Sunday, August 7, 2011

I'm Back!!!!!!!!

Hello All

I am so sorry it has taken me so long to do a blog. I have been very busy in my personal life and have not had time to watch wrestling as much as I would have liked to, thus I haven’t had anything to write about. But I am back and ready to write.

Today I would like to dedicate my blog a very loyal follower, and his mother. About a year ago, the host of the “Score Atlanta Sunday Sports Show” Fletcher Proctor started letting me come on his show to ask me questions about my blog. Since then he has become a great follower of this blog. Anyway, one week as I was walking into the station, Fletcher came up to me and gave me this newspaper clip. The clip came from his mother. His mom, who has been listening to his show, heard the segment I was on and sent the clip for me. The clip was about a wrestling promotion called ROH, Ring of Honor. And today I will write my blog letting all of you know about Ring of Honor.

Ring of Honor is a wrestling promotion in the U.S. It started back in 2002, just like TNA. Unlike TNA they don’t seem to be trying to compete with WWE. They started off very small. Like TNA, they did monthly, not weekly shows. Unlike TNA, they were not doing them on pay per view, but they were selling DVDs. In their first year they did 10 shows, with the 1st main event being between Eddie Guerrero, and Super Krazy. They started out in the northeast only, doing shows out of Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, and New York.

A lot of wrestlers, whom you know from the major promotions, have started here in Ring of Honor. I think the most famous of all is the current (and to me only) WWE champion, CM Punk. But there are plenty of other well-known wrestlers who started at ROH. Christopher Daniels and AJ Styles, who are both in TNA, started off in ROH. In fact they were doing cross-promotional work until the company severed ties in 2004. Kaval and Daniel Bryan who were both on WWE’s NXT both started out in ROH.

Ring of Honor started off as a different option for wrestling fans. What sets them apart from other promotions……..they have rules that are totally different than anything we have ever known as wrestling fans. They have a code of honor. The code is #1 you must shake hands before the match. #2 No outside interference. #3 No sneak attacks. #4 No harming officials. #5 any action resulting in a disqualification is a violation of the code.

ROH is getting ready to start competing with the big boys. They recently signed a deal with the Sinclair Broadcasting Group to start showing their promotion on network television, on CW, and MyNetwork affiliates. They are already the 3rd biggest promotion in the country, but they are trying to make their way up to the top of the ladder.

With ROH about to make a big splash on a national scene, I can’t wait to see what happens. As much as I love WWE (I think you all know that), I can’t wait to see ROH on TV. They have launched the careers of a lot of the guys I watch and respect on the big shows. Now we will be able to see them stay at ROH and become big stars.



  1. PS, i noticed you said CM Punk "is the current (and to me only) WWE champion." Is the WWE trying to say he isn't the champ, even though he won the title? Are they just setting up for the next PPV a unification match? Hmmmm, looks like we've seen this before. I liked the CM Punk angle, but we've seen the "oh he walked out with the belt, but now he's back" storyline before!

  2. Hey Fletch, sorry it took so long. The WWE is saying that he is the champion, but they are also say John Cena is the Champion too. And to me this should not count, because I am sure this was all a set up to have this match in the 1st place.
