Sunday, January 2, 2011


First off let me start by saying, I hope you all had a happy, health, and safe holiday season. No matter what you celebrate, I hope you all enjoyed it!

Since it is the beginning of the year, I am going to do one of those typical kinds of blogs: Predictions. But I am not going to do predictions for the whole year. There are a few reasons why. #1, Injuries: I could have a very good idea about a guy who is ready for super stardom, but you can not predict injuries. #2, I could have a good read on a guy; think that he is ready to be the man, and WWE might put him on the back burner. For every Miz, I was right about (see my blog from 3 months ago), there is a Shelton Benjamin, who was one of the greatest workers in the WWE at this time, but never got a world title shot.

I could have done a year end last week, but I think it is easy to say “this happened, and that happened”. “And I knew that would happen”. But instead of saying all of this at the end of the year, I am going to start this year off with my predictions for the first quarter.

January: We will have one of the major pay per views, The Royal Rumble, in January. I am thinking that if we have not seen Triple H beforehand, he will be back for the Rumble. I’m hoping he won’t win, but as I wrote in a previous blog, the creative writing team for WWE isn’t very creative when it comes to the main event. So I will go with him as the winner. And I will say the Miz and John Morrison will fight for the WWE title for this month. I know they are going to have a match this week on RAW (which Morrison will not win, because the WWE title rarely changes hands on TV anymore), but I think Miz keeps his belt, but the two of them generate so much heat, that they will be the RAW headline for the Rumble. On Smackdown, I believe Edge and Kane will fight for the rest of this month culminating in a match at Rumble, where Edge will come out on top.

February: The month will start with guys fighting for an opportunity to get a shot at their respective championship at the Elimination Chamber Pay per View. At the Chamber, I say the Miz keeps the belt. As a heel champion he can do so much to hold on to that belt, and although champs don’t do well going into the Chamber, I think this will be a great time to change that. Over on Smackdown, with the Rumble winner being from RAW, I will say Edge, will fight with Kane for first few weeks of the month. Kane and others will make the Chamber, but I believe at the pay per view, the Undertaker will make his return, and take Kane out, maybe even helping Edge retain the title, a la Shawn Michaels of last year.

March: With there being no Pay per view this month, I believe everyone is going to build up storylines for Wrestlemania. I think Dolph Ziggler, and Kofi Kingston, who have been have fantastic matches on Smackdown, will have a great build up to an intercontinental championship match at mania. Maybe an iron man match, maybe 2 out of 3 falls, I’m not sure, but they will have an epic match. I think the tag titles will be on the line, maybe in the beginning of the show, and Kane and Taker will meet in a grudge match. Think 3rd time will be the charm for Kane vs. his brother at Wrestlemania? Me neither, but I do think they will face each other. So now we are down to the main events. I say Triple H will face the Miz for the title (which will do nothing but help the Miz, going toe to toe with a hall of famer). And last but not least, I believe that Edge will face………….Christian in the Smackdown main event. I think this will be a great storyline for these two. 2 best friends, former tag champions, former world champions (though Christian won in TNA). I believe these two can build a match especially with a month. And Christian has earned a shot at the title.
Stay tuned, we will do more predictions in a month or so.


1 comment:

  1. First off, Edge is now back in the WWE? I thought he was still in TNA. Oh well, shows how much I (haven't) been watching recently.

    As far as Shelton not getting a shot, the WWE is RayCess!
    JYD NEVER got his due. Hulk Hogan wants to make a movie (not) starring Chris Lloyd and he takes out Zeus?
    You really think Kama wouldn't have OWNED Hogan if given the chance?
    Ahmed Johnson was held back cause the WWE is THE MAN!
    DoX was started to MOCK the Nation of Domination!
    Farooq was doing FINE but they went and teammed him with that Bradshaw dude who hates Jewish people. BOO WWE!
