Monday, March 3, 2014

Hello all

Welcome to the road to Wrestlemania. This is one of my favorite times of year. I know we only have a few matches that are on the agenda, it’s the most wonderful time of the year for those of us who just love mania.
Now I know I have not been on here in a long time. As usual I have been biding my time waiting to see what, if anything, new is going to happen to change the landscape.

I have two things that I will discuss today; one small and the other big. The small thing is that we can all see that there is a big star on the horizon; someone that the WWE is putting 100% of their resources behind. Much to the chagrin of most of the WWE fans, it is not Daniel Bryan. Bryan is by far the most popular wrestler in all of wrestling. The fans love to see him and there is always the defining cheer of “YES”. But this is not the person the front office is behind. At least not right now. That man is Roman Reigns. Reigns has been on a roll lately. So much so that it looks like the destruction of the Shield is just a matter of time. Reigns is from a wrestling family. He is the son of Sika Anoa’I, and the brother of Rosey. He is the cousins of The Rock, the Usos, Rikishi, and Yokozuna. So he is built for this. And I have always said that among the members of the Shield, he is the only one that looked, to me, like an actual wrestler. With the way WWE has been show casing him lately, I will not be surprised to see him with a shot at the WWE World Heavyweight Championship this year.

Number two is an even bigger issue. This is something I have been noticing and I wanted to put it out there, and maybe putting it out in the world, I will get the answer for it. At Royal Rumble Dave Batista won, and therefore will get the guaranteed World Title shot at Mania. Since that time, the fans have turned on Batista. Now I guess I understand. The reason could be that the fans are upset that Bryan is not getting his shot at Mania. But if that is the case, I think the fans have got to get over that. It does not look like that is what is on the horizon. It looks like Bryan will be fighting Triple H. This seems like a great thing for him. He can take out the frustrations on Triple H, and the fans can rejoice from watching this. Also for all of you Bryan marks, you have to know that Bryan will get a shot at, and maybe even a long run with, the World title. I think you all have to get over it. Honestly Bryan not having the title gets him so over, that he could go off of this for the next year. But you all have to know, when these baby faces get the title, that’s when everything changes. They are not quite as compelling as they were before the run to the title. It is easier to chase the title than to be the one being chased. But I am getting off topic. I am wondering why now are people turning against Batista. If it is not because of Bryan, then what is it? Could it be that fans only want to see Batista as a heel anyway? Could it be that he came back and is too soon in the main event? Could it be that him beating Alberto Del Rio unmercifully has made him an unlikable guy? I cannot tell, but I am sure we will find out soon.

I know we have about a month till Mania. I see a lot of things about to happen. I hope that WWE will going ahead and have Batista embrace being a heel. He was very successful at it in 2010 before he left. I would love to see a World Title match between Randy Orton(the champion) and Bryan, on RAW. And right at the end, before Bryan is going to win, Batista comes out, and destroys him. And his reason is because he is the next guy in line, and he will beat Orton. No one else can. That would put him over as a heel. Just some of my thoughts. I will give you more as we get to Mania.


Sunday, December 15, 2013

Hello all

I know, I know. You are gonna say “where have you been”? I have been sitting back waiting for something big to happen in wrestling. There have been a few things that have happened but nothing really significant, except for one thing.

I did miss out on a blog that I wanted to write. A bit after WrestleMania this year, I was watching an episode of SmackDown. This is around the time that Daniel Bryan just finished a lengthy WWE Tag Team Title reign, but on this night he was in a singles match, I believe with a member of the Shield. Bryan won a fantastic match, and for the 1st time in a singles match when they were not mocking him, the WWE fans were cheering “YES” “YES” “YES”! At that time, I thought “I should write a blog, and title it ‘A Star is born’”. And of course after that he has gone on to win 2 WWE Championships and a Sammy for Superstar of the year.

So with that being said, I wanted to write this blog because we have such a “historic event”, the unification of both the WWE and the World championships, tonight at the TLC Pay Per View. Now I guess this could be historic, but we have already seen this. Does anyone remember when Chris Jericho beat the Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin in the same night to become the Undisputed Champion? How is this different? Also, we are not unifying the championships of two different companies; we are just putting an end to the brand extension.

Personally I don’t understand how they can end the brand extension. The reason why there was a brand extension to begin with was because the company was too big. They just bought WCW and had all of the talent from that company that they wanted. With a whole roster of wrestlers WWE had to come up with a separate company. And with that, the brand extension was born. So with them not losing any wrestlers I don’t know why the brand extension is over, but I guess that is what’s best for business.

