Sunday, October 31, 2010

The New "Stone Cold" and "The Rock'

I have been watching a lot of wresting lately (you would hope I have if I’m writing a blog, right). I must admit, I like a lot of what I see.

Don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of things I would change if I were Vince. Like I have said before, I would keep the “brands” completely separate, even down to the pay per views. I would develop the tag team division, bring back separate titles, and have the “brands” do more competing as if they were different companies. That’s just WWE. TNA, of course I would fire all of the writers. I would get some of the young guys who have not made a name for themselves in WWE a chance to shine. Then I would totally get rid of that “TV” title that they don’t defend anyway.

But like I started off saying I like what’s going on. I think I am seeing two guys in the WWE elevate themselves to the point where, in the eyes of the fans, they can do no wrong. These wrestlers are Randy Orton, and John Cena.

Cena has been the darling in the WWE for the past 5 years. Champion, face of the company, movies, the whole nine yards. And of course, though a lot of us hate to see Cena always win, he gets a huge pop from the fans all the time. Cena has done it by being a face (baby face). Playing the part of the good guy. His shirts say “Never Give UP”. He is the guy.

But Randy Orton is an interesting case. Randy Orton has done it very differently. He has been a heel for more than 3 years, and proud of it. But he has had some great matches. So much so, that the fans actually started to like Orton. This reminds me of the late 90s when Stone Cold Steve Austin, and The Rock, were ruling the wrestling world. Cena, like the Rock, is the movie star, the guy grazing the cover of video games, the pitch man for the WWE. Where as Orton is a heel (bad guy), who has never stopped doing what he did that made him a bad guy, but the fans still love him because he is not changing. Just like Austin. And Orton is now referred to as the Viper. Austin was the Rattlesnake.

With these two guys leading the company, like their predecessors 10 years ago, I believe the WWE is getting ready to have another big boom.


  1. I am OVER Cena. I'd rather they push someone else. Just give someone else a run at it. I am tired of Cena. You want to keep him in storylines? Fine, but get him away from the title. He is the new HHH for pete's sake!

  2. I am over Cena as the champ. I think the adversity is good for Cena. It is bringing most of the fans back on his side.
