I know that normally on the Sunday of a big (WWE)Pay Per View(sorry TNA fans, I just don’t have too many people who care that much), I give my predictions, but tonight there is something I have been meaning to get off of my chest, and want to do it before it happens. So you could say this is somewhat of a prediction in itself.
Now I know there are a lot of you who say that I never talk about TNA Impact Wrestling, and I will say that you are right. I have not had much to say about TNA lately. Jeff Hardy is their champion, and you know how I feel about him. I do like Bobby Rude and Austin Aires as bad guys, they are very entertaining. And of course their shows are still dominated by Sting and Hulk Hogan, and no this is not the 80s or 90s, so there haven’t been too many moments that have happened where I have felt the need to speak about them. But today there is something that I would like to talk about in TNA. Something I think is going to happen.
So if you haven’t been watching TNA lately, and I wouldn’t blame you, you have missed a few things. Now one of the things, besides all the things I mentioned in the previous paragraph, that hasn’t changed is that the group of outsiders that have been running wild for who knows how long, the Aces and Eights, are still running amuck In the company. They are beating people up and taking names, and they are getting new members every day. But what you have missed is that Bully Ray got married to Hulk Hogan’s daughter Brooke.
Now I know what you are going to say, isn’t Bully twice her age? Yes he is. How did they get together? Honestly, I have no idea, and I have been watching it. One week there were rumors about them being together, the next week they were dating, and the week after that Bully proposed, and now they are married. Crazy right?
But this is the kicker. Now all of a sudden Bully is trying to get in the good graces of Hogan, and even on this week’s episode Bully is trying to be the #1 contender for the World Heavyweight Championship. Now here comes my prediction. I believe that Bully will become the #1 contender, win the world title, and will do it with the help of Tazz, and the rest of the Aces and Eights. Then they will reveal that he is the leader of the Aces and Eights, and this was all just an elaborate plan to get the world title in their faction.
Think about it Devon, Bully’s tag team partner for almost 20 years, is a member. Tazz, his friend from ECW, is a member. He married the bosses daughter, and now he is talking to her about how much he admires her father, and became a wrestler, because he wanted to be like Hulk Hogan(like there aren’t thousands upon thousands of wrestlers who can say that). This seems a lot like when Triple H married Stephine, and used her to become very powerful in WWE. This is what I think is going to happen. I could be wrong, but of course, I don’t think so. Let’s see what will happen in time.
Oh and one more thing. I have said in a previous blog that I think the ultimate mastermind behind all of this Aces and Eights business is Eric Bischoff. Think about it, this is the same man that started the NWO. And his son is now a member of the Aces and Eights. So I believe these are a few things that will happen in the coming months in TNA.
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