So now it is time for my prediction for the main event of tonight. WWE Champion, Randy Orton, vs. World Heavyweight Champion John Cena, in a Tables, Ladders and Chairs match (which is what the ppv TLC is named for). The title will be suspended from a harness above the ring, and you have to climb the ladder and retrieve the title, or in this case titles. I know that we are guarteed a winner tonight, but I do not see that happening tonight. The TLC ppv is not a big one. This is supposed to be a big event, the unification, so why wouldn’t it happen at Mania. So I predict each man will pull down the other man’s title, and we will have a controversial ending leading us into the New Year. Or for some reason, after Triple H saying the best man will win, I see him coming in to the match, climbing the ladder, and taking the titles himself. Or another outcome I see, is the authority (Triple H and Stephanie McMahon) helping John Cena become champion, and Cena turning heel. Now that last one is the most unlikely of things to happen, but I do think that is an option.

I do feel that if we are not going to have separation of the shows/brands then it is time for us to have one WWE champion. I will be happy to see one. I am not all the way on board with calling this a historic event, but I am ready to have one champion. With 2 champions (especially with them being on both shows) it diminishes the importance of the titles. So let’s get back to the days when everyone wanted to be the WWE champion, and it was the biggest prize in the wrestling world.


Sunday, April 7, 2013

It's the most wonderful time of the year!!!!!

Hello all

I know it has been a long time since I last wrote. Sorry about that. I have been meaning to write, but I have been busy. I especially wanted to write you guys and let you know that I was correct about my prediction on what would happen in TNA. Bully Ray won the World Heavyweight Championship, like I said. Also he was discovered to be the leader of the Aces and Eights(their president), again, just as I said. So if you couldn’t tell, I have not been avoiding you guys, I just haven’t had the time. Now my next prediction in for TNA is that at the rematch for the world title, Brooke Hogan will help Bully Ray retain the title, and turn on her dad, Hulk Hogan, and TNA all together. And might I add this has made TNA compelling to watch. It is now somewhat appointment television. So now that I have gotten my chance to gloat out of the way, how about we talk about the thing that we have all been longing forward to since the end of January……..WrestleMania

I don’t know about anyone else, but I feel like this year, there has not been much build up to WrestleMania. I feel like in years past there would have been a lot more guys running in on their opponents’ matches and a lot more confrontation between all participants, especially those in the main event, John Cena, and the Rock. Maybe it is because a lot of the guys are no longer full time workers. Triple H, the Undertaker, The Rock, just a few of the guys that are in big time matches, have missed time during this lead up to mania. But with that said, as usual I am still looking forward to Mania, and I will be giving you guys some predictions. Since this is Mania, there will be more matches than normal, and I will try to fly through some of the undercard matches, cause to be honest with you, I don’t know much about some of these undercards.

Intercontinental Championship Match: Wade Barrett (c) vs. The Miz:
This is the pre-show match that has become custom with WWE Pay Per Views. I know that Miz and Barrett have had a bit of a rivalry, but I did not know that they were still fighting. Since this is for the IC title, I am going to speak about it, but to be honest with you (and no offense to guys, who are pretty good guys), the pre-show match wouldn’t get any mention in my blog. Anyway, I think Barrett will win. I don’t see any reason for them to make a IC title change during the pre-show. So I say Barrett retains.

WWE Tag Team Championship Match: Team Hell No (c) vs. Dolph Ziggler, and Big E Langston:
I have never seen Big E have a singles match, let alone a tag team match, so I would like to think that Team Hell No would be the favorite to win this match.

World Heavyweight Championship Match: Alberto Del Rio (c) vs. Jack Swagger: This has been a bit of a heated rivalry since Swagger became the #1 contender. Swagger is taking the pro America stance against someone who is not an American. That’s pro wrestling 101. You develop an angle that the people can get behind, and all of us can get behind the good ole USA vs. the world, even though in this case, the American is the heal. I think Del Rio will pull out the victory in this one. Swagger has been somewhat crazed, and has beaten up Del Rio’s ring announcer Ricardo Rodríguez, a guy who is not a wrestler. So I think this will be where he gets his comeuppance.

Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar, No Holds Barred: This is a rematch from last year’s SummerSlam. Only difference is, if Triple H loses, he has to retire. The lead up to this match has been Triple H calling out Lesnar, and Lesnar destroying the old members DX, and this forces Triple H to accept the stipulation of Triple H putting his career on the line. So everything is telling you that Triple H is going to win and save his career. Not so fast my friends. Triple H has wrestled I believe 4 matches since the Extreme Rules ppv in 2010. So he is pretty much retired. Plus what else is there for a guy like Triple H to do, he could put over new guys, I guess, but that is about it, but he is not winning any more titles, so what else is there for him. So I say tonight is the last night we see Triple H, and I don’t like him with short hair.

CM Punk vs. The Undertaker: Punk has done some much for this company since he dropped his now infamous pipe bomb, in June of 2011. He was WWE Champion for over a year. He has been the standard bearer for the company, if not the entire wrestling world. And this is mania, and we all know what the streak means to the Undertaker (if not the entire wrestling world). Taker is 20-0 at mania, and has beaten the best of the best. The list reads as a who’s who of the WWE. Edge, Shawn Michael’s Triple H, Kane, and Randy Orton. Between those men there are 39 world title reigns. This streak means everything to Taker. I have always thought that after the streak got to 20, Taker would finally lose, and then retire. The only thing about that is, I don’t know if he would lose the streak to Punk, and honestly, I don’t know if Punk would take it. I always thought Taker would want to lose it to one of the older more respectable guys, like all of those guys I mentioned earlier. And with Punk being the kind of guy who knows the history of this business, I would think he would not want to end it. But with all of that being said, it’s time for my prediction. I think I am going to go with my 1st mind. I think Punk is going to continue his amazing career renaissance and add defeating the Undertaker’s streak to it.

WWE Championship: The Rock (c) vs. John Cena: This is the match we have all been waiting for. The follow up to their epic match last year, but this is for all the marbles. The WWE title. Cena has not been able to get the best of the Rock since mania 27, when Rock cost Cena the title vs. the Miz. Even on RAW 2 weeks ago Cena tried to give Rock an Attitude Adjustment, but instead he got Rock Bottomed. So what do I think? This is interesting, I have 3 scenarios: 1 Rock retains the belt. These guys have a great match, and there is no interference, nor anything that out of the ordinary. #2 Cena turns heel. This is what we have all been waiting for, John Cena, grabs a chair, and beats the crap out of Rock, because he can’t do it on his own, and he turns his back on all of his fans. Or(and most likely) Cena wins out right, and is still a good guys, and still gets booed.

Wow that was a lot guys. I hope you all enjoy Mania, and let me know what you think about my picks.

P.S. I think Ziggler will cash in Money in the Bank tonight, but on whom?

Monday, February 25, 2013

New WWE Championship

Hello all
/>This is just to show you guys what a belt nerd I am. That is me at Mania 27 with a replica WWE title.

So in this past week I have been on my websites, and of course they have been blowing up. Everyone has an opinion of the new belt. 90% of the feedback is positive. The fans were so against the spinner belt that they were ready for something different. And the belt is very different, it does not have an eagle of any kind on it, and that is the 1st belt without one since 1988. It looks like it has customizable side plates, to coincide with the current champion. Speaking of the side plates, it only has 2 not 4 which has been the usual. It is totally different. If you go to the WWE website, they tell the story of how they came up with the design, and how long it took and how much it cost.

When the belt 1st appeared I was in the minority. I thought it was a little hypocritical for the Rock to say he didn’t want to carry a toy, and he something “Bad Ass”, when I thought it look just like a toy. To me it did not looked like the most prestige title in all of pro wrestling; a title that this year will celebrate 50 years. A title that after a few years of hot potato (since the outcome is known, too many title switches make the title less important), has had it brought back to prominence after Punk’s 13 month long reign as champion.

But I had to remind myself that at first I thought the spinner was a total disgrace to that title. I mean it spun! But it is not the belt that makes the title; it is the champion that makes the title. As said on the belt websites, Ric Flair could carry a turd to the ring, and make it look like the greatest prize in all of wrestling, that is just the type of wrestler/champion he was. Again at 1st the spinner did not look like a great title, but when men like Triple H, Edge, Randy Orton, John Cena, and CM Punk were going after it, and fighting for it, it made the belt seem like it was important.

So I will let you all decide how you feel about the belt. It has grown on me in only a week. Again I will let the champions define this belt, and I will hold my judgment for later.


