Sunday, June 5, 2011

Let them entertain you!!!!!!

Hope everyone had a great Memorial Day, and thought about the many, many men and women who defend our rights here in the USA

Today I want to do something different for me. Normally when I write my blog I write about 1 guy. The only time I have ever written about 2 guys in the same blog, they were in the same company, but today I am going to write about 2 guys in rival organizations, that are very similar, and serve a great purpose, if you ask me. The 2 guys I am talking about today will be Eric Young, and Santino Marella.

I watch wrestling a lot (obviously), and as much as I enjoy the athletic side of it, I also believe that you need to be entertained. And these 2 men are the best at it right now. But they are not just some side show. They are actually very accomplished in their respective organizations.

Santino Marella started in the WWE back in 2006, in the Ohio Valley Wrestling, developmental organization. He quickly worked his way up to the “show”, and was put on Monday Night Raw. On his 1st night on Raw, in Milan Italy, which he is supposedly from, he won the Intercontinental Championship. As most of you know, the IC title is one of the biggest titles in the WWE. Of course, it’s not the World Championship, but for the longest time (and it is finally getting back to this era in my eyes), the IC champ has been the best wrestler in the company. He was the guy who could put on a main event style match, even if he was not in the main event.

Marella lost the title 3 months after winning it, but he did not fall back into the shadows. At Summer Slam, ’08 he regained the IC title. He also started a “relationship” with Beth Phoenix. After this title reign, he lost the belt again, but a few years later in 2010 he and Vladimir Kozlov won the WWE Tag Team Championships. So he is a very notable wrestler.

But more so than that, he is wildly entertaining. When he and Beth Phoenix was an item, he would come out to the ring with her, he would come up with names for them as a group. He has even dressed in an inappropriate bikini. At Wrestlemania 25 he dressed up as a woman, and called himself his own twin sister, and won the 1st ever Ms. Wrestlemania title. When Raw had guest hosts every week he was always doing something very funny with them. He has been a delight to watch.

Eric Young is a TNA Wrestler. He started back in 2004. He quickly won gold when him and Bobby Roode, won the TNA Tag Team Championship. They went on to hold those belts twice, but Young also held the tag titles with Kazarian, Scott Hall and Kevin Nash (don’t ask me how that is possible).

He is not only a tag team wrestler. In 2008 he won the TNA X Division championship (a secondary title in TNA), and he also won the TNA Legends Championship (another secondary title), and renamed it the global title, and this same title was renamed yet again. It is now the TNA TV title, and Young holds that belt.

In 2010, Young was wrestling and took a shot to the head. Ever since then, he has become the guy you just cannot stop watching. He has done things like, teaming with a guy, who I guess is a cross dresser (I don’t know why the guy cross dresses, but, he does), and calling himself his “partner”. He has brought a mannequin out, and thrown it in the ring, while 2 guys were wrestling. He picked the old TNA World Championship Belt (which has not been used since the Jeff Hardy won the title, and redesigned the belt), and has been wearing it around, and calling himself the champ. And he has been getting beat up by bigger guys, just to make us laugh.

These 2 guys are a big reason I watch wrestling. Like I said in the beginning, I love this sport. I have been a fan since I was a little kid. But it is not all about what goes on in the ring. It is about what you can do to keep the fans watching. If you haven’t been watching these guys, next time you see them, please pay attention.


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