Sunday, November 21, 2010


Evening all! Happy Survivor Series Sunday!

Now, as much as I am looking forward to the 24th annual event, and as much as I don’t mind whatever new name they have for the December pay per view, I am looking very forward to the January pay per view………The Royal Rumble!

The Royal Rumble is the event that features a 30 man over the top rope battle royal. And the winner of that event goes on to the grandest stage of them all………….Wrestlemania (did I mention that this year, it is in Atlanta? Sorry I am very excited about that).

Now speaking of the main event (get it) at Wrestlemania, I would like to talk about the headliner. I think it is time we see some new headliners. I do not want to see the same old guys. I do not want to see Triple H or John Cena in the main event this year.

I know we all love and respect Triple H. He is a future hall of famer, a 13 time champion (7 time WWE, and 5 time World Heavyweight), and he is the boss’s son in law, but I cannot see Triple H in the main event for Raw anymore. Since 2000, Triple H has been in the Raw main event for 8 years! That is absurd! Why did this happen? Again Triple H is an all-timer. He can go 60 minutes. He legitimizes the main event, and the championship, for that matter. There will never be another. BUT 8 TIMES IN 10 YEARS!? The only reason he missed those other 2 years, was because he was hurt!

Cena is not much better. Since main eventing Wrestlemania in 2005 and winning the WWE Championship, Cena has main evented EVERY Wrestlemania. Every Wrestlemania? That’s 6 in a row! My goodness, I cannot believe that happened. That’s worse than the mid-80’s with Hulk Hogan.

I understand both of these guys can sell out an event, especially a Wrestlemania, but there has to be someone else who can carry the company. Look at the champions now. Randy Orton, who has been in the main event, can carry a main event. Kane can main event. Look at all of the other guys on the roster. Let’s start with Raw, Sheamus (a 2 time champion), the Miz (Money in the Bank winner), CM Punk (3 time champion), John Morrison (who is getting a big push), and R-Truth (who is a champion, although not in WWE). Any one of these guys can lead the brand, and go into Wrestlemania. Now let’s look at Smackdown, Edge (9 time champ), Christian (another champ, even though not in WWE), Rey Mysterio (2 time champ), Kofi, and MVP (both of these guys have won 2nd tier championships, and are ready to main event).

I know we love Cena and Triple H, but I also know I am not the only one who is ready to see some new blood in the grandest stage of them all!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. We have to agree to disagree over Kane, but I would LOVE to see a little fresh blood in there in the Main Event. I would LOVE a push from some of the "unknown" younger grapplers, if you will. Especially at a place like Wrestlemania
