Saturday, April 2, 2011

IT'S WRESTLEMANIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello All

This will be a quick blog. In case you have been living under a rock, then you wouldn’t know, but tomorrow is the Show Case of the Immortals, Wrestlemania.

Because I normally do a blog every Sunday night, and since tomorrow I will be at Wrestlemania, I will be doing a prediction blog today (Saturday).

The Core vs. Kane, the Big Show, Santino Marello, and a mystery partner: I am going to go with The Core. The Core has been together for a long time now (all but one of their members are from the original Nexus), and they have been pretty dominate on Smackdown, since they joined that roster.

Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan

for the United States Championship
: Bryan was US champion for a while, until he lost his title to Sheamus on an episode of Raw a few weeks ago. I am picking Sheamus. He is a 2 time WWE Champion, and last year he was in a big match with Triple H. So I think he is a bigger star than Bryan.

Snooki, Trish Stratus, and John Morrison vs. Dolph Ziggler, Laycool, and Vicki Guerreo: I so couldn’t care less about this match. I hope it is not long. I will go with the team of Snooki Trish and Morrison, because I think the WWE brought Snooki in to look good, not to get beat up.

Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes: In this match if Rey loses, he will have to lose his mask. I really doubt that the WWE will disrespect Rey the way the WCW did, and make him unmask, so I am going to pick Rey to win this match.

Randy Orton vs. CM Punk: This could be the match of the night. These two have built up a great rapport. They have been going back and forth with each other, since the end of last year. I really don’t know who is going to pull this one off. I am going to go with Orton, but only because he is one of my favorite wrestlers, and has been for about 5 years, but I could see it going either way.

Jerry Lawler vs. Michael Cole: I have the opposite feeling about this match than I do about the Snooki one. This is a match between a retired wrestler, and a never been wrestler. But the build for this match has been excellent. They have been building on this one since late last year also. And Cole has been hitting Lawler below the belt; costing him championships, bringing his family into it. I am picking Lawler, because we have all gotten tired of Cole.

Triple H vs. Undertaker: This is going to be a barn burner (as good ole JR would say). These guys have both been out for at least 6-months, and even though they have been back for about a month promoting their match, they have not wrestled. This is going to be a good match. I think WWE spoiled my prediction, because I was going to say that Shawn Michaels would come back, and cost Triple H the match, saying “If I can’t beat Taker, I am not going to let my best friend do it”. So with that said Taker runs his streak to 19-0.

John Cena vs. the Miz for the WWE Championship: I am looking forward to this. Not because of the match, which I believe will be a 3.5-4 star match, but because the Rock, and Cena have been entertaining me since the Rock came back at the beginning of March. I really believe that, even though the Rock and Cena have been feuding, and Cena gave an attitude adjustment to the Rock, I think the Rock will help Cena win the title.

Edge vs. Alberto Del Rio for the World Heavyweight Championship: I don’t really have a good feeling about this match. On one hand the WWE doesn’t like to give a heel the championship at Wrestlemania (i.e. Randy Orton at Mania 25). But I don’t see the company letting the Royal Rumble winner lose the main event at Mania for the 4th year in a row. I believe they will let Edge win, just to have him lose the title on Smackdown on Friday. But I could also see Christian costing Edge the title. But if I had to give my opinion, I think we will have a new World Heavyweight Champion.

I hope you all have enjoyed this blog. Next week, I will do a regular one. And I will be uploading my pictures from Mania.


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