Sunday, December 26, 2010

How many times?

Hello all

I hope everyone has had a wonderful Christmas holiday.

So I was watching Smackdown the other day, and I saw that Edge has beaten Kane, and is once again the World Heavyweight Champion. I say once again because he is now a 10-time, World Champion. He has held The World Heavyweight Championship 6-times and WWE Champion 4.

Now don’t get me wrong Edge fans, I know he has paid his dues through the years. I know he started out as a wrestler in Canada, and he has been in the WWE since 98. I know that he was a tag team champion, King of the Ring, Intercontinental Champion, and even the WCW US champion. So I know he is a very deserving champion, but my problem is the fact that he, and a lot of wrestlers (mainly in WWE), have been champion an awful lot.

Growing up there was one guy we all knew as a multi-multi time world champion, Ric Flair. And besides him, if you are my age, you remember Harley Race. But late in the 80s, Race was an 8 time champion, and Flair was a 7 time champ. Then by the end of the 90s Flair was a 9 time champ, and Hulk Hogan was a 9 time champ.

Now in total Hogan is a 12-time champion and Flair is a 16-time champion. These two men are titans of this sport, whether you like it or not. But as the last decade just came to a close, we have (and or will be) adding too many men to this list.

I am not sure if Vince McMahon and his writers are running out of ideas or if he thinks we, as an audience, would not respect a guy holding the title for a long time; but there have been too many wrestlers reining the title, and causing this number to grow.

Triple H is a 13-time champion; he has won 11 of those titles in this decade. He is the 6-time WWE and 5-time World champ. There were a few of those instances when he was the champ, lost the belt, the belt would be held up (meaning no one would be champion), for one reason or another, Then he would win it right back. What was the purpose of that?

Edge, John Cena, Randy Orton, Batista, and have all been multi time champions in this decade. But it goes a little further than that. All of these men have been champion at least 6 times……..not just in this decade, since 2004. That is only 7 years. But in the last 7 years these 4 men have had a combined 40 world title reigns. Hogan, Race, and Flair, have 36 among them.

I know some of you say will say, “What about TNA, do they have any guys who have held the belt too many times”. I’m glad you ask. Kurt Angle, who is a 12-time champ, started in WWE. His title reigns go back to 2000. And Jeff Jarrett, who is a 10 time champ, started his title reign in WCW, and as most of you know, back in the beginning of 2000, WCW was a poorly run company. And his last 6 title runs came with him as the owner of TNA.

All in all, I think the title reigns should be sacred. Every sports fan knows 755 (I know Barry Bonds broke the record, but we all know he was on the juice), as the home run record. Everyone knows 100 points in a NBA game. Everyone knows 50 touchdowns in an NFL season. We, as sports fans, know the numbers of the great records, I think 16-time world champion, should be another.


Question of the Week:
Last week's answer to the question of who was the 1st IC Champion, is Pat Patterson.

This week's question: What was the original WWE Grand Slam?(I told you guys these question would get harder, even though no one has answer any of these question, so far)


  1. Just imagine if the WWE had the BCS, then maybe Edge wouldn't have won so many titles in various upsets....

  2. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha. Funny. It seems like WWE, and TNA have the BCS. They have guys sitting around deciding who should fight for a championship, instead of letting them decide it in the ring.
