Sunday, April 24, 2011

Is their biggest stength becoming their biggest weakness?

Hello All

I was paying very close attention to TNA for the last few weeks. I have been doing this for a few reasons. One reason is because leading up to Wrestlemania, I did a lot of writing about WWE. Even after Mania, I did a Mania wrap up blog. So I wanted to do a lot more writing about things happening outside of WWE. Two, is because I want to bring light to the other companies. I can watch TNA every week, so it is easy for me to keep up with them, but I try to read as much about Ring of Honor and the NWA as I can. So for these reasons I have been paying attention to TNA.

That being said, as I have been watching TNA, something came to my mind. I have been watching great matches between Beer Money, and Gunner and Murphy. There was also a 4 corners match between tag team partners. Then I watched Bully Ray, Matt Hardy, and Abyss vs. Fortune. I even watched a little (and I do mean a little) bit of the Knockout (Women) matches. As I finished watching all of these matches I wondered to myself, is TNA doing themselves a disservice by showcasing all of their great wrestlers throughout the show, only to slow down the show with the World Championship.

I think by now, you all know me well, and know how I feel about the World Title of any company in pro wrestling. But if you don’t, here goes. I think the World Heavyweight Championship (in all companies, and the WWE Championship) is the most important part of a company. The champ is the driver of the bus, the captain of the ship, and to steal a line from, maybe the greatest world champ of all time, Ric Flair, the champ is the dealer. So as you can see, I think the champ is the one.

But in TNA for as long as I have been paying attention (which admittedly is only for about the last 4-5 years), I think that there has only been two people to hold their world title, who you would consider to be the best most exciting guys on their roster. Two people whom you would say are on top of their game. Two people who made you care about that title, and they are Kurt Angel, and AJ Styles. Other than those two, the world championship has been worn by guys, who though they may be good guys and respected back stage or even by fans, they are not guys I would say are driving the bus.

I think TNA could do themselves a lot of good by breaking up some of their tag teams, and making those guys the new superstars. I know they have the best tag team wrestlers in the business, but as we all know, some of the best world champions in this business have started out as tag team champions. I have no problem with Sting as a person (I haven’t heard anything bad about him business wise) or as a wrestler. And I loved him 20 years ago when he was starting, but how many times do I need to see him with the championship.

I think if they broke up the British Invasion (Doug Williams/Brutus Magnus), Inc. Inc. (Jesse Neal/Shannon Moore), the Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley/Chris Saban), and Beer Money (Robert Rude/James Storm), you would have 8 guys who will be able to carry this company into their next 10 years, as far as being single competitors, and even being the World Heavyweight Champion.

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