Sunday, November 14, 2010

FINALLY THE BIGGEST SPECTACLE IN ALL OF ENTERTAINMENT COMES TO ATLANTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This week I was debating what I should write in the blog this week. I was thinking about doing profile type of blog about a wrestler, I am sure, some of you don’t know about. But as I was going to do that, someone gave me an idea. This Saturday tickets went on sale to the biggest event in all of entertainment (let me tell it). Wrestlemaina. And better than that Wrestlemania is in Atlanta. The city I call home, and have called home for the last 25 years.

Did I get my tickets, you ask, but of course! What that means is, I will be (hopefully) seeing you guys down at the Georgia Dome, on April 3 2011.

This is the biggest wrestling event to come to this fair city. And we are talking about a city that was deeply involved in rasslin, as Ted Turner used to call it, when he was the owner of WCW. Atlanta has hosted some major events in pro wrestling. From back in the days of Jim Crockett Promotions/NWA/WCW, we have had “SuperBrawls”, “Starrcades”, and “The Clash of the Champions”, all here back in the old Omni. And even WWE has come down here, with “Royal Rumbles”, “Armageddon”, and “Backlash”. Even TNA has come to Atlanta with the 2007 “Bound for Glory” pay per view. But none of these compares to Wrestlemania.

They call it the “Grandest stage of them all”, and it is. This is where we will have some of the best matches of the year. And we will have someone who makes there case, to take Shawn Michaels spot as Mr. Wrestlemania.

Now the greatest value in entertainment will be here, in the hub of the south. A city that deserves to be of the WWE’s biggest spotlight.

I can’t wait. I hope between now and then, you will tell your friends, who have questions about wrestling, to follow my blog, and I hope to meet them, and I hope to see them down at the dome. Did you get your tickets?

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