Sunday, May 22, 2011


Hello All

I was looking very forward to doing a blog about the great things I have been watching this week in pro wrestling, but on Friday I heard the new, as I’m sure most of you did, that the “Macho Man” Randy Savage was involved in a fatal car accident. So today’s blog will be about him.

Savage, who was born Randall Mario Poffo, was a second generation superstar born into a wrestling family. His father, the late Angelo Poffo, was a wrestler in the NWA back in the 40s. His brother Lanny was also a wrestler. He wrestled in WWE for Angelo but never made it huge like Randy. He wrestled as the Genius and was wrestling with Mr. Perfect. But of course neither of them was as big as the Macho Man.

Macho Man wrestled in Memphis with the AWA in the beginning of his career, until he signed with the WWE. After joining WWE, Savage brought his real wife, Ms. Elizabeth, into the business to be his valet (that is what they called the female managers back then). He began to feud with Tito Santana for the Intercontinental Championship, which Savage went on to win and hold straight through for over a year. He then went to Wrestlemania 3, to wrestle what many call the greatest wrestling match of all time, Macho Man vs. The Dragon. Ricky Steamboat and Randy Savage tore down the house in Detroit over the Intercontinental title, and though Savage didn’t win that night, being a part of this match made him a viable candidate for the biggest prize in pro wrestling, the WWE Championship.

After losing the IC title, Savage began to get a main event push after he and Hulk Hogan became a tag team and called them the “Mega Powers”. As Wrestlemania 4 came around, a lot of things were up in the air, including the WWE title. There was going to be a 14 man tournament and the winner would win the championship. With the likes of Hogan, Andre the Giant, Don “The Rock” (not that Rock) Muraco, and Ricky Steamboat, you could see how Savage would be an afterthought. But after beating 3 guys, and getting help in the final, Savage reached the panicle of his career, and won the WWE title.

After winning the title, he and Hogan continued to work well together as the Mega Powers, for almost a whole year. Then Ms. Elizabeth came in between the 2 men, and at Wrestlemania 5, the men fought for the WWE title. Savage lost, and afterwards dropped Elizabeth as his valet. Later in his WWE career he and Elizabeth reunited, and Savage had one more reign as the Champ, before he left WWE.

After leaving WWE, Savage signed with WCW. When he started in WCW he was just an announcer, but as time went on he was back in the ring. In fact it was almost like a déjà vu for him. He started feuding with Hulk Hogan (who signed a huge deal with WCW), and Ric Flair, who he had a big feud with in WWE leading up to Wrestlemania 8. Later on in his WCW career he joined the NOW, a faction that was formed by Hogan, Scott Hall and Kevin Nash. During his run in WCW he held the WCW world title 4 times, and he helped form a different faction the NOW Wolf pack, which consisted of former NOW members who did not want to follow Hogan.

After leaving WCW, Savage tried his hand in TNA in 2004, but they could not work out an agreement to keep Savage. And beyond wrestling Savage, released a rap (oh yes, I said rap) CD entitled “Be a Man”, including a diss song about Hulk Hogan. Savage has also done a few films, with his most recent main stream film being Spider-Man.

Savage lived a very full life. It was sad to see this life come to an end the way it did on Friday. But as all of us fans know, Macho Man will live forever in our hearts, and in the world of DVDs we can always watch the great moments of his storied career.



  1. I liked his matches with the Ultimate Warrior

  2. I can't say I like very many matches with Warrior in them.
