Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Phenomenal One!

I hope you all had a wonderful thanksgiving holiday. I am back now, and ready to give you all my newest opinion about wrestling.

This week’s blog, I am going to do another profile of a wrestler. This one is of someone the world may know. I think everyone should know him (which is why I am doing this blog), but because he is in what is the 2nd biggest promotion in the country, he hasn’t worked anywhere else and not too many people have been exposed to him.

I have to give credit to a friend of mine. A guy I have known for more than 17 years. A guy who shares a birthday with me and a guy who is a brother to me. One day, maybe a year or two ago, we were talking about wrestling and he told me there is one guy who he watches on TNA, and that this guy is the only reason he watches. If you have not guessed by now, I am talking about the phenomenal A J Styles.

I know there are a lot of you who only watch WWE. I myself was one of those guys. I grew up watching them, and WCW. I got back into wrestling, because of Stone Cold Steve Austin (if you couldn’t tell), not Goldberg, Hollywood Hogan, or the NWO. So my loyalty was to the WWE all the way. And when WCW was bought out, I thought this would be a WWE world when it comes to major wrestling organization in North America. All of that to say, I never really thought of TNA as a real company. They are very much an upstart company. They started in 2002, by Jeff Jarrett, an ex WWE and WCW wrestler. And their headquarters are in Nashville Tennessee. Nothing against Nashville, but not the place you think big TV is going to happen, and let’s be honest, to be a factor in wrestling in the 21 century you have to be on TV (ask Paul Heyman, and ECW).

So again, I did not pay attention to TNA. Then I and my buddy were talking, and he said A.J. Styles is the only reason to watch TNA. He is a fan of wrestling, and he was at Wrestlemania 20 (he won a contest, on Spike TV, 7 years ago, I think you can Google him). So again, his wrestling opinion means something to me. So one day I flipped on TNA, and it was very tough to watch, but I didn’t turn it off until I saw Styles’ match; and I must admit, from that moment on, I was a fan.

Now Styles is not some up and comer. He is one of the TNA Originals. And though he had a 2 year stint in Ring of Honor (another organization that is small, but a lot of wrestlers have come from there, like CM Punk). I think it says a lot about the type of guy he is. I’m sure WWE has made him an offer, but he hasn’t taken the money and run.

Styles might have some of the greatest moves in pro wrestling. He has the agility of a cruiserweight, but he is big enough to pull off being in the ring with all of the heavyweights. He makes everyone he steps in the ring with, better. He always puts on a 5 star match, even on TV, unlike a lot of other people. And he is great on the mic. He is everything you want in a wrestler. He has held every title in TNA, and has even brought the TV title, a title all wrestling fans my age and old can appreciate (even though back then the champion was not always wrestling on TV like they do now).

I hope that after you guys read this blog you’ll tune into TNA, on Thursday nights, and watch the phenomenal one!


PS I told you guys I was going to start a “Did you know part” of the blog. Here it is. I am going to start with something easy.

Who is the youngest champion in WWE history?

1 comment:

  1. I TOO remember the TV title. i remember when WCW used to do a weekly "Top Ten" for each title on their saturday morning show.

    and do you remember when the WWF used to have a backdrop for each wrestler backstage for the wrestlers to go on a rant instead of doing it in the ring? I used to love those backdrops. And when someone would interrupt someone else's backdrop! That was AWESOME!
