Sunday, May 15, 2011

Can someone please speak(for) the Truth?

Hello All

As I was watching wrestling this week, I noticed something. A lot of us, who are fans of the business, became fans either in the early to mid 80s, or in the late 90s. For the most part we have been fans before the 2000s, which by most people’s account was not a great decade in the sport of pro wrestling.

But this week I noticed there were a lot of great things going on in wrestling today. A few things in both WWE and TNA. I will do a blog on TNA next week, but there was something I really needed to get off my chest. Again, after watching all of the great things happening in pro wrestling this week, I had to write a blog about what I have seen, that was not so good, and from the title, you have probably figured it out. Today’s blog will be about R-Truth.

I like R-Truth, I think he is a pretty good wrestler, but I would love for someone, anyone, to please talk for him. Truth’s mic skills are just horrible.

Now I have not been following Truth’s career that much. I know he was in WWE back in late 1999, and was gone from the company in 2001. In his 1st stint with the WWE, he really didn’t do anything. I remember watching him and the Road Dogg, form some sort of tag team, where they both came down to the ring rapping, which wasn’t any good at all. Truth was in the 2001 Royal Rumble, and was even the Hardcore Champion, before let go from WWE. So I really didn’t know what he was back then. Didn’t know if he was good enough on the mic to be a superstar.

After leaving WWE he signed with TNA. In TNA he showed a lot of the wrestling world that he could hold his own. He was a two time TNA world champion, and a three time world tag team champion. He was a main event guy in TNA for the 6 years until he re-signed with WWE in 2008.

After coming back to WWE, Truth has been mired in a lower status. We didn’t get a chance to hear him on the mic much. The only time was when he was rapping his theme song. It has taken him almost three years to get into the title picture. He had a reign as the United States champion, but that was for less than a month. And he has not been anywhere near the title, until this past month.

On a recent episode of Monday Night RAW, Truth was named co-number one contender for the WWE championship. This was a good thing. As you all know, I like to see new guys in the title picture. Even if they don’t win, it is a big boost to the business to not have the same guys wearing the title. So the next week Truth comes on, and I realize why it has taken him so long to be in the main event. He is still no good on the mic. He had a monologue which none of the fans got into. Then he was interrupted by his friend John Morrison, and put his title shot on the line, and lost. But even better for his career, he turned on his friend, and became a heel (bad guy). But again, when he was on the mic, he really was bad.

I think this next year could be great for Truth. He could be a main player in the WWE for this next year. There is some much he can do in the ring, and with him being a heel, he can push the envelope as much as he wants. But I think he will not make it in the business (especially in WWE) if he does not have anyone to speak for him. Vickie Guerrero, Michael Cole, hell bring Bobby The Brain Heenan back, please just get someone to talk for him, and let him do what he does best…….wrestle.



  1. So you don't think he can get better over time? Yeah he sucked, but it was entertaining for that simple fact. Maybe it will take him watching himself and realizing his weakness.

  2. Qiana, I would say you were right if this guy was a rookie, but he is a vet. He has been wrestling for almost 10 years, he should be better on the mic than he is.
