Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Road to Wrestlemanina beg

Tonight is the beginning. The road to Wrestlemania starts tonight! Tonight is the Royal Rumble.

The Rumble is a very unique pay per view in the WWE. It is a match where wrestlers enter the ring, and try to throw their opponent out, and have both of their feet hit the ground. The winner of this match gets to challenge for a championship at Wrestlemania.

The Royal Rumble event has always been very unpredictable. Even in the 1st match, which dates back to 1988. Back then, the match was not on pay per view, only had 20 participants, and did not reward the winner with an automatic title shot at Wrestlemania.

Now the event will have 40 participants and the winner will, most likely, go on to head line Wrestlemania. I have heard a few rumors about some people coming back to the WWE for the Rumble event, but since I know that some of you may read this before the event (since I am going to post it before the event), I will not spoil it for anyone.

I have been watching WWE for a while now, looking to see how everything is setting up for mania. Looking at the champions, and the contenders to see who is going to be the guy to step up, and be on the main stage at mania. And with all of that said I have a few predictions.

1. I know this one is very far fetched, because I just read this his return was being delayed some more, but here goes: Sheamus will run through most of the field in the rumble, then somewhere around 30-35, we here the guitar strum, and you heard the voice say “IT’S TIME TO PLAY THE GAME”! That’s right, Triple H makes his long awaited 2011 debuted, and he takes out Sheamus.

2. Sheamus will run wild through the field, and it will come down to him and John Morrison. Since Morrison is the face, he will win the Rumble. The Miz will defend the WWE Championship, and that will set up a Miz and Morrison title match at mania. I am sure with more than 2 months to promote it, WWE will come up with really big storylines between 2 young, charismatic superstars, who were tag-team champs. And this will be almost 2 years to the day, when on the Raw draft special, the Miz turned out his partner and started Morrison’s face turn.

3. Christian will win the Rumble match, and who will he face? You guessed it Edge. Captain Charisma, will take on his best friend, and his former tag team partner, on the Grandest Stage of them All. And if this is the case, I believe these two will tear the house down at Mania. Now I know this is a long shot, because I believe Christian is hurt and I don’t think he will be in the match tonight.

4. This one is a long shot, but I could also see Edge losing the World Heavyweight Championship tonight, early, and then see him later on tonight in the Rumble match, and watch him win it and go back to Mania. Like I said in the beginning of this paragraph, this is a long shot, but I know Edge is a face now, but he made a big name for himself as the ultimate opportunist.

These are just a few of the things I think may happen. Now I will be honest with you, since 1999, I am 6-6 in my Royal Rumble predictions. WWE has done a great job lately setting up big drama before these matches. I am sure they will surprise us all tonight. Enjoy the Match!


  1. You are 6-6 in your predictions, but you just picked 4 different people! Come on Variable! I need ONE pick. I am going wtih your FOURTH pick. I think Edge somehow gets in there and will face The Miz in the ATL. I'd like to see that.

  2. Or could Undertaker win and put his big streak on the line at Wrestlmania only he'd lose and have to "retire" or whatever. Or maybe The Rock will surprise win it and face off against the Miz at Wrestlemania while also pimping his movie Tooth Fairy Too (get it? too like tooth?)
