Monday, February 6, 2012

Rumble Review

Hello all

Today I am going to do something a little different. I am going to do a Rumble Review. This was requested by one of our loyal followers. He asked for a review of the events of last week’s rumble, which will be leading us into the “Elimination Chamber” Pay per View, and of course the “Grand Daddy of them all” WrestleMania.

Some important things that we need to know about the events from last week. Daniel Bryan is still the World Heavyweight Champion. This is big news because, I am going to be honest with you, I have no idea why he is still champion. Sometimes the WWE puts a title on someone, they realize immediately that they made a mistake by putting the belt on him, and they take the belt off of him. But Bryan has kept the belt for two months. I don’t see what they have to prove by keeping the belt on him any longer. But I also do not see them putting the belt on anyone else. The people in the match are the same guys who have been on top of SmackDown for the last year and two men who he just survived a cage match with. If the Big Show and Mark Henry could not beat him in a cage match, why do I think they can beat him in the Chamber? So I say all of that to say that I believe that Bryan will be the World Heavyweight Champion going into Mania.

Next was the WWE Championship. CM Punk successfully defended the title vs. Dolph Ziggler. Now, I think Ziggler is the future of this business, and I thought this would be a perfect opportunity for them to put the title on him and start his career as a champion. But Punk is still pretty hot because of the things he said and the WWE fans will be in love with him for a long time because of that. And so going into the Chamber PPV, Punk is the favorite to retain his title. Again just like the SmackDown match, the RAW one will contain all of the guys who have been on top of Raw for the past year, except John Cena. They have Cena involved in a feud with Kane, and they won’t put him in the Chamber because of that. But I think that with all of the same guys in the Raw main event, you will see Punk walk out of the Chamber with the WWE title in tow.

This leads us to the winner of the Rumble. Shamus won the 30 man-over-the-top-rope Royal Rumble match. This is somewhat strange to me. Shamus has been doing a lot in the past year and a half. He has won the US title, the “King of the Ring”, and since being drafted to SmackDown, he has become one of the top guys on that show. But, the reason why it is weird to me is because Shamus is already a two time WWE champ. There is no reason to have him win the Rumble to get him to the main event at Mania, to get him over. Normally the Rumble winner is a guy who is finally going to get over with the fans, to get ready for the new World Champion i.e.: Batista ’05, Rey Mysterio ’06 or even Stone Cold ’98. Also it can be for guys who are just coming back from injury and need to be brought back into the minds of the WWE fans, i.e.: Edge ’10, Randy Orton ’09, John Cena ’08. But Shamus is already over with the fans. He could have won the World Championship, and been in the same spot as Daniel Bryan, and no one would have thought twice about it. Also he is not coming back from injury. Shamus has been working for more than a year straight. One last thing about this, I guess the thing that is bothering me the most is the fact that I can’t remember a great match that Shamus has had. As you all know, I watch a lot of WWE, and a lot of their old matches. Every match that I have seen with Shamus was good, but not great, and any time I have thought that he was in a great match, it was his opponent who I thought was great, not Shamus.

The Rumble this year is over, and now we are on our way to WrestleMania. I have thoughts about what I have seen going on after the Rumble. I could be wrong, but this is what I see happening. I bet you are wondering who I think Shamus will face at Mania? Well I think the Daniel Bryan is not much a champion. I think that will be the person everyone wants to see lose his title. So that is my prediction.


  1. Sounds like you want Sheamus to take down the no-name champ. Do you see Dolph taking the title from Punk at Mania or will Cena win it as a heel?

  2. Yes, I would love Sheamus to take down the no-name champ. I don't see Cena turning heel. He is too far face, he would have to spit in a kid's face for anyone to take him seriously as a heel.
