Thursday, August 19, 2010

Yay for TNA!!!!!

Hello everyone

It has taken me a second to get my footing with this blogging thing. But here I am. Just a little back round on me. I am an avid avid pro wrestling fan. I have been watching wrestling with my father since I was a very young child, and have gotten family members into it. I was sitting trying to explain wrestling one night to my wife, and she said "why don't you start a blog, so you can explain these things to people". So I am here to do this blog and just give you my opinion about pro wrestling. I am a mostly WWE watcher. I am a big fan of Stone Cold Steve Austin As I said last time(and I am sorry, but that was at least a month or two ago), I keep up with the wrestling organizations that are on TV WWE and TNA. I go on websites and read as much stuff as I can, try to keep up with the other stuff, but I obviously can only keep up with the ones I watch. If you would like me to comment on something you know about, please leave me a message, and I will gladly, gladly read or go on a website and watch it. Okay, with that said let's get into to my blog for this week, TNA.

I watched  TNA Impact last week, and their special, "The Whole F***N Show". I will say their are not a lot of things that I think are good in TNA. I don't think it is a good idea for them to have a lot of the guys who were there when WCW went under(Hogan, Nash, Hall when he is not drunk or in jail, Russo, and Bischoff). Something about that doesn't make much sense to me. A lot of their decisions also have not made sense. They redid the Montreal Screw Job. Yep, a dumb decision. Anyway back to what I started with, I watched the show last week. I must say, I was very impressed with what I saw. I thought alot of the matches were great. AJ Styles maybe the most underrated guy in wrestling. His match with Kurt Angle was fantastic! Then the Motor City Machine Guns, vs Beer Money Inc. for the TNA Tag  Team Titles. This was maybe the match of the year, in ALL of wrestling! Then ending the show with that melee of the old ECW guys(I forget what they are calling them, because they can't say ECW), it was an awesome show. For the first time, maybe since I have started to watch TNA on a weekly basis, this was clearly the best show they have ever done. Now I am not sure if this is because they had no interview, and just did what they are good at, show case their young talent. Not that the show was perfect. The "main event" left alot to be desired. RVD vs. Abyss was a horrible match, so was the "Knockout's" Title match. But overall, an excellent program. If we can get more of this out of TNA, then maybe we can have some of the wrestling we got used to in the mid to late 90s. Again I know 1 show does not make a company, and I am not ready to hitch my wagon to TNA, but they are making baby steps to become a real organization.

Well guys that's what I have to say for tonight. If you have anything you want to say, please leave me a response.

AND THAT'S THE BOTTOM LINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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