Sunday, February 17, 2013

This is a Prediction, but not like my others!

Hello all

I know that normally on the Sunday of a big (WWE)Pay Per View(sorry TNA fans, I just don’t have too many people who care that much), I give my predictions, but tonight there is something I have been meaning to get off of my chest, and want to do it before it happens. So you could say this is somewhat of a prediction in itself.

Now I know there are a lot of you who say that I never talk about TNA Impact Wrestling, and I will say that you are right. I have not had much to say about TNA lately. Jeff Hardy is their champion, and you know how I feel about him. I do like Bobby Rude and Austin Aires as bad guys, they are very entertaining. And of course their shows are still dominated by Sting and Hulk Hogan, and no this is not the 80s or 90s, so there haven’t been too many moments that have happened where I have felt the need to speak about them. But today there is something that I would like to talk about in TNA. Something I think is going to happen.

So if you haven’t been watching TNA lately, and I wouldn’t blame you, you have missed a few things. Now one of the things, besides all the things I mentioned in the previous paragraph, that hasn’t changed is that the group of outsiders that have been running wild for who knows how long, the Aces and Eights, are still running amuck In the company. They are beating people up and taking names, and they are getting new members every day. But what you have missed is that Bully Ray got married to Hulk Hogan’s daughter Brooke.

Now I know what you are going to say, isn’t Bully twice her age? Yes he is. How did they get together? Honestly, I have no idea, and I have been watching it. One week there were rumors about them being together, the next week they were dating, and the week after that Bully proposed, and now they are married. Crazy right?

But this is the kicker. Now all of a sudden Bully is trying to get in the good graces of Hogan, and even on this week’s episode Bully is trying to be the #1 contender for the World Heavyweight Championship. Now here comes my prediction. I believe that Bully will become the #1 contender, win the world title, and will do it with the help of Tazz, and the rest of the Aces and Eights. Then they will reveal that he is the leader of the Aces and Eights, and this was all just an elaborate plan to get the world title in their faction.

Think about it Devon, Bully’s tag team partner for almost 20 years, is a member. Tazz, his friend from ECW, is a member. He married the bosses daughter, and now he is talking to her about how much he admires her father, and became a wrestler, because he wanted to be like Hulk Hogan(like there aren’t thousands upon thousands of wrestlers who can say that). This seems a lot like when Triple H married Stephine, and used her to become very powerful in WWE. This is what I think is going to happen. I could be wrong, but of course, I don’t think so. Let’s see what will happen in time.

Oh and one more thing. I have said in a previous blog that I think the ultimate mastermind behind all of this Aces and Eights business is Eric Bischoff. Think about it, this is the same man that started the NWO. And his son is now a member of the Aces and Eights. So I believe these are a few things that will happen in the coming months in TNA.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Hello all

You all know that I started this blog with the mind frame of a fan. I try not to look at any of the websites that have all of the spoilers on them. I enjoy watching wrestling, have since I was a kid, and even though I know the results are staged, I would like to see them happen before my eyes. Besides, a lot of times these websites are wrong. And I don’t want to be one of these jaded wrestling fans, who have nothing but cynical things to say about the business.
That being said, I try to stay informed. When I worked in sports radio, there was a show that we would broadcast once a week that was dedicated to pro wrestling. So once a week, I would hear some of the behind the scenes info, and I subscribe to one of the most (if not the most, and only) credible pro wrestling publications out there. All that to say, I get a little bit of the inside scoop, but not much.

One of the major knocks on WWE lately, has been the fact that they don’t seem to have very many plans for the future. On the radio show, one of the hosts would always talk about how back in the early days of Wrestlemania, the main event was planned out for over a year. This would give them a whole year to build the competitors up, and to make the main event the biggest main event of the year. But according to the radio show, lately they have not been setting up the main events that far out. And I can say some of them have seemed a little thrown together. So imagine my surprise when I saw that John Cena had won the Royal Rumble (my picks were horrible for the Rumble by the way, but we won’t talk about that). So could it be that WWE has gone back to their old days, and have planned out the main event at Wrestlemania?

Let’s consider the facts: John Cena won the Rumble. Everyone knows that the Rumble winner gets to main event (supposedly) Mania. We all know that Cena has been one of the guys who have been in the main event at mania more than we can remember. We know that he can deliver on the grand stage, and because of the yearlong buildup of him and the Rock at last year’s mania, we know Cena is great for business. The one thing we can say about WWE and wrestling in general, it is all about money. Who can have the biggest box office, who can have the biggest pay per view buys, and who can sell the most merchandise. John Cena seems like a no brainer choice for the main event for mania. Obviously, he won Rumble.

