Sunday, January 22, 2012

Is this something new, or something we have seen before?

Hello all

So as I was watching wrestling this week, I saw something that caught my attention on WWE. I am really trying to be unbiased, and write about all wrestling and not just WWE, but I have not seen much in the way of TNA for me to comment on, and there are no other companies on TV. So it is hard for me to keep up with them without me going on line and finding out some behind the scenes information that this blog is not based on. I write this from my own point of view. I try not to read too much of anyone else’s online stuff, because I don’t want my blog to become that.

So this week I was watching WWE, and was starting to notice something. I am noticing that they are starting to do something that is maybe four years past due. They are trying to turn a character around. I for one do not know if they will be a success. As I stated earlier, this move would have been better served if they would have done it four years ago.

This week on RAW, Jack Swagger beat Zack Ryder for the US championship. Well, after that John Cena spoke to the RAW General Manager, John Laurinaitis. Cena asked if he could have a match with Swagger. The G.M. agreed and they were set. Swagger was in the ring, and Cena came out to meet him. But instead of them having a match Cena beat the crap out of Swagger. He got to a point where it looked like he almost snapped. He picked up the steel stairs and almost bashed Swagger’s head. Then there was a video from Kane, telling Cena to embrace the hate.

From all that happened on RAW, it looks to me that the WWE is looking to turn Cena in to a heel. As I said earlier in this blog I think it may be a little late to be making this move. There was a time when he was so hated (for lack of a better term) that they could have turned him bad, and made him a huge star. But they waited too long.

Back in 2004 after he won the US title at WrestleMania, he was one of, if not the most popular superstar in the WWE. He was different, and cool. He came out every week in a different sports jersey, and later that year he even created his own US title spinner belt. It seemed like a very natural move to make him the face of the company.

After the very next Mania, they did just that. Cena was the WWE champion. Created a brand new spinner WWE title (which is still being used today, though it does not spin), and was off and running. In his 1st reign as the WWE champion he defeated just about everyone they put in front of him, for almost a whole year. He beat Kurt Angle, he retired Chris Jericho, and he even won an elimination chamber match, after he was one of the 1st two men to enter (which up to that point no one had ever done). And it lasted for a long time (almost a year).

After his 1st reign lasted so long, the only man to beat him, Edge, had a title reign of less than a month. Cena won the belt back and people started to turn against him. We as fans were getting tired of seeing Cena have matches with other wrestlers who were better than him, but always coming out in the end.

Over the years more and more people started to turn against Cena. This would have been the perfect time to turn Cena heel. Instead of making him almost superhuman. As I talked to some of my friends who were wrestling fans, someone compared him to Hulk Hogan. That is a perfect comparison. Hogan would have title so long, no one else had a chance to become the champ, and become a star. The same thing happened when Cena was the champ. This should have been the time when they turned Cena heel. If a heel keeps winning the title we all watch to see him lose. But with Cena being a face, we still wanted him to lose. Also, Cena is so good on the mic; he would do a great job. Think in the same mold of CM Punk, this past summer, how they gave him the mic, and it was TV gold, it would be the same if Cena was a heel.

It does seem like WWE is going to make this move. But I am not sure if it will have the same success as Hogan going heel. That was something we thought we would never see. We did not think we would see the greatest wrestling hero of all time, turn into a villain, and spit in the face of all of his fans that he worked for years to build up. But because it was new, it worked. But would it work now. Remember, they tried it with Stone Cold Steve Austin, but that did not work so well. Eventually fans came back. Now I think this will work for the people out there who were fans, but now hate Cena, but in the long run, I think they’re just a little too late.



  1. Steve Nash would NEVER turn heel though. Wait, he is Canadian, so he is 50% there....

  2. Yes, I forgot Cena is your WWE version of Steve Nash.
