rock. We all remember him from 10 years ago when he was on Raw and Smackdown every week. But something has changed in a decade. The Rock left WWE, and Cena became the man. Cena has wrestled everyone, and has been the bell cow for the company almost since the beginning. I remember and love the Rock like everyone else, but Cena is right. After Mania, Rock will go on back to Hollywood, and Cena will be on Raw. As a wrestling fan, I want the wrestler to win, not the actor. Let’s Go Cena!!!!!


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