Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Champ is WHO!?

As I was preparing to write this blog, as I flipping through Ric Flair’s book, “To Be the Man”, about to read it. Then I read a quote that took me back to this weeks edition of Monday Night Raw, that was about the slammy awards.

Every part of entertainment has its own line of awards. WWE is no exception. They call their’s the “The Slammy’s”. The slummy awards are the awards given to pro wrestler by the WWE.

Well at the beginning of the show, they had their 1st presenter, David Arquette, come out and give away an award. While he was getting ready to give away the award, he said something that I almost forgot, but was also brought up in this book, that makes me say, WHO THE HELL WAS IN CHARGE OF THIS!?!!!!?!!??!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?! And that is David Arquette is the 44th WCW World Heavyweight Champion.

I know you are probably wondering if you are reading this correctly, well yes you are. Arquette was the champion of the organization that has had men, great wrestlers, as their champion. An organization, whose championship heritage can be traced way back to the golden ages of pro wrestling.

Arquette was mad champion as a “work” (part of a storyline) to promote the movie “Ready to rumble”, that also stared Arquette. In the match he did not really wrestle anyone, he just so happened to be the guy who pinned the man in the match, who was not a wrestler either. He was ex-WCW president Eric Bischoff.

Now don’t get me wrong, I know that at the time WCW was trying to get into other forms of entertainment. They had dancing girls entertaining the fans in the down time between matches, they had musical acts during the show, and they had a movie produced that seems like it might be based on the life of Ric Flair, in Ready to Rumble. So I do understand why they tried to cross promote.

But HOW DARE YOU. This is the WCW Championship. Think about the entire list of great wrestlers who held this belt. Flair, Hulk Hogan, Sting, Vader, Ron Simmons, Lex Luger, Goldberg. Hell even guys who I wouldn’t consider greats in the sport, like The Giant (Big Show in WWE), Kevin Nash, and Jeff Jarrett. Not to mention all of the great wrestlers who have never (and I guess will never) worn this belt. You should have more respect for the business and for the wrestlers who have made this business what it is!

I am sure that this is why there is no more WCW. You can not run a company, in an industry drappped in tradition and respect, and not respect the tradition that your company has. And you cannot respect it if you are giving an actor your World Heavyweight Championship.


The answer to last week’s question: Who is the oldest WWE champion? Vince McMahon.

This week’s question: Who was the 1st Intercontinental Champion? (Feel free to answer these questions)


  1. aren't they ALL actors?

    PS, Jimmy King would have TOTALLY Crowned Arquette then made out with Courtney Cox, Patricia and Rosanna in front of him!

  2. You are just on a roll today. And I don't think Jimmy King could have crowned anyone!
