Sunday, September 4, 2011

Mr. Pay Per View

Hello all

I must say I never thought I would be writing a blog about this person. Mainly because I think a lot of other people would have done a lot of blogs about this person. This week I am going to do a blog, that I’m sure plenty of people will love, and plenty will hate. But I will admit by writing this blog, I think this person has gained a lot of respect from the wrestling world, and I’m sure from his peers as well. He has earned so much respect that I am going to rechristen him as “Mr. Pay per View”. The reason is that there have been a lot of his matches on pay per view that have been very much worth the price of admission, the cost of buying the ppv at home, or the cost of purchasing the dvd. The person I am talking about, the new “Mr. Pay Per View” is John Cena.
Now I know there are grown men out there, who may stop reading my blog because I am writing a blog about Cena. You may want to think again. There has been a number of pay per views that Cena has been in where he has made the entire event, because of his match.

Go back to his 1st title defense as WWE champion; at the “Judgment Day” ppv of 2005 it was the WrestleMania rematch between Cena and JBL. This was no ordinary match either. This was an “I Quit Match”. An “I Quit Match”, is exactly what it sounds like. You and your opponent try to beat the crap out of each other until one person says “I Quit”. This was Cena’s chance to show the world that he was tough enough to carry the company as the champion, so he had to have a heck of a match. And this match did not disappoint. I know this is not a part of the WWE’s new PG policy, but this was a bloody match. This match had everything, JBL whipping Cena with a belt, of course a broken table, and even JBL getting hit with the huge metal rods from the side of a semi-truck. It was a fantastic match.

The next match I want to bring to light is “One Night Stand” 2006. At this ppv, Cena was set to defend his WWE title against the newly reformed (though under the WWE umbrella) ECW, and their top wrestler, who won the “Money in the Bank” Ladder match from that year’s mania, Rob Van Dam. Cena was going into the most hostile environment he had ever been a part of, up to that point. At this point in his career, since he won his first WWE title at mania 21, he was champion for 13 months and a week, only losing the title for 3 weeks to Edge. He beat Triple H at mania 22, and people were starting to get tired of seeing Cena as the champion. And with the return and popularity of ECW and the ppv being in the original place where ECW shows were tapped, you could understand why this was not a very pro Cena crowd. The thing about this match that you would not believe is that Cena was the one who would carry this match. You would have thought that with RVD being the ECW staple, he would be the man who initiated all of the action, but Cena was the man who kept the action going from the opening bell. The strangest thing about this match was that even though it was an ECW match, there wasn’t much extreme stuff that happened in the match. Yes the ref got knocked out, and there was a run-in that decided the match, but still it was a pretty clean match outside of those things, and Cena was the reason for that.

The last match I am going to talk about today is another specialty match. This match is also special because of whom it was against. Cena’s 1st title reign was a memorable one. Cena beat JBL to win that title. JBL had the longest championship reign in over a decade up to that point. Cena’s 1st reign was 1 month less than JBL’s. During that 1st reign Cena defeated some of the greats, Chris Jericho, Kurt Angle, Shawn Michaels, Christian. He even defeated 6 other WWE superstars in the Elimination Chamber match at “New Year’s Revolution in 2006.” Directly after the match Edge cashed in his “Money in the Bank” contract, and became the WWE champion, thus igniting one of the greatest rivalries the WWE has seen in the last part of the last decade. Cena and Edge would go back and forth over the WWE title, and their quest for the ultimate prize would conclude (at least for the WWE title) at the “Unforgiven” ppv, in Toronto, Canada. In Edge’s favorite match, a match to that point that he had never lost, a TLC (Tables, Ladders, and Chairs) match. This match had most everything you would want. Leading up to it, Edge had been doing everything in his power to get under Cena’s skin. He slapped Cena’s father, he threw Cena’s trademark spinner belt into a river, everything you could imagine. So when they got into the match, Cena was geared up, and ready to go. This match was back and forth. They used plenty of TLC. A lot chairs during the match, a ladder (because in essence, this is a ladder match), and plenty of tables set up at the end, that Cena sent Edge through before he grabbed the title, and was a champion for the 3rd time.

There have been plenty of pay per views, plenty of performers in those matches. I know Shawn Michaels was Mr. WrestleMania and rightful so. Shawn went out of his way to earn that moniker. But I believe that John Cena has earned the name of Mr. Pay per View. Cena has just given some of the greatest performances of anyone who could be in his position. These 3 matches are just a sample, not even the absolute best (although a few of them are). I know a lot of people don’t like Cena, but he is Mr. Pay Per View.



  1. Cena? Come on Variable. I want a blog on the Bushwackers! what about Rick the Model Martel? Or Jake the Snake?

    Go old school for us at least once per month. Please?

    If you could do a bit of continuation on this, does Cena help any of the new guys over? I guess that isn't really his job, but couldn't eventually he help push another up-and-comer? I guess he's still in his prime so you don't need him to put anyone over yet.

  2. For you Fletch, I will do an old school blog every week. If you have an old school topic, or set of wrestlers you would like me to blog about this week coming up, let me know.