The other thing we need to consider is who will have the WWE Championship at the time. At present time The Rock is the Champion, having defeated CM Punk at the Rumble. The two will have a rematch at the Elimination Chamber PPV. Punk, as you know if you have watching wrestling for the past year, had been in possession of the title for more than a year. He has brought a lot of prestige to the title by holding it longer than anyone else in the modern era (I think I may do a blog about the title reigns in the modern era). What do both men have in common? They have had some amazing matches with Cena over this past year, Rock at mania, which set records for PPV buys, and Punk at, well you name the PPV, and they have probably been in the main event. So it doesn’t really matter who they put in there with Cena, it will be the biggest show of the year.

There are a lot of jaded fans out there, that love to complain about WWE (and TNA for that matter), but will watch it just to make fun, or talk bad about it. I don’t get it. I think we should all be very happy. If this was their plan all along (and I am going to hope it was), they set this up perfectly. I did not see this coming. Who would have thought that was would see the Rock vs. Cena again, but this time it is for all of the marbles, the biggest prize in all of wrestling, the WWE title. Or could you imagine that CM Punk regains the title, and he drops a few “pipe bombs”, and we have this wonderful build up to the main event. And the pay off? Another classic, like their match at Money in the Bank 2011. So we are all in for a treat, and hopefully this is the beginning of things to come. A renaissance of sorts. WWE going back to the days of them writing wonderful stories, and giving us great build to the fantastic matches that we got used to from the early days of Wrestlemania.


Sunday, January 27, 2013

Rumble Time!!!!!!

Hello all

It is one of my favorite times of the year. It is time for the Royal Rumble, and as you all know, the Rumble is the beginning of the road to Wrestlemania. So of course I will be doing a prediction blog. So let’s not waste any time.

This is the Rumble pre show. These guys have been battling for the past month or so. The Miz has done a lot to revamp his image into a baby face(much to my dismay, I enjoyed Miz as a heel). Cesaro has been making fun of the United States since he won the title late last year. Though he has been a fighting champion, I think he lacks the charisma to keep the belt. Maybe later on he will find his niche, and challenge for a world title, but for now, I choose Miz to bring the title back to the US.

I am a huge fan of both of these teams. I saw them live at the Hell in a Cell Pay Per View here in Atlanta, and loved the match. That match ended in a disqualification, meaning the champions kept their belts. This time I believe that we will have new champions. As much as we all love team Hell No, and as funny as they are, I am sure they are ready to go back to being singles competitors.

WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP, LAST MAN STANDING MATCH: ALBERTO DEL RIO(c) vs. The Big Show: This is going to be a very good match. A rematch to their title match from Smackdown two weeks ago. I love a last man standing match. Two men beat the crap out of each other until one of them has to stay down for a 10 count. Like The Miz, Del Rio has back a baby face, and defeated the Big Show for the title, much to everybody’s surprise. Now on to the match, last time Del Rio used an announcer table to keep the Big Show down for the 10 count, but I cannot imagine him being able to keep him down for the 10 count, so I think the Big Show will get the world title back.

I have been waiting for this one for a long time. Punk has been champion for more than a year. And the Rock is……well he is the Rock. I think they are setting the Rock up for another big Wrestlemania main event. Last year’s broke records, so I am sure that they are expecting this year’s to be even bigger. Now down to my prediction, I think that the WWE is setting up to have the Rock in the main event, as the WWE champion. I think Rock defeats Punk, and becomes the new WWE Champion.

The Royal Rumble Match:
Like I have said before, this is one of my favorite matches in all of WWE. Now I would sit here and tell you all of these guys who could win, but I have been wrong with my last few Rumble predictions. So this year, I am going to say that I believe that the winner of this year’s Rumble will be someone who is going to be a surprise. Either someone who is coming back from injury, or someone whom we have not seen in a while. Okay, I’m sure I can’t help it… I think Brock Lesnar comes back, and he wins the Rumble, 10 years after his other Rumble win.

Well everyone, he we go again. I have made my predictions. Let me know what you think. And let’s all buckle up and get ready for our journey down the Road to Wrestlemania.