Sunday, July 24, 2011

Please help me figure this out!

Hello All

Let me start off by apologizing to you all for not writing my blog for a couple of weeks. I have been busy for the last few weeks, and have not been able to watch wrestling for the last few weeks. I did not want to talk half-heartedly about the business.

Today I am going to do something I don’t normally do; I am going to write somewhat of a continuation of my last blog. This will be another blog about CM Punk, and his new found popularity.

I have been watching CM Punk’s evolution from his start as a very popular wrestler on the independent scene. Then he got his big break with WWE. After that, he was milling around in ECW (that’s WWE’s ECW) for a little while, even winning the ECW championship, before making it to RAW. On RAW, he was a mid-card (middle of the card) wrestler who was not doing much to move the meter, especially to the “fans” he has now. That is until Wrestlemania 24. That night he won the Money in the Bank ladder match and was guaranteed a shot at the championship, which he cashed in and won.

Even after winning the world title, Punk was not a big time fan favorite and he would eventually lose the belt. At the next year’s Wrestlemania, he won the Money in the Bank ladder match again, and he won the World title again, still getting no love from the fans.

At this point in his career Punk did something that, to me, made careers. Look at Edge, Randy Orton, The Rock, even Hulk Hogan. All of these wrestlers turned heel. As a heel, Punk was able to say whatever he wanted, which led to some very compelling moments.

Then he was able to form a group called the Straight Edge Society. To me, factions are always good. They make the main guy look untouchable, and they make the other members look like main eventers. In the S.E.S., Punk was very sharp on the mic (no pun intended). He had some of the best speeches about the WWE universe and how much they needed him. It was great. That is, until he got hurt.

After his injury, Punk goes back to Raw and takes over the Nexus (the group that had been running Raw for the better part of the last year). As the leader of the “New Nexus” he had a feud with the 2 biggest fan favorites on that Brand: Randy Orton, and John Cena. Orton, at this year’s Mania, and Cena, at the last pay per view, Money in the Bank.

Even with all of this, I have been sitting back listening to the fans, and I noticed that not many fans were supporting Punk. When Punk was the World Heavyweight Champion the 1st time, he wasn’t even the headliner of the pay per view where he had his 1st big defense, the Great American Bash. All over the country, no one was clambering to see Punk defend his title. And during his 2nd title reign he wasn’t a big time performer.

So with all of this said, I am very confused about how much everyone is in love with Punk all of a sudden. Is it because of what he said at the end of RAW almost a month ago? Is it because everyone was upset because they thought he was denied his rights of freedom of speech, even though he wasn’t? If he was denied his right to freedom of speech, he would have been arrested or killed, but he wasn’t. He was suspended for what he said about his boss, on TV. If any one of us said about our boss, the chairman of the board of a publicly traded company, on TV, that “the company will be better off after he is dead, except that it will be run by his idiot daughter and son in law,” we would all get fired, and there would be no public outcry for us to get our jobs back. Is it the fact that he said he was leaving with the title, and he did? That is clearly a publicity stunt. There is no way Vince McMahon would have ever, ever let anyone leave his company, with the WWE title. He didn’t let Brett Hart do it, and Hart was his go to guy for the lean years in the WWE.

I am saying all of this to try and figure out what the world now sees in CM Punk that I don’t. Was his rant on RAW great? Absolutely! If he did not go over this with the WWE officials beforehand (which I’m sure he did, in one way or another), it was this the best mic work since the attitude era, undoubtedly. But what does all of that give us? A guy who most of you did not cheer (except for Chicago) when he was performing verbal surgery 2 years ago. Maybe I’m missing something, but I just don’t get it.



  1. Simmons from ESPN stole my thunder, but I've been saying it for a while (probably should have put it up on your blog too) CM Punk is the 2010s Chris Jericho: smallish guy with good wrestling chops and better mic skills.

    We will see if CM Punk can bust past the wall(s of Jericho) that Y2J couldn't get past

  2. I know this isn't what you are saying, but I didn't care for that Jericho. Now when he came back, and he was wearing suits, and calling people parasites. I think that Jericho was so much better.

  3. WHAT? Y2J was incredible. I know he was a tiny guy and thus couldn't carry the franchise, but he was great on the mic.

    He was no Buff Bagwell though. PS, you should do an article saying how the Steiners tried to be the Rockers, only Scott failed MISERABLY as an HBK knockoff. Rick was better than Marty though

  4. Oh, and what about doing an entry where you talk about the best/worst video game incarnations? The HBK on the SNES Wrestlemania game? What was that finishing move? Where was sweet chin music?
    The nWo revenge game for N64 was incredible. The first Wrestlemania game for SNES was awful where wrestlers all had the same moves. No one had ANY individual characteristics. Sid Justice WAS the Undertaker WAS Hulk.
    I think Brock Lesner on the Smackdown:Here comes the pain for PS2 was probably the most dominating character in video game history
