Sunday, February 6, 2011

The King has left the building!

Hello Everyone

The “Road to Wrestlemania” is starting to shape out very well. We have a winner of the Royal Rumble, a number 1 contender for the World Heavyweight Championship, and we have a pay per view starting to take shape for the next month: The Elimination Chamber.

Speaking of the Chamber pay per view, as much as I enjoyed Raw this past Monday, I have to say there was one thing that I was very disappointed in. If you heard me on the “Score Atlanta Sunday Scoreboard Show”, I started to talk about it, but I wanted to save it for this blog. I HATE THE FACT THAT JERRY LAWLER IS THE #1 CONTENDER FOR THE WWE CHAMPIONSHIP.

Now don’t get me wrong, I love Jerry Lawler. He is a legend. He was around in the 70s and 80s back when there were territories. Back before WWE monopolized the entire world of pro wrestling, there were a number of territories in the United States. Jerry wrestled in a big territory in Tennessee, the USWA. He won the AWA World Championship, and he unified that title with the WCCW title. After that, the USWA became a big promotion, competing with WWE (then WWF), and WCW (then Jim Crockett Promotions). He later became the biggest star in the USWA, winning their World Championship 26 times. Then he moved to WWE, wrestled a little bit, and has since become a great announcer and a Hall of Famer.

With that said, my problem with this has nothing at all to do with Lawler. My problem is, with Jerry being the #1 contender, those of us who do not have our heads in the clouds know that there is no way Jerry will win the WWE title at Elimination Chamber.

Lawler is 61 years old. In his own words, Jerry has been in the WWE since 1992, and has not had a shot at the WWE Championship. To me, there is a reason for that. Back when he was 42, riding up and down the roads and wrestling everyday, I could totally see him as the champion. It is 20 years later. There is no way, anyone will accept the fact that he could beat the Miz, and go on to Wrestlemania. If we the people could not see him as the champ, there is no way WWE would do that, and they are wasting our time. Do you think he will win? I sure don’t.

Now, I have been wrong before in these instances. I didn’t think Sheamus would beat John Cean for the title, but he did. I didn’t think Eddie Guerrero would beat Brock Lesnar, for the title, but he did. I didn’t think Kurt Angle would beat The Rock for the title, but he did.

But, I am afraid that this will work out in a bad way. No one ever thought David Arquette would win the WCW title, but he did. The fans did not accept it, and not long after that WCW went under. As much as I would love to see Jerry get his due in the WWE, I don’t think it is going to happen. And if it won’t happen, WWE, STOP WASTING MY TIME!


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