Sunday, March 20, 2011

Where is my invitation?

Hello All

So I as I said on the last blog, I do not want to write one where I would “kill” people or companies in the business on a weekly basis. I am a huge fan of the business and I don’t want to sit up here and write on a computer, how I could do things better, or what I would do if I were running any of these companies. But I also wanted to write a blog that I thought would be very real. A place where fans could come and read something from a fan (just like you). Someone whom you may know. Someone who won’t act like he is smarter than you, and or bigger than the business. Unfortunately, this week will be another blog that is not very positive. But I will try my hardest not to make this as bad as some would think. This week’s blog is going to be about the WWE Hall of Fame.

This year the WWE is inducting 5 people (so far). Shawn Michaels, “Hacksaw” Jim Duggan, “Bullet” Bob Armstrong, Sunny, and Drew Carey. Of these 5 there is only one no brainer, sure fire, hall of famer. Shawn Michaels. Michaels is a legend in pro wrestling. If you have been watching pro wrestling in the last 20 years, than you know all about Michaels. But beyond Shawn Michaels, you have a very strange group of inductees, and this seems to be becoming a pattern for the WWE.

“Hacksaw” Jim Duggan was a good wrestler, back in the 80s. But he was never a main event guy. He never (as far as I remember), was the main event of any WWE pay per view. He never won a WWE Championship, of any kind. And yes he did win the 1st ever Royal Rumble, but in the beginning of this event, the winner did not get a shot at the championship at Wrestlemania. After his years in WWE he went to WCW and won a few titles, but that was when the inmates were running the asylum. And even those titles were not the big ones. Hell, David Arquette won the WCW title, and Duggan could not. He was a fan favorite in the 80s, but not a Hall of Famer.

“Bullet” Bob Armstrong was before my time, but everything I have read about him says that he is a Hall of Famer.

Sunny!? Sunny!? Whos is Sunny you ask? Sunny is billed as the “1st diva” in the WWE. Now I understand she was one of the first women to come around during the early 90s (the dark days) in the WWE. She was a manager, and she managed many WWE tag team champions back then. She aided in ushering in the Attitude Era. She was very sexy and scantily clad when she came to the ring. She was the most downloaded woman on AOL in 1996, and was even named Manager of the year by Pro Wrestling Illustrated. I understand she did a lot back then, but when a woman like Miss Elizabeth is not in the Hall, I don’t think Sunny should make it. She was a big deal for that one year, 2 tops, but I can’t tell you when anyone has ever been compared to Sunny. Sunny was great for her time, and did help to make young men watch wrestling at the time, but I do not think she is a Hall of Famer.

Last, and most certainly least: DREW CAREY. WWE does normally induct a celebrity every year into the Hall of Fame. This must stop. Carey is a fan of the WWE. He was in the 2001 Royal Rumble. But isn’t anyone’s Hall of Fame supposed to be a sacred place where you honor all of the participants in your business, whatever that may be. It could be baseball, football, acting, dance, sales, etc. whatever it is, if you have a Hall of Fame, you should put people in there, so when someone looks back through the years, they will see who you were. So with all of that said, what significance does Drew Carey have with the sport of Professional Wrestling.

There are a number of people in the WWE Hall of Fame, who should not be there. If putting these people in makes WWE feel good, I would like to throw my name in the hat.



  1. Sunny was the manager for Skip? if I recall. They used to do exercise routines in the ring, right? I belive I remember them calling all of the fans fat. That doesn't make them heels, just NOT blind.

  2. Who cares. She is Sunny. I looked her up, she is still pretty hot, but does that make her worth of the Hall of Fame?
