Sunday, November 7, 2010

May I have you attention, please!?

Here we are again. My favorite part of the week, another wrestling blog for you guys to read.

In keeping with the themes I have had for the last few weeks, I love what is going on in WWE. Raw and Smackdown have just been downright great, the last few weeks. The John Cena joining the Nexus storyline is just fantastic. Like I wrote weeks ago, I think this storyline is getting fans back on board with Cena. And Randy Orton is just great. He has lead Raw for the last 2 years, and been doing it well, if you ask me. And the Vince and Stephanie McMahon videos were funny. Then you have Smackdown. The Kane storyline, where he was trying to find the person who put the Undertaker in a “vegetated state”, and him destroying the whole roster, from Rey Mysterio to the Big Show, was just classic. And when Taker came back they had an epic battle, even bringing back Paul Bearer for a minute. Just Awesome!

With that said, there are of course things I would do differently, if I were in charge up in Connecticut. Nothing is more telling of that than the Raw General Manager situation. At first it seemed kind of cool, and funny. Now it is kind of out of control. I don’t know why they keep doing it. Why they keep going back to it. I am not sure, but I have a theory. I believe the Raw GM is really Michael Cole, and I think he is in charge of the Nexus. What makes me say that? Listen to Cole over the last 2-3 months. He seems like he is the heel announcer. You know the announcer who is always on the heel’s (bad guy’s) side. They are famous in pro wrestling, from Jesse “The Body” Ventura to Bobby “The Brian” Heenan. The heel announcer is essential to pro wrestling. But Cole was never that guy. But now all of a sudden, he is cheering for all of the heels, and he is talking bad about some of the faces. And he seems to be very much against Daniel Bryan, and all for the Nexus. I think he is the GM, and is trying to stay anonymous.
The reason I don’t like this is because this seems an awful lot like WCW. Remember back in WCW, when Eric Bischoff was the announcer, and the NWO was first getting started? No one knew who was in charge. Then later on it came to light that Bischoff was not only the announcer, but he was in charge of the show. And to add insult to injury, he was the man in charge of the NWO. My big problem with this is that I don’t think WWE should be following the pattern of a company that is now defunct. I have a real problem with this. Don’t get me wrong, I know most things in life are cyclical, and pretty much nothing is all that original, not even wrestling storylines, but I would have loved to see something different.

When they started the whole anonymous GM thing, they used some of the catch phrases of some of the legends of WWE. Doing that made it seem like they would have one of these guys as the GM, but they have stopped doing that, and have made almost everything the Raw GM does, very personal for Michael Cole.

I could be wrong, and Cole may not be the GM, but if I am correct, I think this a bad idea by WWE. I think they have a good enough writing staff, a good enough front office, and good enough bookers, to not need to reach back, and pull that storyline of the trash.

Coming soon, a wrestling did you know (let’s see how much you really know)

AND THAT’S THE BOTTOM LINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. So if Cole is the GM, he is the head writer too? He would be coming up with storylines? If so, isn't that a little above his paygrade? I never thought of him as a "top mind" in the biz. I would think someone else would be doing all of that.
    Are you saying he is just the "pretend" in charge of the show, or is he ACTUALLY in charge?

    I would think they could get some one better? Some one that perhaps isn't buddy/buddy that isn't influenced by the politics and maybe can look on it from a non-biased point that would keep the fans tuning in.

  2. PS a few more bball players as wrestlers....
    Kane as Ewing = both big guys. seemed like a good idea but always outdone by a smaller, faster, quicker, more personable rival (MJ and HBK)

    Sting as Vince Carter = so much potential that you wanted to scream at him for not living up to it

    Clyde Drexler as Jim Neidhart. Both had success early because the main attention was given to a teammate (Hakeem at Houston, Bret with Hart Foundation). Both were push but ultimately floundered in the solo arena. Then both found more "success" with a new team (Owen Hart and with Rockets). Given lots of attention STRICTLY because of teammates and could never handle it on own.

    Barkley as Roddy Pipper. The personalities, duh, but both were RIGHT THERE ready to zoom right off but neither could make the push past Hogan/Flair or MJ. Both great with a mic

    Tracy McGrady as Scott Steiner. Pretty good as a teammate with original squad/tagteam (Raptors and Steiner Bros) then left to pursue solo accomplishments to some early success. Reinvention necessary (As Big Poppa Pump for Steiner and as a prick for TMac with Houston). Then became a nomad to wind down career. Both are still going at it (I think) in obscurity (TNA? and Detroit after NY Knicks)

  3. Fletcher, I like where your head is. 1st, I don't think that Cole is a head writer(though I think he is one of the main writers), but I think for storyline, they are going to do this with Cole. Now as far as Basketball players, I love the new comparisons. Kane as Patrick Ewing, is Brilliant. I'm not sure about Sting, as Vince Carter, because Sting is a guy, that has always got the respect of his peers, and the fans. Something Vince Carter can not buy. Barkely as Piper is good. And McGrady as Steiner is "Zonetastic". Someone who started out as a great person, whom everyone thought would be one of the greats, but injuries and attitude, has stopped both of them from achieving greatness.

    Thanks for the comments, and for reading!
