Sunday, November 13, 2011

You again?

Hello all

This past week as I watched wrestling I noticed something that has bothered me for a long time. It may not mean much to any of you out there, but it is starting to annoy me just a bit. Three weeks ago, after Bobby Roode was unsuccessful at the “Bound for Glory” Pay per view, on the following episode of Impact wresting, James Storm, Roode’s tag team partner, won the TNA World title. After that win, many of us thought Storm would have a decent run with the title; maybe have a return match with Kurt Angle, then fight someone else, before dropping the belt to the person we all knew would have the belt anyway, Bobby Roode.

This however was not the way things turned out. Roode and Samoa Joe fought to find out who would be the #1 contender. Roode won and had a match with his partner and friend the next week. Roode would go on to win the match and the title. I don’t have a problem with Roode winning the belt (if you remember from a previous blog, I said he would be TNA champion), I do however have a problem with him winning it from James Storm.

Why not have Roode win the title at the Bound for Glory ppv? Why have all of that build up, to have him lose the match. Then after that, you would have another wrestler beat Kurt Angle and he beat him in less than 6 minutes. I just don’t understand why you had to have an in-between champion.

I know that in this business there are guys who refuse to lose to other guys. Brett Hart believes that the infamous Shawn Michaels “I’ve lost my smile speech”, and subsequent vacating of the WWE title was because Michael’s did not want to drop the belt to Hart, thus fueling their rivalry.

But I am just getting sick of seeing guys win the belt, just to drop it to a new guy a week later. Or worse drop the belt to the same person they just won it from.

As much as I love Stone Cold Steve Austin, during his title reigns, he would win the belt from someone, hold the belt for a month or 2, lose the belt to someone, and less than a month later he would win it right back. In his 5th reign, he lost the belt to Kurt Angle, only to win it back a month later. In his 3rd, he lost to the Undertaker, to win it back in a little over a month. And in his 1st reign he lost the belt to Kane, and won it back the very next night. I just don’t get it.

Triple H is another who has padded his number of times being champion with very short title reigns by his opponents. There are way too many for us to go through, but think about these few examples. Triple H lost the WWE title to the Rock at one ppv, just to win it back from him at the very next ppv. This next example isn’t necessarly a Triple H problem, but he was involved. Randy Orton won the World title, and didn’t even hold it a whole month before Triple H was made champion again. And in my last example, in the matter of a month(not even a whole month), Triple H lost the belt to Vince McMahon, Chairman of WWE, Vince would vacate the belt the following week, for Triple H to win it back in the last week of that month. Just unecessary.

And the person who lately has done this more often than needed, John Cena. Cena held the WWE title for the exact amount of time as JBL, who had the longest title reign in more than a decade, to that point. Then he lost the belt to Edge, only to win it back in 21 days. Then at the World Heavyweight Championship, he lost the belt to Edge at the “No Way Out” PPV, just to win it back at WrestleMania 25. There is another example that does not work in Cena’s favor, but he is involved in it. During Randy Orton’s title reign of 2009, Cena defeated Orton at the “Breaking Point” PPV, lost the belt in 21 days to Orton.

I know this has been happening for a long time in wrestling, and with more titles comes more of an opportunity to panic if someone does not show the ability to sell out arenas like the champion is supposed to, but I think it is a bit of laziness for all of these title changes to happen so fast. We don’t give the champion time to establish them. I know Vince had a plan for Hogan, and that lasted from before the 1st Mania, to a little before Mania 4. Can we have some faith in our newer stars? Just because a guy does not start out setting the world on fire as champ, doesn’t mean we need to put the belt on someone else in less than a month.


  1. Is that why David Arquette wasn't given that long of a title run?

  2. That and the fact that Arquette's title run pretty much brought down the entire WCW all by himself. LOL
