Sunday, October 10, 2010

Sometimes I think of the blog topic all week, and I will just stick with it. But every now and again, I will see something on TV or read something that will make my job as a blogger extremely simple, and get me exciting to share what I saw with you all. That being said, Raw this week provided me with this opportunity, to go away from the topic I was going to write about, and write something better. So this leads me to Raw. During the beginning of the show, John Cena had to join "The Nexus". He started off by beating up one of the members he was in a tag team match with. After that the Raw GM (as spoken through Michael Cole) said he has to go with the Nexus or he would be fired. And right then, the most amazing thing, the crowd, the entire crowd, not women, and not kids, but everyone, all of the fans, hell even me, sitting at home watching it, we were all cheering for Cena. Cena is a very strange case in pro wrestling. He is a good guy. What they call in the business, a (baby) face. The consummate good guy. He will fight all of the guys perceived to be "bad guys"(or heels). He will have all of the slogans that will make the crowd cheer, "If you want some, come get some", "You can't see me". He will have a new t-shirt every few months. He will be on the cover of WWE Magazine at least 3 times a year, and he will be in WWE movies. But all of that has not won him over with the fans, and I mean the "real fans". Not the fans who watch and cheer for the face all the time, and give no respect to the up and coming guys, who are either finally getting their run in WWE (Edge, Kane, Randy Orton), or will seemingly never get their respect (Matt Hardy, Christian, Shelton Benjamin, who is gone). But the real fans, who respect the guys who can go out and give a great match. Who can create art in a wrestling ring. Who can entertain a wide variety of us, the real fans. We were the ones who saw the meteoric rise of John Cena. Mid-card guy who came up through the developmental league and wrestled on Smackdown! We watched him start off as the "white rapper"(which wasn't a bad gimmick and made him very popular). He later went on to fight for the US Title, against the Big Show at Wrestlemainia 20. We should have seen then what was going to happen. The following year Cena was once again at Wrestlemania, this time battling for the WWE Championship. He won and proceeded to have a 9 month championship reign, defeating the likes of Chris Jericho, Kurt Angle, Shawn Michaels, and surviving 5 wrestlers in an Elimination Chamber match, and he was the first one in. In doing all of this, WWE did John Cena no favors. They made him an unrootable figure, even though he was a face. They turned all of the real fans against him because he seemed unbeatable, and unbelievable. But this week Cena has hit a little bit of adversity. It seems that all odds are against Cena, and for the 1st time since he debuted in the WWE, it doesn't look like Cena can overcome this. But isn't that why we watch? Isn't that what made the whole McMahon vs. Austin feud so great? We watched because we couldn't wait to see how Austin would overcome. I have that same feeling again, for John Cean of all people. So, finally after 5 years, I join the fans from last week in chanting to Cena, “NEVER GIVE UP! NEVER GIVE UP!”

AND THAT'S THE BOTTOM LINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I don't think I can forgive Cena for the white rapper thing though. I know he was a Marine and all but come on.

    Everytime I see him I think of him as the white rapper from the PS2 Smackdown game. If Lesner hadn't gone away, Cena would have taken a backseat for years.

    This guy is Steve Nash and that is IT

  2. I can't disagree with that Fletcher. He is benefiting from a week crop of wrestlers. He is not an all timer, but he is the top draw in all of pro wrestling.
